Having a bad day

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Sep 25, 2009
having a bad day

every day all i think is im all alone. no-one seems to understand, all i see is a doe eyed look in my friends eyes, sympathy flows from them,
i just wanna be the guy i was 2 years ago, they would come to me to help them out, to do favours for them, not to be a weak and sick human being that i see in the mirror now.
they can never understand that im afraid to go out with them incase i cant get to a toilet, which could end in the most embarrasing disaster, how does a grown man say im afraid that if i go out i may **** myself,
no-one seems to understand that if im sat down for a while, if i stand im gunna need to go to the loo, when i try to tell them that im nervous about standing i hear a faint giggle, and everytime i hear it i loose more of my self respect and pride, they have no idea that if i stand im setting myself up for 15 mins of unbelevable pain, then as if the act of going to the loo isnt enough pain, i have to lower my self onto a seat and hope no-one see's me fighting back tears, and when they do the familiar sound of ''ahh bless'' who ever thought that saying that stupid statement ever helped anyone, it just serves to let you know that you are weaker than they are.
i never used to be this way, i still remember having just two craps a day, i remember eating a big meal and not being able to track it throughout my body, i remember going to the toilet and not seeing blood, i remember being the life and soul of the party, now i sit in a cornor and hope i dissapear.
since i was diagnosed i havent had a girlfriend, and i cant see how i will ever have one now, i keep imagining the first date going over in my mind, going somewhere with a girl i like picking a place with lots of toilets, (just in case). having a meal, maybe a movie, and being nervous through out which is never going to be good for the bowels, how do i explain that i need to rush to the toilet every so often, how do i have a date with someone when im leaving them alone every 20mins? and say she see's past that, befor long im gunna get sick and she's stuck with a grown man who can hardly move and craps all the time. im better off alone.
there has to be an end to all this pain, an end to all the symptoms, but i dont see it, im stood in a tunnel and there is no lights to show me that one day i will be ok,

i wish i could turn the clocks back, and be the strong, confident man i was befor all this started.
hey i know its hard, but you will get there, just think positive and the rest will follow. Few days ago i didnt know wether i wud live, but im here now and gunna live every day like it is my last and sod the crohns, if i gets in the way i will just get in the way of it
The obstacles in life we encounter are what make us who we are. You and the rest of us here may have a slightly harder obstacle to overcome but in the end, it will make us so much stronger. You're not weak at all, you didn't choose this disease but you're choosing to fight it and THAT is what makes you a strong person.
how does a grown man say im afraid that if i go out i may **** myself
Here is how I say it - "I'm afraid that if I go out I may **** myself!"

I know it is difficult to deal with but you can do it. It is hard to see the light at the end when you are having a hard time but it's there. I don't worry about what others think about me. I don't hide it - hell it's a part of me. I tell them that I have this disease and what complications that it causes. They all know that at any time I may have to take off running to the bathroom or that I may not feel like going somewhere. They all accept me for who I am and if they don't, I don't need them in my life.

Turning back the clock would not make you stronger but getting along with your life with this disease certainly will.

I hope that you get some relief soon.
Wow Desch. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time of things. I think just about all of us have been where you are in some way or another. I've personally found that the best way to let people know and understand what is going on is to say it honestly and truthfully. It's a disease, and not one that a lot of people want of course, but what disease is wanted? It's something that has happened to you and something you'll have to come to terms with. Unfortunately it won't go away. But, you can still continue to live and be human. Plenty of people have found boyfriends or girlfriends while having this disease, and several have stayed with their boyfriends/girlfriends after finding out the disease. Of course that's not counting marriages. Sometimes it scares people, and they leave ... but you can't stop that. I think the sooner you become more 'comfortable' with your disease and the more you get the people around you comfortable with the situation and circumstances the more secure you'll feel and appear. Chin up. You've found a great place to air this type of concern out there. It's a great group of people here to offer support and a few laughs along the way. Helps to know you're not alone. :welcome:
thanks everyone, its nice just knowing that there are others out there and just knowing that helps a bit.