Hi, my name is Henry, I'm 23 and I work and live in London.
I have been fairly ill on and off since November, with blood in diarrhoea and really severe stomach pains. I went to the doctor who suggested that I probably had IBS due to stress and sent me on my way.
I was stressed so it made sense and I went on my happy way.
January, it all came back again, so I got a blood test. Nothing unusual.
March, it came back again, but with nausea... ended up dyhydrated and went to hospital.... Doctor was concerned in the hospital and did a blood test and an xray... Nothing unusual and told me I must have had some kind of bug.
June, dehydrated again, this time told that I should really get a referral from my GP to go to St Marks hospital for further investigation. I went to GP but she suggested that I should come back after the summer if it continues.
August, went to Spain. Ended up in hospital in Maliga with severe stomach pains in a way I had never experienced. I think the amount of white bread that I consumed was not a good idea, they gave me some painkillers and sent me on my way. It took 3 days of not eating a great deal and drinking dehydration solution to get me in a state where I could travel (by coach) to Madrid where I then ended up in a first aid place in a field with 40degree weather.
September, got back to London where I went to my GPs but with a different doctor who looked through my history and said he suspected Crohns. I have had more blood tests (awaiting results) and have given a stool sample.
Got a colonoscopy last week but not all the way up.... I'm bleeding and that can be dodgy.
I have inflammation in my anus and descending colon, biopsies taken and awaiting results. Full colonoscopy will happen at a later date as will an ultrasound.
I'm not eating a great deal and gone from just under 9 stone to just under 7 stone. Right now I'm at home having been in bed pretty much all day with tiredness and stomach cramping after working a 60+ hour week this week (I work in a secondary school).
I am hoping and praying still that I don't have Crohns and that it's just a really bad infection or something, but the reality seems to be sinking in that I may have Crohns or UC.
I have been fairly ill on and off since November, with blood in diarrhoea and really severe stomach pains. I went to the doctor who suggested that I probably had IBS due to stress and sent me on my way.
I was stressed so it made sense and I went on my happy way.
January, it all came back again, so I got a blood test. Nothing unusual.
March, it came back again, but with nausea... ended up dyhydrated and went to hospital.... Doctor was concerned in the hospital and did a blood test and an xray... Nothing unusual and told me I must have had some kind of bug.
June, dehydrated again, this time told that I should really get a referral from my GP to go to St Marks hospital for further investigation. I went to GP but she suggested that I should come back after the summer if it continues.
August, went to Spain. Ended up in hospital in Maliga with severe stomach pains in a way I had never experienced. I think the amount of white bread that I consumed was not a good idea, they gave me some painkillers and sent me on my way. It took 3 days of not eating a great deal and drinking dehydration solution to get me in a state where I could travel (by coach) to Madrid where I then ended up in a first aid place in a field with 40degree weather.
September, got back to London where I went to my GPs but with a different doctor who looked through my history and said he suspected Crohns. I have had more blood tests (awaiting results) and have given a stool sample.
Got a colonoscopy last week but not all the way up.... I'm bleeding and that can be dodgy.
I have inflammation in my anus and descending colon, biopsies taken and awaiting results. Full colonoscopy will happen at a later date as will an ultrasound.
I'm not eating a great deal and gone from just under 9 stone to just under 7 stone. Right now I'm at home having been in bed pretty much all day with tiredness and stomach cramping after working a 60+ hour week this week (I work in a secondary school).
I am hoping and praying still that I don't have Crohns and that it's just a really bad infection or something, but the reality seems to be sinking in that I may have Crohns or UC.