Exclusive EN for 5 weeks is a HUGE accomplishment!!!!!!!!!!
My son recently transitioned back to food after 6 weeks of EN and did it in 3 phases. First phase he was allowed white bread, plain white noodles, white rice, mashed potatoes (no butter or milk), plain dry cereal, milk free cream of wheat or arrowroot cookies. He did phase 1 for about 5 days. Phase 2 he was allowed to add plain baked chicken or turkey (no skin), plain fish, soft cooked veggies (we did carrots), canned fruit (we did applesauce, pears and peaches). We added things one at a time and waited for a couple days and then added more. After he was eating some meat and some cooked veggies or fruit we went to phase 3. In phase 3 he was allowed to add some fats (butter, etc.) and dairy (he tolerates dairy).
The whole process took a while but he LOVED having something to eat after so long without eating that I don't think he cared.
Congrats again and enjoy that food!!! :dance: