Going through my third colonoscopy 4 dignosis

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going through my third colonoscopy 4 dignosis

hello my name is christina and i was dig with crohns/uc 6 years ago and have been having attacks on and off like most patients. This disease runs in my family my uncle has it my brother that passed away had it as well. Recently i went to my new gi doctor and my syptoms have gotten worse, all meds havent been working its been two months and no changes my dotor told me yesturday that it was weird that im not getting better and meds arent working he looked over my second coloscopy from last year and said that it showed everytthing was normal and that i may not have crohns at all and it (might be in my head) lol so he ordered a new coloscopy for this friday has anyone ever been dignosied and then have a normal coloscopy? if your in remmission can that cause a normal coloscopy? please help im so confused and it seems like my doctor dosent know what hes doing.
Sorry about all the c-scopes. They definitely suck. Have you asked you dr about a pillcam? It can catch Crohn's in places that a c-scope cannot reach. I had a normal colonoscopy as well. It took leaving my old gastro and getting a new one. He got the pillcam for me. It worked great and the Crohn's was in my small intestines.
Hi Christina! Welcome to the forum!! Yes, I have had scopes many a times that showed nothing. You don't have Crohns and then not! It too runs in my family. Some people take months and months for a dx, there are many who have had to wait for a diagnosis. We have good days and bad, and if you are on meds and then you have a scope, most times it doesnt show. Never had a stool analysis in 20 years and had one this year, and nothing... I have Crohn's I have the resection scars to prove it. It is a very hard disease to catch. Hang in there, keep us posted ok? Glad you found us!
Hi Christina
and Welcome

Yes it is frustrating and soul destroying but like Penny said, it's a hard one to dx, one minute it's there, the next it's gone, so unpredictable!
Glad you found us tho, you're no longer alone, lots of support here for you and advice.
Good luck
Lotsa luv
Joan xxx
thank you all so much for such a long time i always looked on this site and read other people stories but never joined im so glad i did i guess it was a shyness i guess. You all are wonderful and i will keep fighting. Thank you so much for the surport.
Maybe you should look into sending your blood to PROMETHEUS for the following test. I had this done and it came back positive for Ulcerative Colitis.

PROMETHEUS® IBD Serology 7 is a test to help your physician determine if you have Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), and if so, which type: ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. Test results may provide your physician with prognostic and other useful information, and help determine the best course of treatment.
Hello munieca23 also just to let you know. Nothing works for me either except for prednisone. Have you tried prednisone?
Hi Christina,
I would run from any doc that mentioned it might be all in my head. How insulting. It seems like more women report that then men, and I hoped that was from doc's from a past era.

Plus, Crohns can attack anywhere in the system, so why would he focus so much on the colon? It reminds me of the saying, if the only tool in your toolbox is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail.
Like Joe said run from any doctor that makes you think nothing is wrong and its all in your head. If you feel like there is something wrong and you are more aware of your body than they are get another opinion. Before I got dx I was told for a few years in my early 20s when they looked for everything else but crohns that I was ok overall. It took me to ignore this till I was 26 and almost collapsed at work and wound up in the hospital that day another coworker said No more find out whats wrong go home. Instead I wound up having rounds of hospital stays then months later surgeries and complications bec it was beyond narrow and weak. Now they just recently looked beyond a colonoscopy bec my old surgery area was never looked at from 3 years ago even though I have been complaining that there is pain there and I am still sick. I had the pill cam a while ago but it never reached the area that it needed to. It turned off before. A week ago I had a double balloon enteroscopy which showed the small intestines and there is scar tissue and adhesions and an ulcer at the past surgery site for which I might need another surgery for. If I didnt keep on complaining bec I know this is not right they would have not listened to me and looked more into it. Possibly the area that is affected is in another area or the biopsies can show more also. I hope you feel better soon :)

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