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Jun 6, 2011
Here's the deal im debating on going to the hospital tonight. While at work I started running a fever and getting hot and cold sweats and then I felt something sort of rupture without the intense pain although there was pain. Then I felt sharp stabbing pains intermitten between fevers and I went to the bathroom. After some intense breathing I was able to use the bathroom and the stool was solid with blood throughout it and it was sort of difficult topass. The rest if the night has been sharp pain and dull pain in my back and lower left abdomine and intermitten fevers. Im not sure what's going on or if its worth going to the er.
Where did the rupture occur? Can you pinpoint it? It sounds a bit concerning, to me.
I would go to the ER. The fevers and the chills would be the most worrisome to me. It's a sign of infection.
@Jessi- It felt like my lower left abdomine sort of by my hip bone but more to the right and a little up. I'm used to this part of my intestine hurting since it's always been most inflammed. At first it hurt in the front and now it's wrapping around to my back.
@Gems- My fever has been fluctating between 99.9- 101 depending on my hot and cold sweats

I guess I'm not sure if I should be concerned because I was able to pass two formed stools (with blood) but formed nontheless. It felt pretty intense though trying to pass them...err I don't know
Can you call your GI or his/her PA on-call? Or a nurse? Do that, at the very least. Let them know what you told us here, and see what they want you to do.
I think everyone's stepped out for the day and if I remeber I'll just get an answering machine. *sigh* I talked to my fiance though and my abdomine isn't swollen and fever isn't that bad so we're going to see how I do tonight. If the fever gets worse, the pain gets worse ect then to the hospital I go and if I make it through the night then I'll be able to call my GI in the morning
Ok. You know your body better than anyone else does. Listen to your gut (no pun intended :) ) and you'll know what to do and when to do it. Get some rest in the meantime. Take care of yourself.

Just be sure to let us know how it turns out. We're all here for you and want you to be well. Sending lots of hugs your way!
I do have a quickie question...have any of you farted blood. This morning I felt like I had to use the bathroom so I ran to the bathroom and farted and blood and mucous came out only...I didn't pass any stool till later in the day. I've always wondered if I'm the only one farting blood(it tends to happen when things start getting pretty bad)
No you're not alone. I have often found blood stains on my undies during a flare - and not from menstruating. It's yucky, but definitely part of the yucky disease.
no, you are not does mean you have active bleeding though -

I would at least give the GI office a call- there is usually someone on call for emergencies, either a nurse or doctor.....

Also, if the blood is new or different, I would DEFINITELY give a call - you don't want that to get out of hand and end up literally bleeding to death....
I hope you're feeling a little better today! You should definitely call the GI if you didn't end up seeing or talking to anyone last night. I'm sure they'll want to check on the bleed.
This definitely sounds like an infection is likely. DO talk to your GI immediately and don't mess around! I'm sure you've already done this. Let us know the outcome!!
Hey everyone so my fever went down and is back to normal today. The pain is more dull and naggy today(sort of feels swollen but not horribly swollen) instead of sharp and stabbing. I was also able to pass a lot of stool this morning which was soft and mushy and bloody.

I gave my GI a call and he's out of town till Monday so they said if things get worse call my primary and if by Monday I feel need to be seen I can call and try to get squeezed in.

I think I'm gunna sort of hold out for as long as I can and see what happens. Who knows it may correct itsself *shrug* Thanks everyone for your help and support. I'll keep you updated if anything else happens
I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. I know you've said in a different thread that your dr's are somewhat unapproachable. That being said, don't let them intimidate you in your time of need. Be sure to bug the crap out of them if you need to! You come first!

Hang in there and keep us posted. Lots of hugs comin' at ya!
What ive learnt from crohns is that it rarely sorts itself out. I was in a lot of pain december time, downplayed my pain to the docs, still in pain + going to the toilet a lot more + more blood until last week when the GI decided it was time to keep me in the hospital. Now on a few different med and feeling great, just wish I didnt wait as long to be admitted.
Weird! I have been having stabbing pains today. Almost passed out when I was at the hospital having a bone scan done. I passed some formed stool, but didn't see any blood. Stabbing pains, sometimes take my breath away - they got better as the day went on but did not go away. Called the doctor office and they were not help. Said to go to the ER but when I do that, they always want me to see the doctor. Ugh.

Hope you are better. Don't put it off too long. If something did rupture in there, it will feel better because the pressure eased - not because it is better. A friend almost lost her son when his appendix ruptured. He felt better so he didn't tell anyone because he wanted to play in the big game. Seriously. He almost didn't make it and was in the hospital for like 6 weeks. So, just be careful, okay???
IF things are not vastly improved DO NOT wait around GO TO ER please please understand it is better for you to spend a few hours in ER and for them to confirm everything is OK rather than putting it off and something Bad happens This is not intended to worry you but you should never be complacent when dealing with CD you know what is "Normal" for you and if this isn't then please go to ER better safe than sorry , good luck x just a note passing blood IS NOT normal this is a sign something is wrong
Well I figured I'd update. Today I've been getting some sharp pain in my lower left quadrant(same area which felt like something pop or rupture or whatever) they sort of come and go as they please and it's normally on days which I go to the bathroom more. I've also noticed I went to the bathroom more times today than usual and as I kept going to the bathroom the stool got more and more bloody. The last time I went it was so bloody that it even showed on the TP(it was just striaght bright red blood on the TP no stool or anything else) so that was quite disheartening. After everything had been passed though I got really really hungry and then got naucious cause I was so hungry.

IDK I sort of feel like I'm being a drama queen since I've been worse, I've gone 20 times a day and it's been straight blood and watery diarreah, this the stool is soft and mushy but still slightly formed and I'm only going about 4-5 times a day. At the same time though it is bloody. I guess I feel like my doctors not concerned so I shouldn't be*shrug* I'm not beyond going to the ER though if I need to even if it's just to see if a CT scan shows inflammation in my descending colon(this is the area which has always been most severe and has always given me some trouble) It's just frustraiting that it seems lke the 6mp isn;t working. It worked so well for 4 months then all this...and it all started when I started bleeding outside of my menstral cycle(maybe that has something to do with the problems I'm having now with my crohns)

Well anyway thanks for reading that long post lol

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