I had nearly the same surgery about 8 yrs ago. I probably had 10 cm of terminal ileum but I think my valve is still there. I took metronidazole (spelled wrong likely--it's some strong antibiotic for healing the gut safely post surgery) for a couple weeks, then azathioprine and pentasa for a little over a year before tapering off over a couple months. At the time, my only serious inflammation was what was removed. I just stopped going to doctors because my disease didn't get noticeably better or worse in that year, to year and a half, before tapering off on my own.
I would NOT recommend others doing so unless they know the state of their inflammation, and whatnot, and are dedicated to keeping a food diary and sticking to some sort of testable plan. Communicate to some impartial, caring third-person at all times. Don't be afraid to admit you might be wrong. For a cursory overview, checkout my rather outdated post at the Success Stories>MY Supps for MY Dis-ease section.
Anyhow, I've been on LDN--mainly for reoccuring joint pain--for 9 months or so but it doesn't seem to be helping in that department. Digestion-wise, LDN seems to just be keeping me at the same state, symptom wise, as before--which may or may not mean it is "working". My main problems are when I stop eating real, whole foods or combine certain foods, or drink caffeine, or stop taking fish oils or good probiotics.
If your wife doesn't have active Crohn's otherwise, and she's pretty concerned, I would perhaps ask for other opinions. Personally, I've never had that aggressive of a case of crohn's and am not sure if women react worse or have better/worse success with meds. I am not sure, but I bet others have unqualified opinions on the subject, also....