Help me is it chron ?

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May 18, 2017
Its start when 2 months ago i had diarhea about months sometimes the stool is like mud but sometimes its soft and i notice a bright blood one time , i go to 4 dr and they always give me antibiotics. But now i dont have a diarhea again but my stool never normal like mud or soft but like pencil stool , i ever get normal for 4 days it been the best day with normal stool and normal bm . But after that i get mud tools or pencil tools with mucus and i saw a lot a dot of blood in it . The blood i only see about 2 or 3 times , Now i often pain in lower right my stomach , i have cramp too also back pain sometimes the pain is moving. Sometimes i get pain in my hand join and my knee . What do you think ? Is it chron symptomp ? ( Sorry my english is bad )
Welcome. You might want to see a gi about your stomach issues and a rheumatologist about the joint pain . Let usknow how you are.
I agree with Ron.I think you need some tests done to get an idea what's going on.Then you can be prescribed medication which will help.We can't diagnose you we can only advise and support.I hope you have access to a doctor who deals with digestive issues.
Please try to get proper help and let us know how you get on.Feel better soon.
Your English is fine,by the way.

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