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Feb 17, 2013
A told me this evening that she had blood in her stool again today. Quite a bit from the way she described it. She's been doing amazing and we haven't seen blood in weeks. Do you think it could be the grapes she ate at breakfast? I noticed that when she had them before (probably about 2 months ago) they came out practically whole, like she didn't digest them properly. But I let her try them again now that she seems to be healthy. Anyone else react this way to grapes or other fruit? Or is this likely something else entirely?
There was a time we were adding back in food for O and after eating a certain food she started bleeding again. I called the docs office all ready to blame the food and they said it most likely wasn't the food but more an indication that inflammation wasn't healed. That said, O does bleed from time to time and it doesn't sound alarms at the office until other symptoms accompany it. I can't remember but did you call on the blood? I would just to see what they say. Good Luck!
I seem to recall grape skins being hard to digest. Has the blood been a one time thing so far? Maybe something disturbed an area that wasn't fully healed.....if it doesn't get better is definitely be calling the doctor in the morning...hope it does resolve itself though!
A hasn't really had any symptoms in weeks so the blood caught me off guard. To be honest, I didn't see it so I'm going by an 8 year old's description (though she's seen enough bloody stools to know.....). I definitely won't be giving her any more grapes just to be safe!

We are on vacation at the beach and A has been very active, swimming and staying up a little later than usual. I'm hoping this extra activity isn't the cause of the blood....
If they were red grapes could she have mistaken them (or the skin) for blood? Devynn told me she had blood once after eating watermelon. She didn't flush, so I went to check and it was watermelon. It didn't look like it wasn't digested properly either.
They were green grapes. I intentionally didn't buy the red ones because last time she ate red ones I freaked thinking she passed some huge blood clot! lol

She did have watermelon for lunch though. Watermelon just seems like it is mostly water so I assumed that would digest without issue. Interesting....
Yes, whenever Devynn eats watermelon it comes out looking undigested. If she eats too much she gets really bad stomach pains and diarrheah.
It could just be the change in her schedule since you're on vacation. Especially if she's being pretty active and such.
Tomatoes usally cuz a momentary freak out over here. Pasta/pizza sauce also sometimes. Has she eaten any of those?
Well, she had some more watermelon for lunch so we'll see what happens!

She's still feeling great other than her shoulder still bothering her. Tylenol helps but I can't keep giving her Tylenol forever. Told her we'll try a heating pad when we get home.
No more blood. Must have been the grapes.

Dusty - We are on vacation and won't be home until Thursday. We'll try the heating pad then.
We don't do grapes either. Ryan likes to eat Muscadines because you squeeze them out of the skin. Grapes are kinda hard to peel :lol2:
My IBD son eats grapes, but has to peel them to eat them (and he always halves them to ensure no little seeds in them).

My youngest non-IBD son LOVE watermelon, but it always goes through him and leaves little chunks for me to clean up (freaks me out every time!)...
My son ate a huge bunch of grapes, just before he got sick a couple of weeks ago. Now, he's afraid to eat them or have grape juice, even.
She said there was more blood today. I still didn't see it. I let her know how important it is I see it so I can email the nurse. She also seems a little more tired than usual today. I'm not concerned just yet, but watching her carefully.
For us it's apple. Passes right through in the same shape he swallows it.

Where is she in her pred. taper?
Any type of skins, especially off fruit and the pith aswell isnt good. Also the skin off jacket potato is bad.
Jaedyn doesn't eat any fruits or veggies with the skin on. You should have seent he little blueberry skins she peeled! I try to encourage her to try a little now and then, but she is afraid to I suppose. I hope your daughter is just stressed from the vacation and we'll settle down soon...
My son can handle peels okay, if they are pulverized into a smoothie. :)

So glad I have a Vitamix!
A has started complaining of stomach cramps here and there but nothing major. I think it is related to the extra activity/stress of being here at Nationals. She's also still complaining about her shoulder and now her foot. I'm hoping those aren't CD related! Her trio is today so I'll try to update later with how she did. She's excited, I'm nervous! Lol
I use the nutri it! Pulverizes everything and super duper easy to use and clean....NO! I haven't made daiquiri's in it....yet!
Quick update....A's trio placed 3rd overall and won a cash prize (not sure of the amount just yet, lol)! Her small group scored in the Top 5 and will be recompeting Saturday morning at 10 AM (FL time). If anyone is interested in watching you can go to and click on "Live Stream". Should be on Channel 1 (Daytona Beach Nationals). Her group is called "Bad Romance" and she is the tiny one, lol. She is pumped up and excited!!

