Had to quit my job......

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 18, 2013
I had to hand in my resignation to work on the weekend. I just physically can't do the work anymore. I was being scheduled for one shift a week, 5.5 hours and after about 3 hours I was asking to go home. All the bending, reaching, lifting was way too painful :( So stressed out! Bills are behind and I feel quite useless because I can't work. I hope I get answers and treatment soon.
Hi Kero, sorry you are having a hard time sending:ghug: your way. Are you able to apply for SSDI or SSA?
I had to hand in my resignation to work on the weekend. I just physically can't do the work anymore. I was being scheduled for one shift a week, 5.5 hours and after about 3 hours I was asking to go home. All the bending, reaching, lifting was way too painful :( So stressed out! Bills are behind and I feel quite useless because I can't work. I hope I get answers and treatment soon.

Can you get disability for Crohn's in Canada? Might check into that as an option. The disease is a living hell, so everyone here empathizes.

I haven't been able to work most of my life. Very depressing.
I had to hand in my resignation to work on the weekend. I just physically can't do the work anymore. I was being scheduled for one shift a week, 5.5 hours and after about 3 hours I was asking to go home. All the bending, reaching, lifting was way too painful :( So stressed out! Bills are behind and I feel quite useless because I can't work. I hope I get answers and treatment soon.

I'm sorry Kero :(.

I agree, can you look into disability or is there some other version of financial support / medical financial assistance program in Canada that you can look into?

I know it's hard but all we can do sometimes is take it day by day. In the meantime I hope you are taking very good care of yourself during all of this. My thoughts are with you and I hope you can figure something out sooner rather than later :hug:
Thanks everyone, your support is truly appreciated. I doubt I will qualify for disability, as I have just recently gone back to work after being a SAHM for 8+ years. My husband also makes a darn good living. But if I do get a crohn's diagnosis, we can go back up to 10 years for a disability tax break, which would be a big chunk all together. I can also look into grants or subsidies for schooling so I can work in a field that is a little more friendly to being a crohnie. I personally want to see about taking a business management course and a photography course :)
You can apply for Employment Insurance sick benefits - they last for 15 weeks. Then there is the disability tax credit your spouse can apply for.

Take a look here - this is all the programs Alberta offers.


There's also a group in Edmonton that is beginning to meet in the city for support. There is a thread just for Alberta on this forum.

Hope this helps. Let me know if I can help.
I'm so sorry to hear but completely understand the pain and lack of energy. It takes so much for us to do so little and others take that energy for granted. I hope treatment works and you can get disability or unemployment payment in the meantime.
I've just gone through the disability process. I'm thankful for the programs in place. Also look into the Registered Disabilty Savings Plan. I'm using an accountant to ensure I'm collecting all back payments I'm entitled to. PM me if you have questions.