Happened again...

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Dec 8, 2011
Penryn, Cornwall UK
I recently went to see my doctor again after waiting for 4 months, when he called me in he basically just sent me out again after saying "I will see you againa in 6 months" he didn't say anything other than that he didn't even ask me how I was getting on, it is like he is trying to get rid of me, It makes so annoyed when this happens :ymad:.
Now what do I do??
Can I ask you guys something?? How many times a day do you empty your bowel?? As I have noticed that ever since I have been taking aza I haven't been able to empty very many times, I have only been able to empty once a week and I would be lucky if I went twice a week :poo::facepalm: Why could this be?? Anybody else had this happen??
I have a haematologist like that! Each time I have to go to his clinic, I end up waiting at least an hour, and then when it comes time to see him, he only says the bloods look fine and that he'll see me again in a few months time. It's so very irritating! Hopefully I will be discharged from his clinic after the next appointment.

Not sure why/how aza would cause constipation, but it may be worth ringing your gastro (even if he wasn't useful at the appointment) to see if he can give you an answer. I was on aza for a few years and had a slight bit of constipation, but in my case, I was occurring prior to starting the aza.

Hopefully you can get some answers!
that's what happened in my last clinic

wait for 4 hours , see the doc for 5 minutes "blood results were good, you doing ok? you have gained some weight, ok see you later"


"door shuts"

well atleast it isn't just me it has happened to :) Thanks Carrie I will ring my gastro at some point when I get the chance, hopefully he will be a bit more useful although I doubt it.
I waited 2 hours to see a surgeon for a follow up app. only to be told they don't deal with my case and I need to go back to my GI. I was only under them following me being admitted to hospital for stomach pains...

... still waiting to see GI.
Loooonng ago, I had a real butthead for a GI. He was extremely dismissive of everything when answering HIS questions. On the last visit I had with him, he walked out of the room before I was done saying something. Enraged, I followed him all the way down the hall and into his office, still talking...VERY loudly.. and stood in front of him until I was done saying my bit. His reply-- "Oh."

I never saw him after that. He died before I had a chance to tell him he was an ass, he was wrong, and that IT WAS'NT ALL IN MY HEAD--HERE'S THE PROOF.
Wow, well, I guess it's just not my GI Dr..wait hours and he's in the room 2 minutes..When I need to see him between the 3-6 month visits...It's always.."He booked up, sorry"...UGH
Hello Horselover

My method for making sure I get a decent amount of time at appointments is to write a list out of things I want to ask or clarify and then the first thing I say when I get into the consulting room is "I've got a list here that I want to go through line by line". Seems to work every time even though I'm now under the care of one of the big London hospitals and the time pressures on the consultants must be huge.

I'm glad you mentioned constipation as, if anything, I find it more uncomfortable than the big D. I suppose it's because of the pressure it puts on the gut walls. I'm not aware of it being a side effect of Azathioprine though. I took it for around 7 years and certianly didn't experience what you are going through.
My suggestion; find a new doc. You obviously have one that currently doesn't believe that you need or want a hands on approach to your care. Or one that doesn't want to give you that for various reasons. This is not true for all GIs and you should find one that works better for you ASAP.
Also you need to become your own health advocate. BE ANNOYING if that's what it takes. Write down all your questions before the appointment and refuse to leave without getting them answered. Do not take, 'the doc is very busy today' or 'the nurse can answer your other questions' as an answer. You may feel like you are being a bitch but sometimes that's what it takes to get the results and the answers you need.
I've found in the past that once you find a doc that really knows you and how you want to approach your care can make all the difference in your daily life with IBD. I wish you luck in your search!

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