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Sep 24, 2011
Hi, my name is Henry, I'm 23 and I work and live in London.
I have been fairly ill on and off since November, with blood in diarrhoea and really severe stomach pains. I went to the doctor who suggested that I probably had IBS due to stress and sent me on my way.
I was stressed so it made sense and I went on my happy way.

January, it all came back again, so I got a blood test. Nothing unusual.

March, it came back again, but with nausea... ended up dyhydrated and went to hospital.... Doctor was concerned in the hospital and did a blood test and an xray... Nothing unusual and told me I must have had some kind of bug.

June, dehydrated again, this time told that I should really get a referral from my GP to go to St Marks hospital for further investigation. I went to GP but she suggested that I should come back after the summer if it continues.

August, went to Spain. Ended up in hospital in Maliga with severe stomach pains in a way I had never experienced. I think the amount of white bread that I consumed was not a good idea, they gave me some painkillers and sent me on my way. It took 3 days of not eating a great deal and drinking dehydration solution to get me in a state where I could travel (by coach) to Madrid where I then ended up in a first aid place in a field with 40degree weather.

September, got back to London where I went to my GPs but with a different doctor who looked through my history and said he suspected Crohns. I have had more blood tests (awaiting results) and have given a stool sample.
Got a colonoscopy last week but not all the way up.... I'm bleeding and that can be dodgy.
I have inflammation in my anus and descending colon, biopsies taken and awaiting results. Full colonoscopy will happen at a later date as will an ultrasound.

I'm not eating a great deal and gone from just under 9 stone to just under 7 stone. Right now I'm at home having been in bed pretty much all day with tiredness and stomach cramping after working a 60+ hour week this week (I work in a secondary school).

I am hoping and praying still that I don't have Crohns and that it's just a really bad infection or something, but the reality seems to be sinking in that I may have Crohns or UC.
Hi Henry. I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. I hope you get some answers soon, and also hope you are right that it is just some kind of bug.
HI Henry, welcome to the forum. It's sounds like you are having a rough time of it. It's doesn't sound like a stomach bug to me that is. Especially if there is inflammation of your anus and colon. i am no doctor but, it sounds like either UC or Crohn's disease. But, i hope your biopsies turn out differently. I have had crohn's now for 21 years and counting so i know about dehydation and fatigue it takes all your energy just to get out of bed in the morning and especially if your working it takes even more energy out of you.this forum is very supportive and well knowledged so if you have any questions just fire away. it was nice to meet you i hope to see you around the forum. best wishes.
Hi Herny, your story is somewhat similar to mine.

I had doctors brushing it off on other things till I ended up in hospital not being able to keep water down and the emergency doc strongly recommended a colonoscopy - so at least you took that step rather than continuing to blame other reasons.

While I was waiting for biopsy and CT scan results my friend (whos a nutritionist) but me on an IBS/IBD diet which helped me with the cramping immensly (and BMs for that matter). Mind you my crohns is in my small intestine so the small portions more ofen where the best to start putting weight back on. Everyone is different so see what works for you.

A friend of mine at work thought he had crohns but after a colonoscopy biopsys showed very bad bacteria formation so there's still hope for you yet.

Just try to say positive, it is a very rough time going through testing and looking for answers while being so sick. But you'll be quite relived when answers start coming out - as you will then have a plan of action to get you feeling better :)
Hello Henry, I am sorry you are having a rough go with things. I hope the doctors figure everything out, it is good to have you on the forum though. Welcome aboard!
Hiya Henry
and welcome

Really hope you get something sorted, you don't bleed with IBS for a start!
If it is Crohn's then at least you'll have a name for your symptoms and some appropriate meds regime instead of being fobbed off with IBS meds.
Let us know how you get on with the docs and we're all here to support you thro this difficult time
Lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Thank you. Feeling a little better now I have had a little food today and I'm going to venture out today and go to an evening mass (I am trying to keep to my normal routine as much as possible).
I'm more concerned about my weight than anything else - I saw myself in the mirror as I got out of the shower today and wanted to sob... I look so thin and frail. I wanted to curl up and die a couple of days ago when one my students at the school that I work at commented that he was worried I wasn't eating enough because I look really thin.
Hiya Henry

Once your docs have established that it is indeed Crohn's, and that there is active inflammation, he might put you on a course of Prednisolone, a steroid.
This steroid will help with your appetite, weight gain and energy, and of course, reduce pain and diarrhea.
Once the inflammation is under control the doc will introduce a maintenancemed into the regime.
Weight loss isn't an IBS symptom neither. You do sound like it's an IBD, weight loss can/might be caused by not absorbing food and nutrients.
Hang on in there, won't be long now before you get answers

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