Green flecks in stool?

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Feb 2, 2010
Hey guys. I'm not sure I asked this before but here goes. From time time, I get these stools that are filled with these green flecks. It looks like little pieces of spinach but I have not had any in about a week or so.
I had brought it to my doc's attention but he diregarded it. What is it? Sometimes I get little black bits as well. And sometimes I get just stool.
By the way, my stools are for the most part formed, and at times a little constipated (little pellets together).
Green Flecks in Stool, sounds like one of the less successful Dr. Seuss books... :ylol2:


I don't know about the green, bile, perhaps? The black could be bits of partially digested blood. If you're worry, press the doc for a reply. That's what they get paid for.
I've often wondered the same thing. I see the green flecks and some black ones as well. Maybe someone else on the board has an answer?
I always thought it was just some of the stuff my system couldn't digest - if you haven't had anything that colour in a while, is it possible it could have been stuck in the lining, and just got freed recently?