Has anyone ever had this??

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Jun 17, 2010
Okay, I have had Crohn's for a long time. It is in my large intestine, and so I don't have much of the nausea and stuff. But it can be painful. I don't have the Big D very much any more. The last doctor I have been seeing says it might be because my intestines are so scarred that they don't move things right. Usually people that have a scarred colon have more D, but some of us go the other way.

Okay, on to my problem.

For several weeks, I had strange dreams about having a blockage on the right side. I would dream that it got so big it would stick out! I walked around in my dreams and had this big bulge sticking out of my belly. It was on my right side. Very strange!!

Then for a couple of weeks, I had been feeling like I have an orange in my large intestines, right in the middle below my belly button. I have been feeling very constipated. I tried Dulcolax for several days, thinking that it would break up the big ball in my intestine. It helped me to go, and I feel less bloated and full. But it did not break up the "ball".

Yesterday I took some magnesium citrate. Okay - I am feeling a little desperate to get this thing broken up and moving. It took quite a while, but I finally started going.

Now the dang thing has moved to the left side of my colon! It is still big, and feels like I swallowed an orange whole and it is slowly making its way through my intestines. It feels solid like that I could get ahold of it but when I try, things move around and it slips out of reach. It is the strangest sensation I have ever had.

What do you guys think it could be?? Have I lost my mind?
ok that sounds very strange indeed....i would say get to a doc and have him/her feel your abdomen. if there is truly something there, which to me it DOES sound like something is going on....then it should be able to be felt by a dr.

meantime, make sure you drink lotsa water, that helps your body to flush out something it might be having trouble passing. and should you either STOP poo-ing completely or start vomiting then get help asap.

as far as the dreams...that is so strange. i have had this kind of things before......one time i dreamt that i saw a natural healer type doc and in order to fix things he had to like, stab the parts of me that hurt. it was really strange...but one of the spots was on my butt cheek, like where i used to get fistulas...and i woke up wondering if the pain was real or just dreaming. then over the next few weeks sure enough i got a small fistula right there.

very weird. maybe our bodies can tell things to our unconcious minds that we cant get when were awake?
I'm with kello, I'd get to a doctor and get it checked out. You don't want to wind up with an obstruction and have your guts burst (like mine did).

And don't ignore your subconscious! It's your body trying to tell you something...dreams are amazing!
Thanks guys. I knew you would say to go to the doctor! LOL!! But I am glad you don't think I am totally crazy. I think my subconscious mind was trying to tell me about whatever this is. I didn't really feel the lump thing on that side, but I felt full there (even while I was awake).

And kello, that is really cool that you had a dream like that. Okay, not that you did get a fistula, but that you dreamed about it as it was happening. Our minds are amazing.
Hey Sunflower: Sorry you're having odd symptoms, cool that your dreams are aligning with reality. Amazing all the processing that goes on when we're knocked out, eh?! I hope that you get a positive report from the doc, whatever's going on!
Hi there Sunflower,

Please get yourself to the Drs right away to have it checked out. My sister (who does not have IBD) felt a lump and fullness in her lower abdominal region and it turned out to be a tumor. (Stage 3 ovarian cancer) I do not say this to freak you out/ scare you, but there are so many other parts in the abdominal area .Probably is something to do with your Crohn's but better to be safe then sorry. We always assume that it is from our
IBD but since this all happened with my perfectly healthy fit sister (so we thought) do not just assume something new like this is just the disease acting up. Let us know how you make out. Will be thinking good thoughts for you.
Hi Sunflower,
I agree with what everyone has said and, Like Brindle, don't want to scare you, but since April I've dealing with what I thought was a Crohn's flare. They tried all the medications and finally decided it wasn't responding properly and did surgery. Turned out to be a cancer tumor. We've caught it quickly, most removed by the surgery and I start chemo when the surgery heals. Please get to a doctor as soon as possible. He/She will be the only one that can tell for sure what's going on. Again, not trying to scare you, but the sooner these things are detected, the better and easier treatment works. Good luck and keep us posted.
I was just reading the symptoms of different types of cancers in women. This is from WebMD.