As for how she's appears that her EN is making a comeback and we've had 1 pretty bloody stool. Her appetite is slowly decreasing and she lacks her usual smile and energy. I've kept her in the room most of the day and had her take a nap the last 2 days. I'm bummed that she seems to be moving in the wrong direction. Can Prednisone stop being as effective? Oh, and some boys on the water slide told her she was fat and that her face had too much weight. Stupid kids. She's far from fat and finally looks healthy in her swimsuit! Kids can be downright cruel! Luckily A brushed it off pretty good.
Way to go A! Congratulations.
Glad she was able to brush off the obnoxious kids, that makes me so angry
Oh wow! I am totally watching when I get home and O will watch too. O is addicted to Dance Moms (which incenses me to no end) not because of the stupid adult drama but because of the girls and the dancing. She is the biggest clutz! Has been known to fall off a chair she was already sitting on. She just the other day fell off a diving board and landed on cement. Managed to get cuts all over her back, shoulder, elbow and knees...that's talent!

Hate mean kids!

Sorry she isn't feeling well.
Same here pred helped but wasn't a WOW drug for DS after a while.

Congrats on the dance competition.

When do you start 6-mp?
She's been on the Prednisone for nearly 2 months now. Took about 2 weeks to make a real difference and I really thought all would be well. She will start 6mp tomorrow night. I'm now 100% sure it is necessary. We still have 1 more National competition next week but it is closer to home. I was too nervous to start a new med while on vacation.

And A will be thrilled to know people are watching and cheering for her. She's hoping to get to speak in the microphone because you know, that's a big deal when you are 8! Lol
Yes, only streamed live. She is in the youngest division so will likely be one of the first groups to go. Her costume is white, black, and red. I will be the crazy dance Mom screaming in the background! Lol
Oooooo, Toddlers and Tiara's all over again! I watched that show for the mum's, not the kids! :lol:
OOOH Shell! I just zipped up a new concoction last night. Didn't feel like cooking a late night dinner so had chocolate almond milk, banana, peanut butter and a scoop of malted ovaltine and hemp seeds. YUM!
OMGosh! I saw her! And can I tell you I started to cry! Knowing how she is feeling and seeing her work it like that on stage! Only another Crohns mom can understand that! God bless her bottie shakin soul. She was awesome and HELLO! Not an ounce of fat on that child...those boys have no idea what they are talking about!

I was going to ask. I watched all 5. Her group was best in my book! Maybe those Mn tappers can compete with them but the others not in my opinion.
Her group won 1st place! Yay! So proud of my baby and all the hard work she has put in, even when she didn't feel good.
We are back home now and A and I seem to be coming down with a cold pretty quickly. Luckily we can stay home all day tomorrow and rest. She took her first dose of 6mp tonight so fingers crossed all goes well!
Argh! I wish I could have seen her dancing her heart out!

First place! That is brilliant! I am so happy for her and you too mum! :award2:

Everything is crossed mum! :goodluck:


Dusty. xxx
So glad to hear that they won first place! I hope the cold doesn't amount to much for either of you. Have a good rest.
HA! I knew it! Do I have an eye or what?! I should be a judge! That is so exciting. Glad you are home though and have started the new meds. Hoping that it works wonders for her. Sorry about the colds. Lots and lots of rest!
This cold has really taken a toll on me! Felt pretty miserable the last several days, just trying to rest and recover. A actually seems fine. She complained that her throat was feeling sore but then that quickly passed. Thank goodness!

I do have a quick question about the 6-MP though. A takes it at bedtime, but about 5 minutes after taking it she says it makes her feel nauseous. I give it to her and she goes straight to bed, but says she has trouble falling asleep because she feels as if she's going to throw up. Once she falls asleep she's good, doesn't wake in the night. She's managing just fine but I was wondering if anyone else has felt the same way.
Hmm no experience with 6MP but maybe it is the taking and laying down that is doing it. Maybe take it a little earlier before bedtime to give it a chance to pass through the stomach etc first?
My daughter did get nausea but l don't remember it being that quick. Maybe try getting her to take it with food a bit earlier to see if that helps..
If I remember correctly, we were told to give it at bedtime for that very reason. My son never had any issues with it though. I hope it gets better for her!!
Same as Dex here. We were told to give it at bedtime in case of nausea. I'd just experiment a bit. With food, without food, with Zofran, with milk, with water.
Tonight seems to be the worst so far. She took her bedtime meds at 8, in bed by 8:10. Up around 9 complaining that she was nauseous. She sat in the bathroom a bit, then went back to bed. Up again about 15 minutes later saying it was getting worse. This could be a long night......
Jaedyn didn't have this experience, no matter when she takes it. I hope that it is a passing side effect...
Poor pumpkin. If she has a cold perhaps she has some post nasal drip to that is complicating matters. Does she have some Zofran you can give her?
A was up until after 11 then woke up feeling crummy too. She only ate a few bites of her breakfast which is very unlike her. She had to wake early to dance her trio. She seems to be okay now. We did find out that a stomach bug seems to be going around her dance team. Not sure if she has a touch of it or if it is the meds. Time will tell.....
Well, 2 members of A's dance team have come down with this stomach bug and 1 has been hospitalized for severe dehydration. So unfortunately her final dance of the season was pulled and we came home. Disappointing way to end the season. Now to sit and wait and hope and pray none of us come down with it. I still have this awful cold and A has been battling headaches off and on. This sucks.
Oh I sorry to hear that. No fun.

