Funny or Odd things that happened to you after GA for surgery?

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Dec 31, 2010
I would love to have a good laugh as I am sure most of you would as well, at the funny or odd things that happened to us after general anaesthetic for surgery (including testing).

I was born right handed (another poll made me think of this lol), and after my 2nd surgery (3 days after my 1st), I couldn't write in my journal or cross-stich (craft I picked up as I was crazy bored in hospital for few months), with my normal (R) hand! My writing looked like a baby with a pen and I couldn't even get the needle through the hole in my crafts as my hand was so clumsy. So I had a nap figuring it was my meds, when I woke I grabbed my journal and started to write, which I did very well! So I picked up my craft and did this as well. It was supper time that night when mom came in for a visit and I was writing, she was like "GG what the heck are you doing?" I looked down and here I was writing away with my left hand! And had been crafting the same! I have never been able to do that! I could only use my left hand for 2.5 weeks and then woke up one morning and it was back to normal, each time I had switched tho, it wasn't a concious decision, I did it without a thought!

Another one was when I woke up and was moved back to the floor and pain under control I wanted a popsicle (as the surgery was on an abcess not in bowel I was allowed clear fluids afterwards), anyway I kept buzzing the nurse for popsicles she would bring it in and I would open it, lay it down and pass out. Apparently I went through an entire 24box of pops!! None were eaten all were placed around me in the bed, under blankets, under pillow, on top of my chest and tummy, even on my legs! They obviously melted too!! When my fav. nurse came in in the morning to check on me she burst out laughing saying I looked like damn rainbow bright!! I was covered in green orange, pink, and purple coloring, literally from my head to my toes!! She had to help clean me up and strip the bed, call housekeeping b/c the juice had dripped off the bed and was everywhere on the floor!! Everything was sticky and full of pops colors, they even had to change all my tubing, ivs and get a new bed with a clean mattress!! LOL


Oh man that's a great story. My son just asked me what I was laughing at !! So thanks for a great laugh :)
I was on Morphine after my first GA. I'd never been on Morphine before and nobody told me that I might hallucinate. I was sure – absolutely positive – that they were filming a movie in the halls while I tried to sleep. I also believed that I had brought dozens of magazines with me to the hospital, and when I couldn’t see them in my room I actually called my wife’s father and work and yelled at him: “Your daughter has been stealing my magazines, and for every one that she doesn’t bring back, that’s one less Christmas present I’m buying for you and the family!”

Needless to say they took away my phone and changed my pain medication.

Haha quite funny. After my surgery while I was on my dilauded pump I was texting people in my contacts on my cell phone random things like "Good luck in Toronto" etc.

What a coincidence that you replied to my post - I also live in Kelowna. Just had my second GA at KGH last November. Dr. Sullivan ran the knife.

This isn't really anything like a hallucination but more a wrong impression. Each time the nurse would come into my room she'd yell BREATHE!! like a drill sargent. So I'd jerk awake and take in a huge panicky breath. She barged in yelling at me all day and all night for days.

I found out later she'd politely and in a normal voice say "breathe" whenever she happened to be in the room, which certainly wasn't all day and all night. And it wasn't for days on end either, just a couple. :D

During this same surgery me and my room mate had an ongoing battle with the thermostat, with her sneaking around to make it warmer and me making the hubs make it colder. She FINALLY went home. Sigh. ;D
I hada good laugh at these, meds make us do weird things. My nana has CD and after her surg. they gave her morphine. Her roommate was groaning and my nana kept yelling at her to shut-up and then she would randomly wake up shouting bingo numbers and yelling bingo! She also tried to set her surgeon up with my aunt (surg. was in his 60's and my aunt was married!) lol poor nana