Gastro or surgeon for colonoscopies

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Feb 25, 2010
Hello everyone. For this test i've had it done twice by a surgeon. Should i be getting next ones by a gastro dr. or it makes no difference.
Mine have always been done by my GI doc also does surgeries though.....

I would ask how often and how many they have done before saying ok to the gastro - not sure how the practices are run by you.....doesn't hurt to ask!
for me it depended on who wanted it done. If my GI wanted to take a look around then he did it. When my surgeon wanted one she did it.
I agree with vonfunk, depends on why you are having it done and who orders it. If it's routine or for diagnosis, I would want my GI to do it because he/she will be the one that's treating me and they should know as much as possible. But if I had a pending surgery, I would want the surgeon to have a look.
thanks for replies. I'm not having surgery, and surgeon still not sure if uc or chrons but for now he says mild uc. I've never seen a gastro dr. yet. I quess it would of been better if one had done this last test. I do know this surgeon does alot of colonoscopies, but i don't know if that makes him good at it. I do know that if its routine or dx, i will definitely get my dr. to refer me to one for my next test.
I'd say go with a good GI doctor. I've had 2 colonoscopies one by a GI and the other by a colrectal surgeon. Long story short the surgeon misdiagnosed me with and infection and i ended up suffering from improper treatment of my condition, even though i had ulcers and inflammation. My second colonoscopy performed by my GI he had me diagnosed much quicker and confirmed crohns and began treatment which helped me get better quicker. Mind you this is just a subjective case and i'm not saying surgeons are bad but a GI will definetly know what to be looking for or in some cases what not to look for. Good luck :) - Tim
I have only ever known GI's to do colonoscopy's. The colorectal surgeons at the hospital where Matt was didn't do the colonoscopy's, they strictly did the cutting.

My personal opinion is, surgeons are great at what they do but when it comes to diagnosing and your ongoing care of Crohns they really are not up on current treatments. If you can find a GI that is Crohns specialist or at least has an interest in it then you are far better of with them doing your colonoscopy.

I guess the exception to this would be if your surgeon strictly did surgery for IBD. I would imagine these type of surgeons would be few and far between and lets face it, the demographic and their bowels that most docs (paeds aside), whether they be GI's or surgeons, are seeing are not the age that majority of members on this forum are. I bet that when many people here are admitted to a specialist colorectal ward they would easily find themselves to be the youngest patient there. Hmmm, this last paragraph is most likely a lot of useless waffle to you! Sorry!

Dusty. xxx
I've had colonoscopies by both GI docs and colorectal surgeons. I agree with vonfunk--sorta depends on the reason on why you're getting it in the first place.
thank you for replies. I;m kind of worried now becasue on 1st one he said mild colitis, now 2nd one he was puzzled that my colon is better than the first test and he thinks possible crohns now but still dx with colitis. I don't ;understand how it can be less and yet my symptoms have increased slightly. Still waiting for biopsy results. I'm worried becasue i think i should of seen a gastro for 2nd test. Shouldn't the surgeon refered me to a gastro for my 2nd test. I realllly hate to take another test but if i have to then i will. For me to see one i have to go anywhere from 3 to 5 hr trip. To top it off i;m the only ibd patient my dr. has. He's not familier with this disease. I going to have to change my dr. becasue i barely got him to do a ditigal rectal exam.

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