Had my CT scan today.

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Oct 3, 2009
Ok, I am still bloated big time from my CT Scan... apparently I was a "special" case, lol. The new way of doing intestines only just arrive in Canada. I drank 3 (gross) of the lightly chalked stuff, 3! Sipping it slowly and then the last one in 15 min.. then water. Apparently now they can see alot more than previous Ct scans, shows inflammation and the inside walls of the intestines. Good thing cause I am losing alot of mucous today. With the contrast, the drinks I have to keep drinking more water to flush it out. I probably should walk around the house but was warned to stay close to a toilet, like I havent had D before :ylol2: . Won't know the results of this test til the 18th. Fingers crossed.
Yay - it is OVER!!!! Hope they see what they needed to see. Telling you to stay close to the toilet HAH - we should have a Crohnie badge that says "I'm a seasoned toilet going PRO!!".
Wow you had to drink 3! I do not do very well with the chaulky drinks! Hope everything comes back with clear and great results!
I've never had a CT done that way...hope I don't have to! I'd rather be injected with dye...those preps make me want to barf!

Good luck! Hope everything turns out fine for you!

See, i wonder if mine didn't show anything because i didn't really ahve to drink anything like that...i just had about 10cc of water like stuff in the am of the scan. Odd.
Hopefully things pass quickly for ya, and it shows what it needs to!
When I had mine last year I had to drink some banana flavored milky stuff really early in the morning and again right before. They also injected me with contrast.
I am familiar with the 3 glasses down here in Kingston, but did you not have to inject the other stuff on top of that through the IV? The stuff that makes you feel like you wet your pants? That is the part I hate. I have like 4 of those since last summer :(
@kenny..I had 3 of those tests as well when I was in the hospital and my GI is pissed about it! It's apparently very bad for you to get injected with that stuff (she said you're only supposed to have one every 6 months). I'm not sure what the detrimental effects are, but the feeling of wetting your pants is kind of cool! I remember the first time I had one, the nurse said "go ahead, check, you know you want to!" lol
Yes I had the contrast and the stuff wasnt so milky but tasted like Maalox lol. Yuck. Also 15 before the scan they made me drink water whilst on my right side on a gerney. Then the contrast. So much fluid!!!

Tamesis : Like I said I was special lol (kidding) he even said special test for special person ;). It is supposed to show alot more than it used to. I have had many Ct scans but the whole procedure, to the timing of how slow to drink the chalky stuff, to water, on my side, in the scan and the hot contrast lol. After I got home, the stomach is so full, heavy and bloated... I tried to release the gas..omg I didnt quite make it and my husband heard me yell CACA I didnt make it! LOL. He was ROTF! Now I am done, had Colonscopy, bone density and blood work twice and the CT scan. Whew!
Glad everything went smoothly. Sounds like you'll be going smoothly for a while too!

Hope you get good news!
I just had the 3 chalky drinks last month--was it called Volumen? It actually made me constipated (I've heard it either gives you the big D or the big C, depending on the person). They are able to see a lot with it (high resolution CAT scan). I actually had a doc appt the same afternoon and they were able to tell me a lot more about the disease in my small intestine that they couldn't see with colonoscopy or endoscopy.

I hope you get good results and don't have to drink the diluted barium again anytime soon. :)
I had the 3 bottle + contrast dye cocktail about two months ago. Not fun on an empty stomach and oh yeah......crohn's. It took everything I had to not get sick when that awful dye was injected. Showed inflammation in my small intestine and further confirmed my Crohn's diagnosis though. Good luck with your test results Jetta.
Thank you guys for all your wishes. Two of my main concerns was to make sure I wasnt narrowing and Gi said no sign of it with the Colonscopy. The other is I have almost the same pain on my left side. He was saying IBS all the time but always seems to be same spots on the both of my sides. Never had a fistula and hope I dont. Also could be looking for leakage. Just hope all these test show something. NOT that I want anything more, just wanted to justify my pains and gurgling and gas/bloat for 1.5 months. Never had a flare that long and I was scared I was having a blockage for a few days the pain was pretty intense. Well the 18th is the appt to figure it out and they should be on a vent thread but...my husband goes back to work for 2 weeks starting early that morning so he misses some major decisions.

So you guys will be my support family then. ;) Too bad I couldn't fit you guys in the same room with me LOL!
Glad hear the experience is over for you hope ya got some fresh reading material in the loo an plenty of tp lol

I hated drinkin those mixes blah
they gav me the C big time like passing bricks it was

i hope it's nothin like that for u
Yeah I had a bit of the D last night, but now very firm and sticking to the walls of the toilet,,, I know TMI! Heavy poop!
Good luck with the results. I have had both the injection and the drink, I (and the CT Tech) would prefer the drink, the last time I had the injection I projectiled all over the CT machine.

NYX - And at the risk of TMI - i check the bowl and the paper - just an eye check on the paper
Jetta--got my fingers, legs and arms crossed. Glad its over..Now the count down. Do you have suspicions or do the dr's have some idea of what they will find? Sue
Hey Lady Penn, I am glad that the scope on a rope experience is all over for now. I hope that is comes back clean and that you are feeling better soon.:)
I just had that lovely barium drink last Thursday and man - why can't they make it taste better? I had a hard time getting the second huge cup down - I can't imagine trying to get a third down....The good news is that my stricture hasn't gotten bigger but ya like you said you almost hope they find something to explain the pain, and discomfort - The good news?! You get to have Casper the Friendly poop visit you - lol Man, did you ever imagine in your wildest dreams you would a) have something so awful and suffer endlesly and b) share bowel habits with virtual strangers? But no one else really understands eh? (fellow Canadian) I hope they find out what has been going on and fix you up!!!
Hey people, Ive only had an upper scope, and a colinoscope, that came back clean. But this is a year ago when I first got sick and I just had two good weeks on an epensive pro biotic.

I did test over positive for "ASCA" IGA, and alomst posotive for asca igg. Yet I was negative on the IBD pannel. So my GIs gave me asacol. Its helped a little. Since then Ive called and complained over and over, they do nothing. Just bill me.

I just found a new GI a few days ago. Right away he is testing me for any parasites, and he ordered a cat scan w/ contrast for the small intestine. My last doc never checked it or did much else. But there not using barium, they are ordering some other stuff. It takes a week to get it. Next wenseday I go in, and I hope they see something. I told him my rheum doc was going to put me on methtextrate, I never took it. He mentioned remicade???? But he hasnt confirmed that idea yet.

But he upped my asacol and bentyl---thank god. I get worse and worse w/ time. Plus I have iritis, "fibromyalgia" and joint probs, back probs too. So wish me luck, I short on hope, sick, and Im about at my end, Im tired of the crohns I cant keep going on. I just want to be well again. Like us all, at least I finaly found a good doc. I dont know what to expect, I hope it goes well.
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