Can you at least enjoy the fourth? Of course you both might just want to snuggle after the busy trip. That's not a bad way to spend it either.
It is pouring here!! We were invited to a friend's BBQ but I just didn't feel right going and possibly infecting others. My youngest has a headache, A is having diarrhea (not terribly bad) and a headache, and of course I still feel yucky. This stomach bug seems vicious and I'm super paranoid about it. The second team member has now been admitted as well.

As for our holiday....when the storm blows over we will grill out (chicken & veggies) and hubby bought sparklers for the kids. Our neighbors always have awesome fireworks so we'll enjoy those from our yard.
I'm so sorry that it's not shaping up to be a good holiday. Mines also not turning out the way I thought it would.

If A shows signs of the virus will you be taking her to the ER or waiting it out?
If the diarrhea gets worse or she starts vomiting I'll call the GI and explain the situation. At this point I'm not 100% sure she has it (though I just have this bad feeling). These things tend to get worse at night so I'm holding my breath!
Ugh! So sorry to hear all this DanceMom. :ghug:

I so hope A is okay, bless her. :heart:

6MP: A lot of people do take it at bedtime to overcome nausea. What time do you have dinner? Might be worth a try giving it to her with a meal and if bedtime isn't too long after that she can have the benefit of sleeping it off too.

Dusty. xxx
Wow that sounds like an awful bug. I really hope it passes quickly and uneventfully in your home.
A seems to be fine this morning. Ate a great breakfast and has been dancing and twirling around the house. I'm starting to think her body is just adjusting to the 6-mp and that's why the symptoms come and go. I had gotten so used to her feeling so good and I'm sure I overreacted to her symptoms, especially with the virus going around.
Thanks for the update. :)

So good to hear A is feeling better today. :):):)

Sooooooooo easy to overreact mum. I'm not expert at much but when it comes to my imagination I am a deadset champion! :lol:

I so hope all stays settled for her hun. :ghug:

Dusty. xxx
Yay! So glad it was just paranoia....get in line though because I am pretty sure I am the queen! Who could blame us al though?
Glad to hear that A didn't get the nasty bug! Sorry to hear they didn't get to do their dance again in the end...
A is back to not feeling good. She says her head/stomach hurts and she just mopes around. She eats a few bites of her food and then asks to be excused. I just don't get it. I guess I'll email the nurse tomorrow and let her know what is going on. Maybe the 6-mp is just too much for her?
It takes a while for 6-mp to work .
So she could be a bit "off " for the next couple of months while you wait for it to work unfortunately.
My son had good and bad days while on 6-mp.
More bad than good while we waited for it to work.
Eventually after 8 months we. Figured out it wasn't enough .

Hope the Gi has a plan until it works.
Is she still on pred or has she weaned off already ?
She's still on Prednisone and was doing great until a few days before starting the 6-mp. At that time I blamed it on the stress of Nationals. Now we are home and she still feels crummy. I've blamed stress, side effects, a virus.... maybe I'm in denial that it is the disease itself? She was just doing so great before. ....
We have had a terrible bug going around our area... seems to start with a sore throat, then vertigo, then stomach issues... It's been weird as everyone is getting something different (but similar in nature) and the duration is anywhere from 24 hours to 5 days (I'm on day 5 of vertigo... ugh.)

I pray she comes around fast... Sorry about the end of the season... that's a bummer. Maybe when she's feeling a wee bit better she can do a show for yah'll...
GI nurse emailed me back and the doctor wants stool tests along with the labs already ordered. We will do those on Thurs/Fri of this week. He wants to see her in the office next week. So glad he took me seriously!
At the moment she feels great and we are out playing at a local park. That could change at any minute though. Figured I'd get her out for some fun while she is good. This disease sucks.
She's still feeling pretty good and ate a decent dinner. Says she has a slight headache and that dance wore her out. Definitely an improvement but this is how it goes - feeling great one minute then like crap the next, with no warning.

