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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 12, 2011
You know, I thought I had been on this forum a long time ago, but I must have just been a lurker! :)

I've had Crohn's symptoms since I was 9 years old, but I wasn't diagnosed until I was 16 years old. The first doctor I went to had the audacity to give me some tums and tell me it was all in my head! Luckily, I found a great GI after that.

In the last 5 years I have had 5 colonoscopies, 2 capsule endoscopies, 3 barium swallows, contrast CT scans, MRI's, gallbladder tests, more bloodwork than I can remember; been on Asacol, prednisone, lialda, pentasa, and hyoscyamine. I am sure I am forgetting some things there.

Unfortunately, I seem to just be getting worse. My last colonoscopy showed that not only were the ulcers still there, but my colon now bleeds on contact. Never had that result before. I have developed extreme fatigue and headaches which makes me think I have stopped absorbing things as well as I should be, as well as joint pain along with the never ending stomach pain and bathroom breaks. I can no longer hold down a job.

My families response at this point is pretty much "get over it, you aren't that sick", so I am glad I found a place where hopefully people can relate to what I am going through. :) I know many people have it worse off than I do, and all of you inspire me.

Anywho, its been very nice to meet you all. :)
I feel for you, I too had a Dr or two that told me it was all in my head and have family/friends that just can't grasp what I am going through. I often wish I did not look "normal" to them. Perhaps if I had the sores on my outsides that I have on my insides they would take me serious. Stay strong and eventually it will all pull through.
Welcome! I just joined a few days ago and this has. Been a god send for me. I hope you find a lot of the love and support that you need on here. No one understands the pain and emotional exhaustion that you go through - even the most supportive outsider. It's especially hard when people don't even attempt to understand the situation or belittle it. I like to tell those people to shove a knife up their bum for a few hours and sit on it and then talk to you about the pain. (an abrasive approach that isn't very helpful but funny to me). Meanwhile ask questions, throw out your story and you'll find too many people relate to you on here. (I love all of you on here so far but I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy). I'll be hoping that you find more answers.

Stay strong!
HI Ashley welcome to the forum! :bigwave: you have pretty much told your story like mine, minus the bleeding, I have never bled (knock on wood) and have had my first surgeon tell me it was all in my head...how nice...idiot. Even family memebers try to be helpful but they truly dont know what it is like... like we all like being in pain? You sound like you really need help and get on something to help you stabilize. I havent worked in 10 years, never stabilized after my second resection. You should get your iron, b12 and vitamin D levels checked. Hang in there keep posted!
Hello Ashley and welcome!
Hi Ashley and welcome! I am sorry to hear you family isn't being very supportive, because you certainly need it. Crohns is not an easy disease to deal with, especially on your own. Being that you are not improving with current treatment, has your doctors suggested a new plan of action? It sounds like it may be time.

Please keep us posted and I hope you start feeling better soon!

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