I'm going to keep this short 
Crohn's at the age of 14 and was encouraged to get surgery at 19 but didn't
Oh goodness...struggled through school work for many years
Went to get a Remicade treatment and I had a fever so high they told me to drive myself to the ER...made the decision to get surgery because I was sick of being sick but still did not realize the life change that was to happen. I also had a cancerous lesion removed from my liver along with the ileo surgery (docs said it was from Imuran but Imuran said "we don't cause those types of lesions"...haha...lucky I'm not that greedy).
So..Ileostomy Surgery in 2004
I was just happy to be healthy the first few months. Now I realize that I somewhat remove myself from society like I'm different. It's so hard to date now when I used to be such a flirt and outgoing
This is the biggest thing I deal with...dating or even being open to people paying attention to me. In my mind I'm like they think I'm pretty but will they after they know? I sometimes forget how sick I was and that I pretty much needed to get the surgery to live. But Oh how I wish I could change how I see myself and be thankful for just being alive...I try to be positive but its so hard and family and friends just don't understand. I got my surgery at 28 just when I was getting comfortable with all my flaws. Once upon a time I dated a lot of guys but now I don't even give them eye contact because I can't see them being able to handle it. I used to compare myself a little to images on tv or magazines but now it's on a whole different level because I feel so far from those images now. Everyone tells me I need to love myself and be ok with it or nobody else will and I know this is true but for some reason it's hard for me even after so many years. I would love to hear stories from men who date or are married to women with ostomies, because I kind of need to know that there are people out there who don't care and are still attracted to their mate even when they could have dated other people. These stories may make me look at things differently but I have yet to hear about these types of men. I hope to one day be ok with this thing and feel beautiful again.
Crohn's at the age of 14 and was encouraged to get surgery at 19 but didn't
Oh goodness...struggled through school work for many years
Went to get a Remicade treatment and I had a fever so high they told me to drive myself to the ER...made the decision to get surgery because I was sick of being sick but still did not realize the life change that was to happen. I also had a cancerous lesion removed from my liver along with the ileo surgery (docs said it was from Imuran but Imuran said "we don't cause those types of lesions"...haha...lucky I'm not that greedy).
So..Ileostomy Surgery in 2004
I was just happy to be healthy the first few months. Now I realize that I somewhat remove myself from society like I'm different. It's so hard to date now when I used to be such a flirt and outgoing