I know the 6-mp hasn't had time to kick in, but shouldn't the Prednisone still be working? We haven't even attempted a taper yet. I don't expect her labs to show much, they never do, so I'm not sure what can even be done to help her at this point. Now that I've seen how wonderful she can feel I don't want to see her suffer like this, even if she does have periods of feeling good. Am I being unrealistic?
Hugs your just being a mom
It is sooo hard to watch them suffer you just want to take it all away forever .
The thing to remember you don't want to give up on a drug too soon because you very rarely go back and the drug options are few and far between.

It's not easy when lab results don't reflect how she is feeling either.
Btdt many times with DS
We waited and waited for 6-mp
Played with dose added stuff did scans, MRIs and scopes .

Wish I could say it gets easier .
Once you hit remission it does .
But until then remember its a marAthon not a race.
No, you aren't being unrealistic mum. :ghug:

Before our kids became sick I don't say we took the good and healthy times for granted as such, it was just something we didn't have to think about.

Then when their health is taken from them it is then that we realise just how much there was lose. We watch them suffer pain, indignity and despair and as much as we wish, hope and pray we can't take it from them and make it our own.

As the days, weeks and months pass we start to glimpse a life that once was and we just want to hold onto it with all our might and never ever let it go. We realise that what we once thought was mundane and everyday is now something to be appreciated and savoured so it is little wonder you never want to see the good days replaced by bad ones again.

All in all mum, what you are feeling is normal, natural and just and if you didn't feel the way you are now then you wouldn't be the fab mum you are and doing the brilliant job you are.


Dusty. :heart:
Well, our day started out great! She ate a good breakfast and lunch and we went to the pool for a few hours. She had a short dance class this evening and came out looking like a whipped puppy. She actually fell asleep on the way home (she NEVER does that!) and went straight to the bathroom once we got home. I hear her freaking out about "strings in the poop!" and go rushing in thinking she had a parasite, lol. Turns out she had long strings of mucus, not worms!

She's laying in bed now, says her stomach hurts and that she doesn't want dinner. I can't say enough how bad this disease sucks.

And I'm nervous about her appointment. I just have a feeling he'll want to do scopes again and I'm so iffy about that. The last time we attempted a clean-out she ended up in the ER.

My nerves are shot. This must be why you all drink wine! Haha!
If she needs a scope- ask for a different prep sometimes that helps.

It will be ok
Vent here as much as you need to .
Just got A's lab results back that she had done on May 30th. This is just one reason why we will never use our local clinic again! She had some abnormal levels this time but I'm not sure of the significance....

Her Vitamin D was 21 (30-100 norm), Alk Phos was 192 (17-173 norm), and Abs Neut was 7.3 (1.4-6.5 norm).

Sorry, I can't help you with the results. :(

But re the next scope... Stephen had a horrible time with his first one (lots of pain, going on for hours and hours, etc.). But, at this time, he was in a flare, pre-diagnosis. The next scope (past Feb), I put him on a low residue diet a few days before the scope and then the day BEFORE prep day, I put him on almost only broth and Boost shakes (he had just a bit of chicken) and then followed the prep instrux the next day. This second clean-out was very easy (a few easy trips to the bathroom and that was it!). While the flare vs. no flare probably made a difference, I think he also had very little to clean out due to what he'd eaten those few days.

That makes a lot of sense Tess. A's last clean-out was for suspected constipation and was pre-diagnosis. She always vomits with clean-outs, but that time the vomit contained feces and she wasn't having any BMs. It was awful. She despises chicken broth but I might be able to convince her that the shakes are exciting enough.
Strangely enough, my son never really liked broth until he did six weeks of EN only! The closest thing to food he was allowed was broth. Since then, it's actually become almost a 'comfort' food for him! :lol: Can't imagine why as I wouldn't have thought it brought back happy memories! :eek:

But, if broth doesn't work for her, jello, popsicles, etc. would have the same benefit... there really was little nutritional benefit from the broth, really just something to 'resemble' a meal and break up the Boost only day. :)
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Just got A's lab results back that she had done on May 30th. This is just one reason why we will never use our local clinic again! She had some abnormal levels this time but I'm not sure of the significance....

Her Vitamin D was 21 (30-100 norm), Alk Phos was 192 (17-173 norm), and Abs Neut was 7.3 (1.4-6.5 norm).


Absolute Neutrophils: Being a white blood cell this could potentially play into an infection of some sort, however, is A still on Pred? If so this may be the cause. Pred can increase white cell counts and the one most commonly affected is neutrophils.

Vit D: Found to be a common deficiency in Crohn's, particularly small bowel Crohn's.

Alkaline Phosphatase: Being a liver enzyme you can't rule out the 6mp BUT an elevated Alk Phos may have another couple reasons for being elevated...

- It is common for children and adolescents to have elevated levels when they have a growth spurt or are going through puberty.

- When a Vitamin D deficiency is present it is not uncommon to have an elevated Alk Phos due the the connection with the bones.

Dusty. xxx

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