Happy Mother's Day

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Apr 28, 2012
This Sunday is Mother's Day in the USA.

I wish all Mothers/Grandma's a wonderful Mother's day. I hope you find it peaceful and special.:ghug: Love Farmwife and Grace.

Guiding Light Mom

Mom, from the time I was really young,
I realized I had someone...you,
who always cared,
who always protected me,
who was always there for me no matter what.
You taught me right from wrong,
and pushed me to do the right thing,
even when it was hard to do.
You took care of me when I was sick,
and your love helped make me well.
You had rules,
and I learned that when I obeyed them,
my life was simpler, better, richer.
You were and are
the guiding light of my life.
My heart is filled with love for you,
my teacher, my friend, my mother.

By Karl and Joanna Fuchs

Please feel free to leave messages, poems and or memories of past special Mother's Day.
When I was young as in 5 or 6 we made my mom breakfast in bed.
She had pancakes (didn't mix it well or:eek: cook the batter long enough), eggs (shells in it), toast smothered in butter and OJ.
I remember my mom ate everything with a smile.
Only years later did I realize how much she loved us.:smile:
Happy Mother's Day Everyone!!

I am *so* grateful for my Mum!! She has the best sense of humor - through thick and thin she made us laugh! She's the BEST cook ever!! She's my very best friend and at 70 she is still a BABE! :) Always wanted to grow up to be like her :)
Mother's Day tomorrow here too. :):):)


I hope you all have the wonderful day you justly deserve. :heart:

Dusty. :Flower:
Happy Mother's Day!
This will be the 2nd year without my Mom, who was such a major part of my kids lives. I miss her terribly. This year, the kids and I will be doing a few things for a couple of older ladies in our neighbourhood.
OK, midnight on Saturday.. officially 0:00:01 AM on Sunday now. So, Happy Mother's Day to all you Mothers... (Hmmm, something about that doesn't quite sound right).

And, to Tena.. God Bless you. Thank you for giving me life.. and Happy Mother's Day.
Happy Mother's Day to all of the courageous IBD sufferers and their moms ! Thinking of and praying for all.
Happy Mother's Day. I hope you all had a enjoyable day and were spoiled rotten.
You are an incredible group of mums and deserve amazing things

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