Headache sick yuck

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 14, 2011

38 hours since last prednisone dose! I feel terrible. headache, nausea, slugish, just weird feeling in general!

boss asked why i seem sad last week and this week.

ha i think i feel/felt angry at work due to stupidness of some of stuff I am doing! stupid drugs causing randomly perceived (or actual i just dont notice them) mood/effects!
What dose did you just taper off of and how long were you on that dose? Sounds like too quick of a drop. Gotta be careful for this business: Adrenal Insufficiency/Crisis Prednisone does come in 1mg tabs or you can break a 5mg in half.
5mg for 7 days, then nothing...

day4 of nothing and no headache today feel pretty good but joints are all achy.
Reasons for headaches:--
  1. Stress and muscle pressure
  2. Diet as well as food sensitivities
  3. Mouth issues
  4. Hormone affects
  5. Eye issues

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