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Apr 25, 2012
Will there be anything else?!?!

So I am in the middle of a flare after doing extremely well for about a month I get horribly, uncontrolably ill one night and everything has been crap ever since. Thanks to Imuran my liver enzymes have risen from a mildly elevated 74 to over 600 in 2 weeks causing my dr to pull me off ALL medications except synthroid and flagyl (which makes me feel horrible) that he just prescribed for me.

Back to the lab next week, back to the dr the week after that. Need to cancel my preop appointment with my OBGYN since my liver levels are so high the tubal is a no go for me.

My 2 year old son will have to be sedated next month in order to get 2 root canals and caps on his front teeth that he killed in a freak accident where his face met a park bench.

And to top it all of my HR department won't approve my FMLA paperwork because they need an estimate on how often I will need off but the dr said because of the nature of Crohn's you cannot possibly predict how often there will be a flare up and since that won't work my leave donation paperwork is pretty much useless too.

Oh yeah and my hubby has been having constant headaches for the past week and actually went to the dr (huge shock, he NEVER goes) and has to go back next week. I don't know what for because he won't tell me, says I have enough to worry about.

So again I say, will there be anything else?!?!?:angry-banghead:

If you made it through that then thanks for listening!
So sorry to hear you are so unwell & what with everything else you've got going on. Crohns timing is always rubbish & the stresses & strains it imposes on us are huge. But since joining this forum the one thing I've noticed is us Crohnie's are mentally tough. My Gastro Specialist told me that people with Crohns learn to put up with a lot, its true.
I hope things turn round for you soon, especially your work HR dept (like you need that right now).
Best Wishes
Goodness! You sure have alot on your plate at the moment!!

I wonder why these things are sent to test us, and why oh why cant they be sent to test us one at a time?

Be strong, and know that on this forum people are listening and understand.

Best wishes to you and your family,


I just feel like going to bed and saying "Ok, wake me up when its over!"

Deep breaths and one day at a time right? :)

Exactly! If I try to take more than one day at a time, they tackle me! Have you in my thoughts and prayers, BG. A favorite saying of mine is
"This too, shall pass"
WOW you have alot going on. I am sorry you are going through so much. Every job I have worked at the HR department always seems difficult to deal with. Why is that? Just keep putting one foot infront of the other and keep going. My best friends mom would always tell us to...wipe the sh*t from your shoes and keep walking... LOL little did she know that literally I would have to do that. Good luck

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