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Mar 25, 2010
Well, as I promised in the post I am ready to join the group officially.

I was diagnosed in April 2005 after a rather harrowing experience and, as with most of you, the really scary part was not knowing what was wrong.

It started innocently enough by having dinner at a mexican restaurant with my daughter. I love all things spicy and so I gorged myself on the salsa and chips. So, it was nothing out of the ordinary, since certain foods always had me going that I had to visit the bathroom once we got back home. However, this time it didn't stop. In the course of a couple of weeks I dropped 20 lbs (american), which as woman who was always teetering on being slightly overweight, wasn't all too bad, right? Well, sure as heck didn't want to loose it at this rate at my age. You know -- the birthday suit just doesn't retract in kind.

Anyhow, the D progessed and after 2 1/2 - 3 weeks I couldn't keep anything in me, it just ran through. Work was a drag and, living in Tucson, AZ, I got a little worried about dehydration. By then, I also was in quite some pain. Finally, I went to Urgent Care but they only put a bag of fluids in me and sent me home. Well, that $800 bag went right out the back door!
A week later I tried the ER with the same result. By then I was really getting scared. Pain, weakness, fatigue, tired and not able to keep any fluids in the increasing heat .... not good!

I called my doctor and literally asked him to help me and what I needed to do to get admitted to the hospital. He told me to go back to the ER. He must have heard some of the desperation in my voice because when I went and waited for a couple of hours he came to the ER, looked at me, went in the back and got me in and admitted. There were several reasons to admit me at this point, the main was my heart because of low potassium levels.

At that point I really didn't care much anymore. I was pretty much out of it, tired of putting anything into my body and very, very tired of wiping my butt. The hospital stay is somewhat a haze but I remember having a doctor with pretty dismal bedside manners -- he didn't instill any confidence of finding the cause and just poked and prodded and tried all the tests he could think of. I think after 1 1/2 weeks on a Sunday a miracle walked through the door. A GI on call! The first and one and only doctor who came into my hospital room, sat on my bed and looked at me. At that point I had turned my back to him but he laid his hand on my shoulder and said, "We won't let you die!" I cannot even describe what that meant at that moment. But, I finally felt life tugging at me and I turned around to look at him ..... and we talked. We talked about theories of what I could have and what tests need to be done. While I was already (at this point) scheduled for the colonoscopy he told me what it is and what the outcome might be.

Oh well, I don't want to drag this out too much but - tada - I got diagnosed with Crohn's, received the appropriate medication and responded really well and within days.

And, like with many here, initially it was a relief to know what was wrong until the reality of what is REALLY wrong set in and how much it would influence the rest of my life. I was in remission for over a year but then had flares and D but it was all tolerable.

Then, last year in July I developed the first abscess, got treated. It came back with more of a vengeance in October and that is when my doctor (yes, the one from the hospital is now my regular GI) got me on Cimzia.

Overall, I guess, I was a little too careless and love food waaaay too much, which probably caused the punishment that I have to go through now. So, I have to remind myself that hot salsa isn't the way to go and that I should stick with the poached fish for a while. :ylol2:

Opps -- guess this is longer than I intended and I hope I didn't bore y'all too much.

Thanks for reading though! :)
Hi LOSTnut, and welcome! I am glad you followed through and officially introduced us with your story. I am glad you found your one and only doctor! The really good ones are sometimes hard to find. Can't say I share your love of hot food though - even before I started having stomach problems, I could never eat the hot stuff - my tongue wouldn't let it near my throat! LOL

Good health and best of luck.
Thank you, Dustin.

Ahhh ... food! Yes, always loved the stuff and ate it plentiful that I now cannot eat or only in small portions: hot stuff, fresh salads, fresh raw veggies, chocolate ...

You should see me drool when somebody eats stuff like that in front of me. It is pathetic!
Welcome and good luck!

Its easy to get carried away with food when you are feeling good. I have terrible pred munchies and have been eating a lot of food and some food from my naughty list. lol. Its a good thing I could stand to gain a few pounds.
Thanks, Lydia.

LOL -- when I was on Pred and scarily low on weight I enjoyed the midnight raids to the refrigerator.

Good luck to you too on the weight gain. I know how important that is when it so "easy" to loose.
Hi Lostnut-
What was the first med that they put you on?
Are you doing well on the Cimzia now?
Welcome to the forum!
Thanks, MBH!

I am actually not sure if they gave me something through the IV in the hospital. But, once home I was on 20 mg of Pred and Asacol. I was weaned off the Pred but stayed on the Asacol with other stuff until I got on the Cimzia.

Overall, I am doing well on the Cimzia. I took down my pill intake to zero with the exception for the one daily Azathioprine.

Personally, the Cimzia is a wonder drug. It is very expensive and I hear some insurance companies balk at paying the whopping $4K per shot (mind you there are two shots per dose) but for me it came right on the heel of either surgery or the shots. And, my doc mentioned that my insurance company came back within two weeks with the approval.

Then again, why wouldn't it be in the best interest of the insurance companies to pay for the med as opposed to the ER and hospital stays??? I am all in favor of prevention as opposed to treatment.
Correction -- I took other meds over the years with the Asacol to lighten stomach cramps like Hyomax.
Welcome lostnut... gotta love that name. I am glad to see someone doing well on Cimzia. We dont have it here in Canada yet but maybe some day. One good thing is blogging about it is great for others to see how you are doing and they can learn. It isnt easy to learn about the disease and the drugs we have to take.

Hope you find this forum great for info from others too.
:) Hi Jettalady, thanks for the welcome and yes, most definitely lots of info here. Not so sure about blogging but I will try my best to let you know how the Cimzia does with me. So far it has been quite the wonder drug and I am off most of the other stuff like Asacol.

For me the absolute best thing was getting off the steroids. I actually took Dexamethasone the last time around and I swear those things are potent to the ninth degree. :smile:
Hi Lostnut ! I totally understand about the relief of finally getting a diagnosis.I was sick 2 years in a row(spring), with similar symptoms. At least now you know. Going to the Emergency Room, I felt like a freak. Bloody diarrhea, Severe joint pain, open sores on my legs, fissures just to name a few....

Welcome to the Forum Also!

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