
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 23, 2010
Hi everyone,

I'm new here :) I've been getting extremely frustrated dealing with these symptoms and I don't seem to be getting much help from doctors. A couple of months ago I got severe diarrhea and cramps and since then, it's been constant abdominal pain, cramps, my joints are making me feel like i'm 80 (i'm 23), nauseau after I eat and overall exhaustion and weakness.

I saw my primary doctor and we did a stool sample and blood test and both came back negative for anything. He told me there was really nothing he could do and we should wait and see if the symptoms go away.

I thought it could be some sort of "womanly" problem since I'd had problems in the past and I got an ultrasound and culture and alas, everything was negative.

Finally, I demanded to see a GI earlier this week. I was doing pretty bad the morning I saw him and it must have been apparent because he sent me straight to the ER. While there, I had a CT scan done and, of course, everything looked fine.

So, now I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy and I am hoping that provides some much needed answers. They did give me tylenol 3 so that is nice to have, def helps me sleep, and Bentyl. I have only taken the Bentyl once (about an hour ago) because I'm not sure of the side effects I will experience and I wanted to wait until night time to take it. Hopefully, the Bentyl will help.

I just miss the pleasure I used to get from eating, since it is, literally, a pain now to eat. I'm frustrated that test after test is coming back negative. The doctors think it's some bacteria or bug and I just think after 2 months that bug should have probably gone away. Oh well. I'm hopeful we will come to a diagnosis soon.

Sorry this is so long! I just really needed to vent. Thanks for listening :)
Hi Lauren and :welcome:

I'm glad you found your way here. I am hoping along with you that you get the answers you need from the colonoscopy. We have many people here that are undiagnosed and unfortunately Crohns can be very difficult to diagnose and the symptoms are many and varied. Cat has just started a great new thread, the Undiagnosed Club..................................


This is a fab place for support and info and I hope you stick around 'cause we would love to have you here. Best of luck with your upcoming test.........................


Take care, :)
Hi Lauren welcome!! I'm glad Dusty mentioned Cat-a-tonic's thread. That poor girl is someone you will definitely be able to commiserate with. She is currently awaiting results from her latest test, the pill-cam. I hope you find answers soon!! Good luck!!
Hi there and welcome to the forum. YES this disease sucks, yes we miss our favourite foods, but you pay if you eat the wrong thing too, so hardly worth it. The main goal is always keep your belly out of pain. Colonoscopies are not fun but they do tell you usually right then and there. Biopsies take a couple of weeks. :hang:. Glad you found us!
Hi Lauren
and welcome

Yes I can totally relate! I was undiagnosed for 15 years!
When I'm cramping with severe D, a low residue diet works for me, it's mainly white food, like chicken, turkey, white bread, white rice, white fish, bananas, plain Rich Tea biscuits or Arrowroot biscuits. No veg or fruit, plenty of water. This diet gives the bowels a rest, try it whilst you're waiting for scope. If this doesn't work, ask GP for codeine phosphate, this stops D in it's tracks, but just for a short term only, it can be an addictive drug if taken regulary.
glad you found us, lots of friends here for you
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
hey Lauren and welcome to our forum. you will find here many with similar experiences to help and support. its not uncommon to get unconclusive test. you know your body the best and its good that you take charge with the doctors.
please keep us posted with the colonoscopy
Hello Lauren and welcome to the forum! :ysmile:

Crohn's can be difficult to diagnose and many go quite awhile
and with many tests until the final diagnosis is made.

I'm glad you found your way here...
a lot of people are in the same boat.

Welcoming hugs~Nancy

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