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Jun 2, 2016
Hi, so It all started about 2yrs ago not long after I had my 1st child, I sufferd constipation and it felt like I was passing razor blades then one day i was bleeding loads. So I made an appointment with Dr, who then just bumped me of saying it was caused by constipation and prescribed me some laxative drink to have daily. It helped for a little while but the the constipation and razor pain came back, so 2yrs on and Ive got used to the constant constipation, but my bowel movements start to change, my bowels become really irritated and one day id have dirreah then the next id have constipation and the bleeding all the time, and sometimes its really hard to pass wind, id feel it just building up inside me, I been to he docs and they took a stool sample, results come back showing bowels was slightly inflamed, and refers me to hospital to see the gastroenterology team, my appointments next week and as the days draw closer I'm getting really nervous about what they might find
Has anyone else ever experienced something like this?
Help/advice would be much appreciated thanks xx
Welcome. You have come to a great support forum. Know that everyone is standing behind you. Please keep us updated on your condition. We all have had similar symptoms.
I can't say I have shared those symptoms,quite the way you have.I am glad you have an appointment with a specialist.You need someone more knowledgeable than a general practitioner.I think we all can relate to your nervousness,it is scary to confront our illness.To have the cold,hard facts of having IBD laid out to you.The good thing about being properly diagnosed is you and your GI can form the best plan for you to fight this disease.

Start this relationship by being honest and open with your gastroenterologist(GI).I encourage you to ask questions you may have,take advantage of the in person meetings.We have all wished we asked a question once we get back home from a doctors appointment.I keep a notebook handy to write questions down in between doctor appointments.I bring it with me to the appointments.Both my GI and colorectal doc encourage this practice and feel it makes our time together more productive.

I find a hard thing to do is to be patient when dealing with any medical situation...hurry up and wait.You should expect to be dealt with in a timely manner,but it does not always happen.We are under stress when we go to these appointments and having to 'hurry up and wait' does not help.I guess I am saying,try not to let this aspect of going to the doctor add anymore needless stress to your life.Easier said than done,right? Bring a book to read,go over your questions you may have,etc.

The notebook tip is more useful if you remember to bring it to the appointment.Not that I have forgotten,of course. :D

Let us know how it goes.
Thanks for the reply's, me being me just worries alot about even the littlest things. Its just the fear of the unknown that scares me and cos a few members of my family's had cancer I the life time that's my biggest fear of all. Also reading through peoples forums and ive seen most people experience weight loss, I on the other haven't if anything ive put on weight x
Yeah,stress is something that exacerbates IBD.It is also caused by the not knowing.A rock and a hard place situation.Don't dwell on the weight loss,or the opposite of;not everyone gets 'skinny'. It is a fine line between constant vigilance and paranoia,in my opinion.I have crossed it a few times.We do need to be on top of things.A week is not that long to wait to see your new GI...hurry up and wait,right? Gives you time to write down some questions. :)