Go to the hospital or wait it out?

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Sep 27, 2010
go to the hospital or wait it out?

probably pretty stupid, but i'm suffering from insomnia and stiff upper lip so not actually sure what to do..?

okay, so i was diagnosed with crohns about 3 years ago, had no major problems with it really apart from the initial flair up... anyway, haven't been taking drugs for the last year and i've been in remission and i've had little to no flairs up.

so about two weeks ago i noticed a few minor symptoms i get when i have a flair up; tiredness, hot sweats at night although bowls movements are actually fine and no blood in the stool. a week ago on monday i wake up with a intense pain in my stomach. not being quite sure if it was something i ate/food poisoning or whatever i wait it out until about 1 am where i go to the hospital.

so i go and they do the tests; blood pressure is fine, blood results are fine and temperature is fine although a part of my upper stomach is tensed quite alot. i'm given codeine and paracetamol and told that if i feel the same or worse that i should come back, and also to check with my GP.

so from tuesday to friday im taking the pain killers and although the pain is still there, the pain killers are doing their job and masking it. on friday i go to the gp (shouldn't of left it so long - stupid mistake) and i'm given prednisolone 5mg and told to take 6 a day. so i take them and on saturday and sunday i'm actually alright, not perfect, but im okay and i don't need the painkillers!

i wake up today and the pain is back, just as intense as it was last monday. pain killers are no longer effective and are not masking the pain. should i give the prednisolone a few more days or just go to the hospital and get checked in?

edit: apologies for poor grammar/spelling. as i said, suffering from insomnia the last few weeks and combine this with pain and i'm finding it hard to sleep.
If it were me I'd stay on the Prednisone and take a trip to the ER for some pain meds and some sleep.
Just my opinion, but if you're asking if you should go, you should probably go. There's obviously something wrong if you're thinking about going to the hospital.

Good luck!
yeah its a bit daft, just being very wishy washy and just wondering if i'm making a big deal out of nothing? alright i'll try and sleep, if the pain is still there tomorrow then i guess im going!
Welcome to the forum!! :bigwave:. I can tell you must live in the UK, I can tell by your drugs, been on here long enough to finally figure it out lol.

Depends on what dosage you are on with Pred, you say 30mg total? Do you take them once a day? Most start at 40mg and that is works within days. Prednisone if taken in the morning with food isnt so bad so you can sleep better at night. One time when I was on 40mg I didnt sleep for 2 days. I have learned not to do that. You could have a stricture or scaring which most meds wont help and you can get blockages. I would refrain from eating meat or chewy foods. STick to low residue diet it helps. Good luck and keep us posted, glad you found us!
its just the 30mg (6 5mg tablets) a day. you thinking thats a bit on the low side? if it is scarring or a blockage, i'm guessing the pain won't go away and i'll pretty much have to go to hospital and have surgery?
30 mg is a healthy dose. Usually between 5 and 60 mg is prescribed and I've never known anyone who started beyond 40. May be worth giving it one more night but if 30 mg and painkillers aren't relieving the pain its worth checking out.

Also, Prednisone gave me insomnia too. If I slept I'd get exactly 5 hours and wake up at 7am ready to start my day. I actually kind of miss that but at the same time, I need to sleep. Good luck with it, sometimes a hot bath helps me.