Got kicked off of my dance team today

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Apr 4, 2014
I've been having an absolutely horrible day today. :( I've been on dance team for 2 years now and loved it. My stomach pains and Crohn's symptoms started September of 2013. At the time whenever I had dance practices or sports I would go to them, even if I was in pain. This didn't help and made the pain and symptoms worse for me. Once my doctors realized I didn't have allergies and simple stomach problems I started getting tests done and had many doctors appointments. When it came to dance practice it was hard for me to tell my instructor beforehand as the pain came randomly and I just couldn't make it to practice. I never told him that I have Crohn's but he did know I was sick and in the email he wrote me saying I was kicked off he said he wishes I have good health in the future. He kicked me off because I had missed many practices these past few months (even though I had made practically every practice from September - December). I don't believe he actually thinks I'm sick because I don't look sick. Now I don't know what to do because I can't join another dance team as we are in the middle of competition season and I wouldn't be able to join a new studio next year as I am going to be a senior in high school and people don't switch studios for their last years. Plus I live in an area where there aren't many studios. This frustrates me because I had promised myself that I would not let the Crohn's get in the way of my life but its really destroying me emotionally. :ymad: I'm angry that I wasted so much of my parents money on dance classes preparing for competition when I didn't even get to perform. Not only that but my parents are angry at me as well.
Hello gurl 73
Welcome to the forum
You seem to be having a really hard time right now and hopefully it will get better.
Sorry to hear about the dance team, but maybe it is for the best in the long run.
It is important to allow time for our bodies to heal, although with crohn's it can take a bit of time to get it under control.
Since it is painful to dance with this condition, it would be a wiser move to stop anything that makes it worse.
Very tough when you have invested so much time in dancing.
First things first though--you have to get well first and this is no easy task with crohn's, but it can be done.
Have you talked with your doctors about what is happening, if not,I suggest you do, there may be things that can be done for you.
I would not say you had wasted money, some of that exercise may have helped your body to cope with crohn's even though you don't see spectacular results.
It is too bad that your parents are angry with you, they clearly do not understand the depth of crohn's., and how serious it can be.
Have your docs started you on any treatment?
Some of the treatments can take time to have full effect.
Feel better soon.
Hugs and best wishes
Thanks for replying! I'm taking mesalamine at the moment for inflammation. I took Ranitidine for a while because my doctors strongly believed I had acid problems (I don't). My doctors aren't sure where the inflammation is so I recently had an MRI done. Through a colonoscopy we know there's some inflammation in the terminal ileum. It's hard for me to tell if the medicine is working as I'm also taking antibiotics for an infection (they didn't know where the infection was, another reason for the MRI). I also take Vitamin D, Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin B-12. Many of my vitamin stores are depleted and I'm anemic. If that doesn't get better I have to get transfusion.

It's hard for my parents to understand and they think I'm just making it up sometimes and that I'll get better without medication.
Sadly this is a common occurrence where people fail to realise the serious nature of crohn's and other IBD.
It is essential for you to have a good rapport with your GI and other specialists.
Would it help for the doctors to talk with one or both your parents?
They clearly seem to be missing the very serious nature of your illness.
You will not get better without appropriate treatment.
You may need some other tests to define the area of crohn's. There are MRI with contrast,as well as capsule endoscopy which may give a clearer picture.
Your doctors may want to treat you a bit more so you can gain some strength before doing too many more tests.
Then perhaps they may offer Remicade or Humira which can be very effective.
I am so sorry that you have to go through all this especially without supportive parents.
Feel better soon
Hello, I'm currently In a flare as well and here is my best advice I can give you. Notify your school ASAP. Get your documentation in for your diagnosis and such as well as any tests you've had to do and since you're in highschool, right???, get what you can and can't do for physical activity from your doctor. The school needs to know so that of you have a lot of absences that you'll be covered and not be truant. Iuckily didn't have a flare in highschool but I had one my first year of junior high. I'm pretty sure you have to notify the nurse but you definitely need to ask the schools office who and what you need. By letting the school know it will be out in your file and if you need special exceptions made for absences or physical activity or bathroom passes without having to ask. Or passes in case you have to use the bathroom in between classes and are late to your next class.

In college you need talk to your dean of students and get all of the documentation for your disease as well. I had a flare towards the end of last years spring semester. I got all of the documentation I needed and I was able to make up the finals that I missed because of needing to get texting done and the pain as well. I recovered but I was only masked on my prednisone so when I started to get weened off this spring I got down to 5mg from 30mg and It came back. Bad. The doc then had to go to immunosuppressants. I was on imuran at 200mg. After getting the blood test that said that I was compatible. Anyway I started to get better again and then one day. About 3-4weeks of being on the imuran. Everything came back and hit me at once. (Sorry I reflared just before valentines day). The immunosuppressant worked...too well... It dropped my white blood cell count to a very dangours level. I was hospitalized for a week because they found that I had contracted a stool infection called c-diff. The symptoms are all of those of a crohn's flare. For the most part. And so it set me way back on the road to recovery. I was in so much pain I was on morphine and Percocet in the hospital. And now I'm on Percocet to control the pain. Which the doc wants me off of which I can't ween off of because I had to wait for my white bloodcell count to come up and have a colonoscopy to be done next week before I can start biologics which are the next step to try got get me back on the road to recovery. Anyway. Sorry for the long tangent and story and I hope it all makes sense. My pain med has kicked in and I get tired and foggy in the head. Anyway. My point of all of this is contact your school and your teachers and get them documentation and copies of everything. It will greatly help you get through schooling. I don't even know how much actual class I have missed this semester because of symptoms and pain. Especially these last few weeks. Because of this my professors are letting me basically finish up my classes during the summer as apposed to failing them. Feel better. And like I said document and turn it into the school. It will greatly help you get through school. Especially, heaven for bid, if you get worse and are out of school for awhile.
I am sorry you are going through all of this, especially with your parents being so angry with you.

I agree with LCATC945. If you are in the US, you can get a 504 plan for school. That is basically a plan in your school that accommodates your disability, which for you would be your Crohn's. It is a federally mandated accommodation, and it would allow you to go to the bathroom whenever you needed, and perhaps give you extra time to complete assignments if you aren't feeling well.

I hope you start to feel better and that your parents are more understanding.
I am sorry you are going through all of this, especially with your parents being so angry with you.

I agree with LCATC945. If you are in the US, you can get a 504 plan for school. That is basically a plan in your school that accommodates your disability, which for you would be your Crohn's. It is a federally mandated accommodation, and it would allow you to go to the bathroom whenever you needed, and perhaps give you extra time to complete assignments if you aren't feeling well.

I hope you start to feel better and that your parents are more understanding.

I didn't have the need for a 504 or even knew about it until a month or so ago. I was lucky enough to have not had any flares. But in jr. High I knew that every year I had a pass from the nurse that was laminated that allowed me to be late to class if I needed for the bathroom. I only used it here and there...but it wasn't actually for the bathroom it was for if I had to turn around because I forgot something. Hey I was young and took advantage of it. But it did come in handy. There were times when I had to walk very slowly because of fistulas and pain.
So sorry this has happened! My daughter was in competitive cheerleading and had to leave her Senior year due to health issues. I know it is a huge blow to your plans for your next year. Although I know this doesn't offer much comfort but hopefully you will heal faster not pushing your body. I would suggest you and your parents meet with your doctor so they can become fully informed on the toll this disease takes on your body day by day.

I hope you feel better soon!

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