Hard to get a card in Canada?

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Apr 24, 2013
I live in Quebec. My Humira is becoming less effective and I'm just tired of new drugs and new side effects. I want to bring MM up with my GI, but I'm afraid that I will only be seen as someone who has all the bad stigma attached. Any ideas on how I can bring it up without my GI thinking I'm looking for an excuse to be able to have pot?
Have you see the link someone post as of yesterday regarding the effect of marijuana on crohn? I think that bringing that article could be a very good introduction on your will to try to get the therapeutical effect of MM.

I just feel it is a legitimate option considering the number that are brought up in that paper. I don't know if the MM would hit the same THC levels, I have no idea if it's close to that or not though. Beside that paper that made me happy as of yesterday, I don't know much about these aspects of the MM world :(
hi. im in the states so im not sure how easy it is to get a card there? have you used mm before? it is a miracle for me. i would discuss with your dr how the meds arent benefitting you and the side effects you might be having. i know for me mm helps me eat, sleep, reduces stress and anxiety, and most of all it greatly takes away my pain. if you already use tell him how beneficial it is in treating your crohns and how your quality of life is improved. maybe print off some info about trials and the benefits its having on cd patients. all he can do is say no. i wish you luck!
Hello Hermione,

I'm from Québec too and am currently a MMAR patient. I also went to medical school in Québec, so am familiar with the current state of things when it comes to cannabinoid therapy.

First, you should know the current science on cannabis is irrefutable and any Crohn's or UC patient that has used MMJ to treat the symptoms will tell you it works miracles.
I currently see Dr. Leduc at the CHUM, a GI specialist specialized in IBD (he has over 1200 patients with Crohn's or UC). He is not open to MMJ at all, I don't think he even recognizes the healing potentials of cannabinoids.

The reason is simple.

The science of cannabinoids is modern. The molecule was discovered in the mid 90s, and the mechanisms of action early 2000s. So any doctor that graduated medical school before 1995 and that doesn't keep up with the new scientific literature (which is many, many, many doctors. A staggering majority don't ever attend conferences or sharpen their skills over time unless it's paid for by a big corporation and it happens in Bermuda). So while Dr Leduc may be reputable at dispensing standard medicine for Crohn's, neither he, his two nurses or the IBD pharmacist support the use of MMJ.

I tried Salofalk, Mezovant, Asacol and all three failed, two of them causing major allergic reactions. Then I tried aza, an immunosuppressant, but it induced pancreatitis. The next logical step would be biologics, but the doctor is resisting.

So what to do?

First, the MMAR has now become the MMAP. Rules have changed. All IBD patients were previously admissible, now HC doesn't even have to approve your condition. All you need is a doctor that signs a discharge that is good for 1y, and you use this discharge to sign up with an authorized dispensary.

Thing is, the program JUST LAUNCHED and the only authorized dispensary available is cannimed. I am still part of the old program and will be allowed to grow my own until May 2014, after that I'll have to buy from dispensaries too, but by then, there will be more options.

The forms for cannimed are here:

Cannimed is owned by Plant Prairie LLC, who were previously the sole producer of MMJ for the government, so it's not surprising they were ready first.

All you need is those forms signed, and you send them off to cannimed and you can order up to 150g/month.

The difficult part is to find a doctor who is willing. If you are already on Humira, there is no more next step for you, pharmaceutically. If you've been seeing your GI long, I would bring him as many articles as you can (even if he wont read them, show him you care enough about the issue and that you have done your research).

Tell him you know there are risks but that there are risks with the other pharmaceutical options as well, and that the side effects are also taking a toll on you.

Doctors were previously uncomfortable with prescribing MMJ because there was no legal source. From now on, the MMj dispensaries in Canada will be authorized and sanctioned, regulated and regularly inspected, so there are safe sources.

If your GI doesn't want to, then you can go to a private clinic that is MMJ friendly. I used such a clinic to get my original MMAR application approved since back then it was slightly more complicated. Its name is Green Leaf, they are in BC, but they can meet you over skype for the interview. The cost is between 200-400$.

If you can find a doc to sign the discharge for free though, that is the best option.
Awesome, thanks for the info! I will definitely print out articles to show my GI. I am currently seeing Dr. Wild at the Montreal General. He is also my mother's GI, who she has been seeing for years now
Awesome, thanks for the info! I will definitely print out articles to show my GI. I am currently seeing Dr. Wild at the Montreal General. He is also my mother's GI, who she has been seeing for years now

Hey there,

Here's Health Canada's 'How to Apply' page:


To clarify FrancisK7's earlier post, Health Canada will cease to supply marijuana to patients as of MARCH 31, 2014. Any licenses will expire on that date. Any people growing their own, or having someone grow it for them, have to make sure those plants are either destroyed or transferred to an appropriate producer. On top of that, applications to grow your own or to have someone else grow it will not be considered after October 1, 2013. So your only current option is to buy.

AFTER March 31, 2014, all medicinal marijuana in Canada must be purchased directly from a licensed producer. Currently, only CanniMed is approved with many more to follow by the time you need to switch from Health Canada's supply to a licensed producer.

Here is a link to the registration forms. As an IBD patient, you are classified as a CATEGORY 2 applicant. Therefore, you must fill out forms A, B2 and E1.

You can apply to CanniMed directly, but I would wait until more options are available.

As for getting approval from an appropriate health practitioner (doctor or nurse practitioner), that's the biggest hurdle.

I am not registered to this program. But I was curious, just like you.

This Toronto Star article, detailing the new system and expected explosion of registered MM users, is what got me curious.
As far as I know, right now you have to jump through many hoops and deal with lots of red tape to be approved. From my understanding is it will be easier to be approved once they change the laws. :D You will just need a form filled out by your doctor which will basically be your prescription. From there on, you will be able to get from any dispensary or your doctor can bring it in for you :D
Hi all, just to give you an update. I mentioned it to my GI today and he didn't know/didn't care that IBD patients are elligible. He accused me of having my own agenda and I felt like he was treating me like a criminal. He also mentioned that all doctors in Quebec abide by the royal college of physician rules and that they are the highest quality medications. Basically made me extremely uncomfortable. I walked out of there with a script for predbisone and an appointment for an urgent colonoscopy because he has no idea why the humira isn't working.
I just want to stop all meds and throw in the towel :(
No one in Canada who has a legitimate medical reason for the use of marijuana in the the treatment of their disease has ever had a conviction stand. Any person that has been convicted that has appealed has had the conviction overturned.

I never got my card, but I have access to a dispensary. I would get a statement of diagnosis and get a membership to a dispensary. While it does not offer the same level of protection the legal card does, it is better than not having it.
Hermione, there is a dispensary that operates in Montreal. They're illegal, but because of the jurisprudence vonfunk referred to, they are tolerated. If you can show up there with a form that confirms your IBD diagnosis, they can assist you. They have varieties and affordable prices. I have never used them and I am not sure if they still operate since April 1st.

This is their website: http://www.clubcompassion.org/home_eng_ccm.htm

You can try contacting them and ask what's up.
I live in NC. We can legally make "likker" as long as the state gets their cut. We can now legally gamble as long as the state gets their cut (for education of course). MM will be next as long as the state gets their cut.

Drs. are reluctant to prescribe because they can lose their license over this.

Until it's legal, grow your own or have a trusted friend do it for you.


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