Funny Story, Dh and needles

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Aug 9, 2010
My dh broke his leg last week. Part of the treatment is having 30 heparine injections in 30 days to avoid blood clots.

He got the first at the hospital. The next day I bought the rest and took one of the injections out of the box. It was a tiny needle with just 0.2ml of liquid.

I am having 40mg Humira shots every 15 days so this miniscule needle actually made me laugh.

So I take the syringe, take off the air put some alcohol in dhs belly and poke him.

He goes "OUCH" the first day, then Deep breath and "OUCH" the second day.

Same thing happens the third day.

By then I told him to stop acting like a baby and quit screaming. And he answers "Well the nurse at the hospital was better at giving the shots than you"

I got a little mad then "Listen Mr fearless blood donor, I Inject MY belly every other week with 40mg of Humira, quit being a whiny baby and sit still to have your shot, otherwise I am going to give you the needle and let you inject yourself, which means you will probably poke your eye with it"

That was the last time he whined, ever since he sits still and is having his shot like a big boy he is (he is 47):ylol::ylol:
Isn't that funny! Men can be such babies! Shots used to really scare me. I was a child in the 1970s and 80s when penicillin shots were still being used routinely. Ouch! Those things hurt! To make it worse, they have to go in your butt. When I was in my mid-twenties, my asthma took a turn for the worse, and I decided to try out a naturopathic doctor for a while. He prescribed trigger point injections. Those were lidocain injections given at various trigger points, usually in my back and shoulder area. They hurt and were very freaky at first, but they really did help. In addition to a change in my medication, those trigger point injections really helped to get my asthma under control. Lets see besides the penicillin shots, the trigger point injections, vaccinations, dental anesthetic; I've also had my big toenail on my left foot removed three times because of ingrowns (horribly ingrown). The ones in the toes weren't too bad. They sound gross though. I don't believe that I am afraid of shots anymore. LOL! Thanks for sharing the story. I've literally been poked in every part of my body except my eyeballs. LOL!
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