funny that, im symptom free and medication free, but the doc's disappointed!
Hi everyone,
Ethan's my nick (real name ehsan) and I thought i'd share a quick story about my experience with Crohn's. First, i would just like to say that looking back now I see this challenge as a blessing, a wake up call, to being able to live life to the fullest. I am still heading down a path of awakening my life's true worth and with everyday that passes, it becomes more apparent.
I was diagnosed with Crohn's 13 yrs ago at the age of 15. I have been through the ups and downs, from the "cant wait" syndrome, to heavy bleeding from my rectum, inflammation, pains and constipation. I was also diagnosed with a more serious disease a few years later, another auto-immune condition that was making me severly anaemic. Up until 5 years ago, I had simply accepted my fate that I would regularly be on toxic drugs, fatigued, experience flare-ups and pain, and undergo possible surgery. I did not like the sound of that at all.
The time came to make a choice, to take my situation more seriously, because I did not want to live that way.
Determined, I tried all avenues out there, from alternative medicines, chinese therapies/acupuncture, to weird herbs and even psychic healers. Most seemed to alleviate the symptoms to some extent but definitly no magical cure there. And then I discovered meditation, which helped me relax my individual muscles and organs and this was a major leap in my health. It helped with my anxiety and worriness. I felt a sense of peace and inner power to be able to achieve my goals and dreams. From then I read and applied much research about the psychology of healing and positivity, and things have been very, very good since then.
Not only have I overcome the physical symptoms of Crohn's, I am no longer mentally suffering from the fear of it returning and its awful symptoms. I am on zero, 0, nada, zilch, giro medication. Instead, I medicate myself with a balanced diet of meditation, exercise, fruits, vege's, fish, meat, grains and breads, chocolate , friends and plenty of other goodies. I have been free of symptoms and med's for the last 4 years and while you might be thinking well thats just remission and its only a matter of time before it comes back, well i doubt many can say they have been off med's for 4 yrs in the first place, and even though there is always a chance it could flare up, i dont plan to let it.
Though I currently have a fairly stressful IT Support job, I have increased my exercise time, and i plan to be in a more relaxed job very soon. It has however not affected my health other than some muscle tension.
So why was my doctor disappointed? Well I went in for a check-up after 1 year! He didnt like the fact i didnt make an appointment with him earlier. But I was disappointed that he wanted to charge money for seeing a healthy person?!
So I did a colonoscopy to see how things were going, and he was surprised that there was nothing to see. He mentioned there was very mild redness in a small area but that could've been the raspberry juice i drank before
So there you go, 4 years and counting...i dont know how many years i would have to live healthy like this to consider myself cured, but all i know is that im living a healthy life now, more energetic than most my peers, symptom and drug free, and that to me is all I could ask for. I am aware of my body's energy state, whether im stressed , or anxious etc and take steps to recover and heal from it on my own. No doctors, no toxic drugs, just awareness of how the body and mind really works and a deep appreciation for life, love, adventure and all that jazz.
I hope I have inspired you even the smallest amount to not give up hope and know deep down that there is a better life awaiting you if you open your mind and start taking action.
Off to sri lanka and india in a few weeks for some 3rd world adventure!
Take care!
Love Ethan.
Hi everyone,
Ethan's my nick (real name ehsan) and I thought i'd share a quick story about my experience with Crohn's. First, i would just like to say that looking back now I see this challenge as a blessing, a wake up call, to being able to live life to the fullest. I am still heading down a path of awakening my life's true worth and with everyday that passes, it becomes more apparent.
I was diagnosed with Crohn's 13 yrs ago at the age of 15. I have been through the ups and downs, from the "cant wait" syndrome, to heavy bleeding from my rectum, inflammation, pains and constipation. I was also diagnosed with a more serious disease a few years later, another auto-immune condition that was making me severly anaemic. Up until 5 years ago, I had simply accepted my fate that I would regularly be on toxic drugs, fatigued, experience flare-ups and pain, and undergo possible surgery. I did not like the sound of that at all.
The time came to make a choice, to take my situation more seriously, because I did not want to live that way.
Determined, I tried all avenues out there, from alternative medicines, chinese therapies/acupuncture, to weird herbs and even psychic healers. Most seemed to alleviate the symptoms to some extent but definitly no magical cure there. And then I discovered meditation, which helped me relax my individual muscles and organs and this was a major leap in my health. It helped with my anxiety and worriness. I felt a sense of peace and inner power to be able to achieve my goals and dreams. From then I read and applied much research about the psychology of healing and positivity, and things have been very, very good since then.
Not only have I overcome the physical symptoms of Crohn's, I am no longer mentally suffering from the fear of it returning and its awful symptoms. I am on zero, 0, nada, zilch, giro medication. Instead, I medicate myself with a balanced diet of meditation, exercise, fruits, vege's, fish, meat, grains and breads, chocolate , friends and plenty of other goodies. I have been free of symptoms and med's for the last 4 years and while you might be thinking well thats just remission and its only a matter of time before it comes back, well i doubt many can say they have been off med's for 4 yrs in the first place, and even though there is always a chance it could flare up, i dont plan to let it.
Though I currently have a fairly stressful IT Support job, I have increased my exercise time, and i plan to be in a more relaxed job very soon. It has however not affected my health other than some muscle tension.
So why was my doctor disappointed? Well I went in for a check-up after 1 year! He didnt like the fact i didnt make an appointment with him earlier. But I was disappointed that he wanted to charge money for seeing a healthy person?!
So I did a colonoscopy to see how things were going, and he was surprised that there was nothing to see. He mentioned there was very mild redness in a small area but that could've been the raspberry juice i drank before
So there you go, 4 years and counting...i dont know how many years i would have to live healthy like this to consider myself cured, but all i know is that im living a healthy life now, more energetic than most my peers, symptom and drug free, and that to me is all I could ask for. I am aware of my body's energy state, whether im stressed , or anxious etc and take steps to recover and heal from it on my own. No doctors, no toxic drugs, just awareness of how the body and mind really works and a deep appreciation for life, love, adventure and all that jazz.
I hope I have inspired you even the smallest amount to not give up hope and know deep down that there is a better life awaiting you if you open your mind and start taking action.
Off to sri lanka and india in a few weeks for some 3rd world adventure!
Take care!
Love Ethan.