Galbladder out??

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May 24, 2010
So most of you know Im scheduled for surgery on Friday. Today I had a hida scan to look at my galbladder, and they see that my galbladder is BROKEN!! What?? Its not working?!? Its really large and not pumping the bile into my intestines!! Im not shocked, but at the same time I am. Of all the times Ive been so ill and in and out of the hospital, why havnt they noticed that its malfunctioning? SO my question to you is, do yo have your galbladder?? HOw common is it to have it taken out when you have IBD? Im relieved to know that something is apparently obviously wrong, but at the same time, Im upset to know that the many times Ive been in and out of the hospital, NOBODY has figured this out. And according to my latest scans, my GI said it looks like its we will check things out!! Again, completely disappointed in out medical doctors~
I've had mine out, but it was totally unrelated to my IBD. There can be several reasons why the gallbladder malfunctions, the most common one being gallstones.
I had my gallbladder removed about 4 years ago. They said it was only working at like a 20% capacity or something like that. So I had it taken out. I don't know if it was neccesarily b/c of IBD, but I was in a flare at the time.. well.. I've just been in one huge flare since diagnosis.. so I'm not sure if its related!
oh, and good luck on your surgery!!! Hopefully you will recover quickly.

Are they doing it laprascopically?
I've got a polyp in my gallbladder, does'nt cause me any trouble but its scanned regulary to make sure its not growing.

But what i really wrote to say is that my partner had her g/bladder removed 4 days ago as result of stones but on removal it was found to be also badly inflammed, she doesn't have IBD.

Operation went well and it was done by keyhole surgery so she should be good in a couple of days time, hope your surgery goes equally well.
i have been having major problems with my crohns and stomach since may the er docs keep thinking my gallbladder is bad by the ultra sounds show sludge but not stones and the hida scan shows im at 38% ejection fraction and the surgon says its fine but dont know they gave me some muscle relaxation to help with the pain.
I had my gallbladder out about 2 wks before getting my crohns dx. The reason was lots of gallstones.
I had my gallbladder removed just before I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. Like a week or so before. My specialist told me that the two commonly go together. Gallstones and Crohn's. Not sure if that would apply to IBS or not.

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