Hangover, Crohn's or Sickness bug?

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May 4, 2009
Ok, so I went out with my girlies on wednesday night (our regular thing now). And lets be honest; I got pretty drunk!
So Thursday morning I woke up with the usual; headachy and dehydrated. So i drank water tried to eat a few things. Then, as the headache and dehydratedness started to feel better I started to feel rly sick. So I thought ok, ill be sick to get it out then i will feel alot better. So I was and started to try and eat a bit. But i needed to be sick again, and again. I rang my friend coz I have never been like this before, it seems a bit strange! And she said it sounded like i must have caught a sickness bug while I was out, and the same thing happened to her bf last week. Either that or its my crohn's reaction to the alcohol. But usualy my Crohn's reaction is diorreah and I dnt have any of that, just sickness.
I went to bed at 7.00 last night. and was sick again four times inbetween 3.00 and 5.30.
So I just wanted to know your thoughts on it? Also I was supposed to be going home today but now I cant because i'm unsure about the journey :(
x x x x
But do u think I can still be sick from the alcohol over 24 hours after my last drink? It must be out of the system by then. And I didnt know tht about the periods, Interesting, it was just after as well!
x x x
xX_LittleMissValentine_Xx said:
So I thought ok, ill be sick to get it out then i will feel alot better. So I was and started to try and eat a bit. But i needed to be sick again, and again.

Just to ask Holly, are you purging yourself? You sound like you have the volition/intent as you're vomiting here. Are you inducing vomiting?
Hey Holly - it could be any of those things I think! Definitely sounds like it could be a bug - definitely sounds like you could have had too much to drink and it sure sounds like it could be your Crohn's!! I'm sooo helpful.

With your Crohn's - have you ever had vomiting from it before? Mine doesn't really work that way - so if yours doesn't - I doubt it is your Crohn's. If you didn't have more than 4 or 5 drinks last night - it is probably a 24 hour bug. If you had more than that - you are so tiny - it could be the alcohol. My hubby has pulled some doosies before and thrown up for quite a while the next day - but I'm talking after drinking a LOT of alcohol. I'd give it 24 hours from when it started and see how you feel. ((HUGS))!
I would just wait another day and see how you feel. Probably the alcohol. Just try to drink pleanty of fluids.
I would have thought that you'd have other symptoms as well. I think it's pretty unusual to just have vomiting through Crohn's. Then again, I know nothing at all :p

I hope you've learnt a lesson about over-indulgence ;) :cheerss:
hehe! tnx guys :) I have learned my lesson! I'm feeling alot better now, still a tiny bit queasy but I have been eating. Even though I did have alot to drink, it wasnt as though I couldnt stand or anything, and I didnt feel sick while I was drinking so it feels a bit strange i was sick so long after. Oh well!
Just wish I was at home tho. My only other flat mate tht is here for the weekend has gone to get stoned, and all my girls I go out with are going out again tonight! So its just me eeyore and my DVDs! :(
x x x x
Sounds like a hangover to me. Yup it's lasted a while but if you never really got properly rehydrated, that can make you throw up, which again will make you dehydrated. I haven't drunk in a long while but when I did I always got REALLY sick the next day and it could be from like 4 am til 4 pm before I stopped needing to throw up. Nasty!!!
That must be some hangover. Have never been sick like that from drinking. Only time I ever became ill from drinking I was probably at or near alcohol poisoning levels in college.
Yup, sounds like the booze to me. I don't typically vomit when i'm hungover, but when i do, it's usually for a day or two. Glad to hear you're slightly better, keep up with trying to eat, and get some sugar/salt and fluids into you. Not just water, it's important to up those electrolytes, so maybe some vitamin enriched water (we have propel here, my sis is a hangover queen and swears by it), or some sort of sports drink. Sorry you had to miss your weekend home, but it maybe nice to have some time to yourself. :)
Glad you are starting to feel better I dare say it was a hungover!! Sounds like a fun one too.
Its not fun when you are vomiting that much and can't keep anything down or even the thought of food sets the vomiting back off. I get this everytime Im having a flare so totally feel for you. I also get the bowel issues but just doesn't seem to be as bad as most on here, the nausea and vomiting seem to be my major symptom which is strange but then again everyone is different with what symptoms they get from this lovely disease.
Im glad to hear that its not from your crohns but rather a hangover.. I haven't had one for many years.. look after yourself and rest plenty :)
I blame the kebab... It's always the kebab...

Sorry, seriously though, I agree with everyone above... With crohns it can take it bit longer to recover from any naughtiness we inflict upon ourselves.

I do hope you feel better soon though kiddo.

Lishyloo x
Thanks guys, I feel so ashamed of myself for getting that drunk, and your still being nice to me! lol
I know what we have all decided but just while we are on this sort of subject, would it is possible for my crohn's to move to my stomach tho right?
Tanya, It must be the most awful thing for u, I think being sick is worse than D!
Its just I was feeling so much better last night and had dinner and everything and then I was sick AGIAN this morning. (before anyone asks im not pregnant! lol)
x x x x x
Thanks for clearing up the pregant question. LOL
I hope your feeling better, little sister. Here's some brotherly advice. DON'T HAVE HANGOVERS. HAHA.

Last time I got good and drunk I was sitting on my mil's toilet and I puked all over the bathroom rug that she had just cleaned the day before. Do you know how hard it is to poop and puke at the same time. Thank goodness I didn't have poop flying all over the place, too. I think my mil would have not forgiven me so soon.
Yes, i do believe it is possible for Crohns to move to the stomach. :( blasted disease.
Hope you feel better soon, maybe just stick to simple bland foods for a bit?
Ha..ha.. pirate I have had that issue before been on the toilet with the runs then next thing you know I feel like Im going to throw and am sitting there wondering what the hell to do... not nice at all.

Little Miss I was only saying to my sister-in-law last night that I really think I could handle this disease if all I got was pain and constipation/diarrhea but the nausea and vomiting just takes it out of me. It really drains you of all your energy and makes you just not want to function properly. I really hope that it settles down for you and isn't crohns related.
You know, I had the same reaction once to just a few sips of a Margarita. I didn't even get drunk-had all the misery without the fun lol.

IMO Crohn's doesn't agree with certain kinds of alcohol just like it doesn't agree with certain foods. It's unique to each person as to what alcohol might bother a person-I can drink whiskey fine but if I have a green apple martini or tequila I'm violently sick for several days-all w/o being drunk. Sucks, but not as much as working both ends for several days!:yfaint:
Oh that sounds horrible Mountaingem... no wonder I stay away from Alcohol.. I haven't drunk any of it for years as I have reflux so after only a couple of drinks would have extreme heartburn and wont to puke as well.. not fun so just stopped drinking all together and now that I have crohns probably for the best.
Yeah, I've pretty much given it up too-the good news is it's better for the liver, esp. with these meds we all take. Although if there was ever something that would make you want to get drunk, it's this disease lol.
Mountaingem said:
Yeah, I've pretty much given it up too-the good news is it's better for the liver, esp. with these meds we all take. Although if there was ever something that would make you want to get drunk, it's this disease lol.

So true!! :ylol2:

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