GasEx and Beano

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Nov 14, 2006
Hey has anyone tried these for gas? Do they help with the pains? I just want something for the gas pains... I mean I guess you guys know that our gas isnt always just farting... in fact sometimes it isnt so the pain just stays there and its a horrible pain. It'd almost be better if I was able to fart it out... Ok... this thread has gotten a bit funny.
I use it

Yep, I know what you mean. Sometimes my gas pain can be worse than the Crohn's cramps. Kinda sits in one spot and gurgles and hurts and gurgles again. The wife gets concerned on those days.

I have taken Gas-Ex. I usually use the maximum strength Gas-Ex plus. Can't remember what all it's got in it, but I go for the heavy stuff when I'm in need. If I know I'm gonna have a problem with something I'll take the Gas-Ex first thing and then take it again after dinner. Rolaids has a chewy antacid soft chew that has antigas in it too that is kinda like eating candy.

Sometimes the anti-gas stuff helps sometimes it don't. I also take hot baths when I'm not moving very well and kinda turn in different positions in the tub to try to get things moving. Again, sometimes it helps and sometimes it doesn't.
I usually use malox with anti-gas. My bf didn't believe me when I told him I felt like I had a beach ball in my stomach but I know it is riciculous pain!
I have tried Beano & Mylanta Anti Gas & Malox. Sometimes they help & most times they don`t. It gets so bad that my stomach swells up & I look about 9 months pregnant (I have actually been asked when my baby is due :( ) I think the poor folks who ask me are much more embarrassed than I. Does that happen to anyone else? Like you can`t even move, just kind of waddle & are in considerable pain? I can`t even wear my regular clothes because they do not button ir zip. Thanks
Hi Soccermom,

Yep I get that too, I look funny too sometimes, cos I'm slim but when I have bad gas, like the last couple of days, I too look like im pregnant with a big football belly. I take Mebeverine which sometimes helps but I usually just have to wait and sit it out and within about 3 hours it starts to ease. Only trouble is, and this has been happening over the last week now, every time I eat I bloat right up again, thought I had got rid of that now I have the stoma, but apparently not!!
