I tried 4 drops of lemon oil in 8oz of warm water for five weeks and I felt very crummy the first couple of days too. During this time, (5 days a week for 5 weeks) I also took HOT (as hot as you can stand) baths with essential oils and soaked for 20-30 minutes. The idea is that by sweating this way you're releasing toxins from the INSIDE out. (The sweating you do from exercising is not the same). Let me tell you, the first three times I could only stay in for 20 because it was uncomfortable AND my bath tub had a faint yellow tint to it after my bath from the toxins that were released from my body!
- 10 drops of essential oil per bath
- Blend EO with a carrier oil (coconut, olive oil, jojoba, etc.) first to keep the oils from evaporating or clinging to the side of the bath tub.
- Add the oils to the water right before you get in the bath tub.
- Epsom salts also draw toxins out of the body
- I turn on Pandora and listen to relaxing spa music with nature sounds
- I love listening to audio books that I checked out from the library during this time too.
- Part of healing, is making time for yourself.
*I'm not a doctor. These were the protocols that I followed and they worked for me.