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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 2, 2010
So good to be apart of a group. I have read so many horror stories lately from other crohns people I have talked to. It makes me realize how lucky we are to have found something that works so well. My husband is now living symptom free after fighting for three years! I hope all of you find something that works just as well. Good luck to all of you and I am looking forward to getting to know you.
Hi Wife2Crohns and :welcome:

First up let me apologise for your introductory post being missed. :redface: It would appear a number of newbie posts were missed at the beginning of the month so there must have been a problem with the system as this is not normal.

I'm glad you found us and I hope you are still around. It's great to hear that your husband is in remission! YAY. Would you like to let us know about his story and how he managed to be symptom free?

So welcome aboard and I am so happy for you both.:ybiggrin:

Take care,
hello wife!! :)
thats awesome that your hubby is doing so well what treatment is he on?

and good job to you for seeking out support for him and you as you try to help him! not all family members are so supportive and really, i always feel it is quite something when a loved one of a crohnie reaches out.
even in times of remission the knowledge that you ALWAYS have this base to come back to and ask any questions, share fears, share awesome experiences :).....its great.

well welcome and have fun and ask questions and such! this place is great for info, just chatting, and cracking jokes as well ;)

see you around!
Hi, and welcome to the forum! So nice to see caring family members and friends on the forum to be a support to their special Crohnies. :)
Hello Wife2 (that's probably not a good contraction, but I couldn't resist), I think we have a clogged filter or something because lately we've had a rash of missed intros and it just doesn't happen. I hope you return and see how welcoming we really are. We'd all like to hear more about how you guys are managing.
Welcome. I'm new here as well. My husband is in the middle of a long hospital stay for severe ulcerative colitis and I've found this group to be so supportive and helpful. What a great thing to be living symptom free- you sound thrilled and I bet it feels great for both of you.
Hi Wife of Hubby wiv Crohns
and welcome

hope you come back to us for some support and sorry we missed you!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx