hey justin!
first of all, serious props to you for seeking out ways to be able to support her

that shows a lot of caring on your part, so good job already ok?
i can identify with your gf quite well actually....im 19 y/o and have had crohns for a long time as well dealing with lots of stuff as a kid.
similarly, i didnt talk about my crohns with my bf (now ex, but will get to that in a moment)...i mean he knew i had it as we were friends through family acquaintance first for years before dating, BUT i was never very open and talking to him about any of the details. he basically knew that i had stomach problems, end of story.
it wasnt until one day when i was having an outpatient minor surgery (on my butt lol) that the talk opened up. i told him i was "goin to the dr" didnt get any more specific that that, but his mom told him that i was having surgery. so he got a bit upset that i wasnt telling him the full story i guess and told me to be totally open and honest with him, not to fake feeling ok if i was actually feeling crap, etc
i got really really sick last fall though and our relationship kinda fell apart, we just were not in the same place in life anymore.
SO i guess all of that wasnt relevant, but you see? very similar situations.
this is the main advice i have i guess:
1) get in her shoes. right now, get in her shoes and do your best to imagine what its like to live with crohns. theres TONS of stories and stuff on here that you can browse and learn all kinds of stuff! putting yourself in her place will help IMMENSELY in understanding why she acts how she does sometimes, you know? for instance...try to figure out why she didnt tell you about her disease. imagine if you had it...would you tell her? would you tell her about the crazy diharreah? about the butt surgeries? about the fact that you have to buy butt cream?
LOL it is hard, hard stuff to talk about. esp. in teen years when one fart basically you get made fun of for life, you know? a couple years ago i would not even have the confidence to be saying this right now, i would STILL be embarrased! but hey, it is life for us so why be ashamed? still, itsa a really difficult embarrasement to overcome.
these are all thoughts that are *most likely* running through her head...
2)sex--dont know how far you guys are along in your relationship but if its a potentionl for you two, realize that there are very legitimate reasons for her to say no other than "im not ready" or "i dont feel like it"
crohns can affect any part of the digestive system from the mouth to the erm...butt area. and obviously, the butt area is in very close proximity to the other place down there right? active disease in the butt area can make the other areas down there extremely painful and can even affect and invade some of our lady parts as well. (use the search in the above toolbar to look for 'rectovaginal fistula" for an example for a better understanding). SO kinda self explanitory, yes?
also in relation to that, hmm im not really even sure why im saying this....but here goes. my problem with sex was not really the pain aspect of it, it was fear of sharing the deep deep parts of my disease with ANYone. all my scars (again, lots of scars on me bum), all my marks, all my weaknesses would be revealed. these are things and ordeals i went thru that no one except my parents knew about. not even my closest friends. choosing who to share this deep part of oneself with isnt easy. make sense? its FAR more private that any body part, and i never entrusted it to anyone.
i hope that helps you somehow.....you dont sound like the type to be pushy like that at ALL, you sound quite understanding, but i hope that helps you see things that she may be feeling a bit.
3)ok. last thing is just this: be supportive. i know youre asking
how to be supportive, but the thing is, its not really something that anyone can TELL you how to do. being supportive means YOU reaching out to her in times of need, of your own accord. not because she asks you to, but beacuse you want to. do you kinda get it? problems i had with my relationship was that it was always "do you want me to call?" "do you want me to come over?" "do you want anything?" it was all on me to TELL him what to do to support me.
just DO something. take her a bowl of chicken noodle soup from panera. bring her some french fries, a burger, her fave food whatever it may be! you dont have to spend long, it could just be 5 mins on your way to work you know?
just do something that your heart tells you to do. whatever is you, just be yourSELF. thats who she loves. dont try and change and become a differnt person because "thats what she needs for support". not at all, just be you and think of her and think..."hmm if my stomach felt like crap, i would want a warm blankie and a cold ginger ale"
thats it!
and of course, always be willing to listen, and TALK BACK. if you dont understand what shes talking about medically, then ask ok? that shows that you are intersted rather then just saying oh ok, yep, while really having no clue what shes saying.
yes theres a lot to learn and if shes been dealing with it for years then there might be a lot of explaining, but from my own experience, its nice to have someone WANT to explain it to you. let her bounce ideas off you. "well my dr wants me to start this medecine, but its a shot. im scared of shots"
dont just say "oh man that sucks" think about if you were her and present a your thoughts..."well....did you ask if it comes in tablet form? whats its name? how often is the shot? is it a big needle?"
see? does that make sense? i feel like im saying that its so easy, but its probably not, i do understand that. seeing it from this side its easy, but never having been in our position, it has to feel pretty overwhelming i guess that she has this whole world of crohns that you didnt know existed.
omg im so rambly, i should just stop lol
BUT i hope that helped a little at least, ill probably think of other things and will come back to post if i do.
ask ANY questions you want ok? whether its about the disease itself, emotions, medecines, relationships...anything!
and feel free to private messageme if you want as well ok?
good luck justin, once again...good good job for researching on her behalf. that shows so much effort already, i bet she would be totally touched if she knew that you had done that for her