Having Surgery in 2 weeks (Microscopic Belly Button)

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H20 86

I'm having surgery 2 weeks from today. I'm soo happy to finally get this done. I have a 16cm (about 6.2 inch) in my lower ileum area.

I'm having my surgery done laparoscopic , through my belly button. So recovery time and hospital stay will be shorter. If all goes well, 3-4 days in the hospital and about 2 weeks at home. My doctor said after 2 months i should be 100% and feel like a new person. Luckly, im in my early 20's,still growing/maturing and can finally enjoy my life after suffering for soo many years.

Have anyone of you guys had a similar surgery done, if so, Should i be worried ???
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Best of luck. I have never had this kind of surgery before. I wish you the best of luck and keep us updated how you do.
good luck :) i haven't had this done either - my ops were the old fashioned zipper type lol.

this is keyhole surgery, i take it? i've heard some amazing reports from patients who've had this type of procedure. please let us know how you're doing..
I have had this type of surgery before, but not for a bowel resection. The scars are really tiny and are barely noticable. The recovery time is less, but I would opt to say it doesn't hurt any less.. just hurts for a shorter amount of time.

Good luck!
Wow - that sounds amazing. Microscopic for Crohn's? Never heard of it.
Good luck to ya'!

Pen - where exactly is one's teakettle? :)
The Correct term is laparoscopic , sorry.

My surgeon says not to many people know how to do type of surgery. However, i was told if he saw something different/new , he would cut me open. But only if he saw something. He thinks its a very little chance since im young and never had surgery before. I'm hoping all goes well, i'll be back on my feet by mid August.

Whats the chances of infection from surgery and how much blood did you guys lose?
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I had laparoscopic surgery in October 2006. I was fortunate enough to have the surgery from one of the pioneers (Dr. Joseph Petelin at Shawnee Mission Medical Center) with this technique. It is much less invasive and reduces the hospital stay from 5-10 days to only 3 days.

A couple of days after surgery he came to my room and said that out of all of the surgeries he's done on Crohn's patients he's never seen such a clean colon. Everything was isolated to one area. He did say though that if Crohn's were to rear it's ugly head again it would be at the point of resection.:eek:

Here is a link to his bio: http://www.or-live.com/ShawneeMission/1662/aboutFaculty.cfm
KCMike said:
I had laparoscopic surgery in October 2006. I was fortunate enough to have the surgery from one of the pioneers (Dr. Joseph Petelin at Shawnee Mission Medical Center) with this technique. It is much less invasive and reduces the hospital stay from 5-10 days to only 3 days.

A couple of days after surgery he came to my room and said that out of all of the surgeries he's done on Crohn's patients he's never seen such a clean colon. Everything was isolated to one area. He did say though that if Crohn's were to rear it's ugly head again it would be at the point of resection.:eek:

Here is a link to his bio: http://www.or-live.com/ShawneeMission/1662/aboutFaculty.cfm

My Colon seems clean too and i have one isolated area as well. It's 16cm and there believe i'll be fine for a long time after surgery. I'm soo happy that there going to try the laparoscopic surgery because the recover time is shorter.

Did you get any problems after the surgery? how did you feel after and now?
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H20 86 said:
My Colon seems clean too and i have one isolated area as well. It's 16cm and there believe i'll be fine for a long time after surgery. I'm soo happy that there going to try the laparoscopic surgery because the recover time is shorter.

Did you get any problems after the surgery? how did you feel after and now?

Laparoscopic surgery - it was no walk in the park but I was ready to come home after three days. I can't imagine having to stay another 3 or 4 days.

My first night home from the hospital was the worst. They had prescribed me Vicotin for the pain and 15 minutes after I took one I was throwing up so much that I thought my insides were going to rip apart. I went without any pain medication from that point on. I had lots of 'D' for about 24 hours. After a few days I was able to eat some solid foods and get plenty of rest. I also took two weeks off from work. The really strange part was when my organs were repositioning. I could feel them moving all the time.

Currently, I'm pretty much normal. I'm not taking any meds and haven't had a single flare since. I can eat pretty much anything. I hope you have similar results. Keep us posted.
KCMike said:
Laparoscopic surgery - it was no walk in the park but I was ready to come home after three days. I can't imagine having to stay another 3 or 4 days.

My first night home from the hospital was the worst. They had prescribed me Vicotin for the pain and 15 minutes after I took one I was throwing up so much that I thought my insides were going to rip apart. I went without any pain medication from that point on. I had lots of 'D' for about 24 hours. After a few days I was able to eat some solid foods and get plenty of rest. I also took two weeks off from work. The really strange part was when my organs were repositioning. I could feel them moving all the time.

Currently, I'm pretty much normal. I'm not taking any meds and haven't had a single flare since. I can eat pretty much anything. I hope you have similar results. Keep us posted.

I hope my surgery goes as well as yours did and feel the way you are now. What's great is your doing well and your still on this Forum, that pretty cool of you to do that. Thanks for the support and I'll let you and everyone know how things went.
Hey H20 86,

It's not that I'm a pessimist, but my GI basically told me that I have a 50-50 chance of Crohn's coming back with the chance of another surgery down the road. I continue to visit this forum based on that information. I've never had to take any medication for this disease because I didn't know I had Crohn's and just wrote all of the pain and flares off as food poisoning, stomach flu, stress related...etc. By the time I was diagnosed, it was time for surgery. It was my own fault for not going to the doctor sooner.

I'm learning so much from other people's experiences with certain medications, diets, and alternative approaches to battling Crohn's. I savor every moment of being able to eat 'real' food. I know this sound kind of "cheesy" pun intended; but I can actually eat the remaining pizza off my daughter's plate that she didn't finish. When I was sick she would ask me if I wanted a bite and I would take a piece from her but couldn't eat it. It's the little things in life that I missed the most.
My doctors think i'll be fine for along time. It's been 16cm for 2 years now and they feel surgery is best for my future. Since i'm young, my life is ahead of me. I got my education and trying to get my health back right now.

I'm happy about having surgery , i've had Crohns for soo long without knowing during my teen years. I never had surgery before in my life but with all the stuff i've been through with this, how bad can it be?

I'll becareful Pen, i dont smoke and i'm very careful what i put into my body.
Thanks everyone for the support and I'll keep u guys updated for sure.
29th is the day plus the 3+ days in the hospital, if all goes well, Aug. 2nd or 3rd , you'll see an update from me.
I had my surgery done. I'm feelin really good right now except i dont have much strength right now.

But they cut me open and i have 20 staples in my tummy right now (coming off friday). I had it done last week Tuesday the 29th. They cut 10 inches and they tired Laparoscopic but had to cut me open. I was prepared for that, so it wasnt a surprise.

i got up and walked on thursday, they gave me liquid food on friday and then saturday then gave me a normal lunch. After i ate my lunch and nothing happened i got to go home. Wasn't easy going home but they let me out.

I'm Young soo that resulted in my recover time to be so quick my doctors believe. I lost alot of blood , almost needed a tusion. But right now I feel great in terms of symtoms, like a new person with peace of mind finally.

I want to Thank you all for helping me get through this and i'll still be on here helping you guys and new members.
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