No. 1: Unexplained Weight Loss
Many women would be delighted to lose weight without trying. But unexplained weight loss -- say 10 pounds in a month without an increase in exercise or a decrease in food intake -- should be checked out, Mishori says.

"Unexplained weight loss is cancer unless proven not," she says. It could, of course, turn out to be another condition, such as an overactive thyroid.

No. 2: Bloating
Bloating is so common that many women just live with it. But it could point to ovarian cancer. Other symptoms of ovarian cancer include abdominal pain or pelvic pain, feeling full quickly -- even when you haven't eaten much -- and urinary problems, such as having an urgent need to go to the bathroom.

If the bloating occurs almost every day and persists for more than a few weeks, you should consult your physician. Expect your doctor to take a careful history and order a CT scan and blood tests, among others.

No. 7: Blood in the Wrong Place
If you notice blood in your urine or your stool, don’t assume it's from a hemorrhoid, says Mishori. "It could be colon cancer."

Expect your doctor to ask questions and perhaps order testing such as a colonoscopy, an exam of the colon to look for cancer.

Seeing blood in the toilet bowl may actually be from the vagina if a woman is menstruating, Mishori says. But if not, it should be checked to rule out bladder or kidney cancer, she says.

Coughing up blood should be evaluated, too. One occasion of blood in the wrong place may not point to anything, Mishori says, but if it happens more than once, go see your doctor.

No. 8: Gnawing Abdominal Pain and Depression

Any woman who's got a pain in the abdomen and is feeling depressed needs a checkup, says Lichtenfeld. Some researchers have found a link between depression and pancreatic cancer, but it's a poorly understood connection.

No. 9: Indigestion
Women who have been pregnant may remember the indigestion that occurred as they gained weight. But indigestion for no apparent reason may be a red flag.

It could be an early clue to cancer of the esophagus, stomach, or throat.

Expect your doctor to take a careful history and ask questions about the indigestion before deciding which tests to order, if any.

No. 11: Pain
As people age they seem to complain more of various aches and pains, but pain, as vague as it may be, can also be an early symptom of some cancers, although most pain complaints are not from cancer.

No. 13: Fever
If you have a fever that isn't explained by influenza or other infection, it could point to cancer. Fevers more often occur after cancer has spread from its original site, but it can also point to early blood cancers such as leukemia or lymphoma, according to the American Cancer Society.

Other cancer symptoms can include jaundice, or a change in the color of your stool.

Expect your doctor to conduct a careful physical exam and take a medical history, and then order tests such as a chest X-ray, CT scan, MRI, or other tests, depending on the findings.

No. 14: Fatigue
Fatigue is another vague symptom that could point to cancer -- as well as a host of other problems. It can set in after the cancer has grown, but it may also occur early in certain cancers, such as leukemia or with some colon or stomach cancers, according to the American Cancer Society.


I am not saying I have any of the cancers they are talking about. But, in our situations, we have many of these symptoms and they can all be explained by our conditions. That is Eight symptoms out of Fifteen!

I will make an appointment, I guess. The "ball" has moved over to my left side and seems to have disappeared for now. I am shaking my head because I just hate having a bunch of tests run - again. Ugh. But you all are right.
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In the past few months my tummy has blown up and it looks like I am carrying a beach ball in there.

And it is rock hard and I am having pain.

Plus my periods stopped for a few months.

I went to my doctor before Christmas and he had no idea what it was and sent me for an ultrasound on my womb. There appeared to be some polyps and was told to go back this month to see if they have resolved themselves.

I tend to believe that it is actually my UC getting worse.

Or it could be a combination of the two.

The exhaustion I have been having is overwhelming but the doctors keep saying they don’t know what is wrong. I give up on them. I am now seeing a naturopath with the hope that she can help. Certainly been more of a positive help than my doctors so far.

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