Help me please! SUCH bad pain. SO bad.

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Jan 24, 2011
Kent, England
I will be 17 tomorrow. I'm in a ridiculous amount of pain with Crohns. It's normally fine, bad pains but I grit my teeth and wait for them to pass. I'm on Pentasa, Azathiaprine, Budosine (or a word like that). Been diagnosed for a year.
Since last week I've been in unbearable pain. Literally unimaginable. It hurts when I wake up, then I'm fine until 2pm. From then it's just greater-than-usual pain. At 5pm I am crippled. I cry out and flail about (it looks quite pathetic really!)
It feels deep but also muscular. It's from the ovary area to my rib cage, but worse lower. It hurts to cough and I walk with a hunch so as not to stretch out and ache. It expands round to my kidneys. Every so often there's a sharp back pain and one of those appendix-style pains, but very sharp.
I am then in this stated until 7.00am, when I wake up.
I even have trouble lifting my left leg because it's attached to the stomach muscles!
It started around the time of my period so my automatic assumption was that eveyone feels like this occasionally. But some of the lovely people on this site said that I shouldn't be feeling like this.

Pleasepleaseplease help me. I'm in so much pain.
Swelling around your time of the month contributes to the swelling of your digestive system. I understand the pain and discomfort. Try a hot water bottle and move it around your belly, so it warms it all over. That will help relax the muscles.

Understand your cramping from your period. Your female organs cramp as it tries to expel the tissue/blood from the area. Once you understand that, you will find that if you breathe through it and relax, that will pass much easier. It is not that long of a cramping. In fact, you can almost time it that you will need to "change" right after having a good cramp or two.

Secondly, let's address the digestive system pain. You sound like you are highly inflammed and swollen. So, given that, you need to reduce the swelling, so you can get the blood circulating and digestive system working properly.

Now that it is winter, make sure you are eating and drinking only hot or lukewarm items. Cold will add contractions to your stomach, which will make it more crampy.

Your right side has the ascending colon and the left side is the descending colon. From my experience.... Generally, if the left side hurts, it wants to relieve itself, but needs a little help moving it along. Rub up and down on that side if you get pain there. The right side pain is when food is trying to move through the tract, but either inflammation stops it or body is rejecting belly rubs are mandatory for that. I have had it where I almost pass out from the pain. After an Eastern doc showed me how to do belly rubs to help the body heal itself, I have been completely relieved of the ordeal.

So, take your flat palm of your hand and place it on your right hip area (to the side of the navel) and go upward to the edge of the rib cage, over to the left side and down around under the navel (use navel as center) and around to the right. Continue to do this as long as possible, as often as possible. Eventually, you will hear belly gurgling sounds and feel your belly get softer. When it has been unbearable, I have someone else do it. It first felt like I had a bruised belly and someone was pushing on bruises, but within a short time after daily rubs, I find myself falling asleep when it is done to me. It completely relaxes the muscles and warms the body.

I find Ginger tea to be most helpful. Soothes the stomach and relaxes it.

Hope this helps! If you can tolerate a back massage tool, use that on your stomach, going around in circles. The point is you are trying to get the blood circulating in your stomach/digestive system. It will help the body heal itself. Key is also to begin walking a few blocks a day, to keep the blood circulating.

Begin slowly and be gentle with yourself. This will help ease inflammation and pain naturally. Good luck!

Also eliminate any pop or gatorade or other drinks with additives in them. Drink warm teas and water for at least a month. These other drinks cause bloating, gas, same problems you are dealing with now. Also begin looking at ingredients in foods you are eating. There is a good chance you are eating something that is causing this. Dairy, grains, corn are high allergens for many people.
I will be 17 tomorrow. I'm in a ridiculous amount of pain with Crohns. It's normally fine, bad pains but I grit my teeth and wait for them to pass. I'm on Pentasa, Azathiaprine, Budosine (or a word like that). Been diagnosed for a year.
Since last week I've been in unbearable pain. Literally unimaginable. It hurts when I wake up, then I'm fine until 2pm. From then it's just greater-than-usual pain. At 5pm I am crippled. I cry out and flail about (it looks quite pathetic really!)
It feels deep but also muscular. It's from the ovary area to my rib cage, but worse lower. It hurts to cough and I walk with a hunch so as not to stretch out and ache. It expands round to my kidneys. Every so often there's a sharp back pain and one of those appendix-style pains, but very sharp.
I am then in this stated until 7.00am, when I wake up.
I even have trouble lifting my left leg because it's attached to the stomach muscles!
It started around the time of my period so my automatic assumption was that eveyone feels like this occasionally. But some of the lovely people on this site said that I shouldn't be feeling like this.

Pleasepleaseplease help me. I'm in so much pain.

You wont like my reply. But I had a fistula through my left fallopian tube, and a perforated sigmoid colon. I couldnt walk upright. I have one bit of advice you wont like, because I didnt like it either. Go to A&E. Your symtoms are very much like mine! Too much so!
That doesn't sound like 'normal' Crohn's pain to me. I get the severe cramps and constant low-grade pain, but constant severe pain is ER (A&E)-worthy. Off you go!
Happy Birthday Hannah and get to A&E pronto!
You mentioned appendix like pain?
One of the symptoms of this is not being able to lift your leg, my daughter was the same, her appendix had actually burst and peritonitis had set in
You shouldn't be in so much pain and just putting up with it, get to hospital, now!
Failing that, get your GP to come round and get him to phone an ambulance, thus avoiding A&E, you will then go straight to surgical ward via the GP, this is what we did with Jessica and the GP saved her life with his quick dx, don't delay.
I'm glad you're headed to the doctor as that tells me you're going to be ok. I'd be scared for you if you weren't. It's understandable that you're really scared and there's no doubt some testing heading your way, but I'm sure it's going to be ok.

Better now!

Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions! Went to the hospital, was given high amounts of antibiotics because the ultrasound didnt find anything. Couldn't keep anything down. Went to out of hours and was given a buscopan injection. Was up all night still in the worst pain of my life. Went to A and E where i collapsed and was sick again, and they just kept saying "we're not allowed to touch you, Hannah, sit yourself in the wheelchair or stay on the floor" (which to be honest I was SHOCKED at!!)
We were bundled into that back room in A and E where everyone assumes you're faking/it's your own fault. They kept telling me off for not taking paracetamol (which i would have taken if 1. I thought they'd do anything and 2. I thought I wouldnt throw them up before they reached my stomach) and eventually i was put in a ward.

I had like a blockage or something in the bowel and the blocked bit was really tiny. They thought they'd have to operate but they gave me large amounts of steroids and after several days of me freaking out (I was convinced I'd need a bag at age 17 and I wasn't particularly happy) they told me I was responding really well. I've just got home, being lazy for a week and taking Pred. But I'd rather take all the pred in the world than be in that amount of pain again!

And seeing as I'm 17 now, I'm with a new Doctor. Her name is Dr Hills, and apparently she's very good! Hopefully my Crohns'll be controlled pretty soon!!
I'm on an upped dose of azathioprine and might soon start the infusion one. But at the moment I am happy to say I'm out of the crippling pain, and ready to spend a week eating sweets, finally having my birthday presents, and being spoiled by friends and relatives!!

Thank you all for your help, and get well soon!!

:) :dance: :kiss:
Glad you went and got things sorted out! And happy belated birthday too....take it easy, and hope the new doctor works out well fo ryou!
Happy to see you on the mend! Be careful of eating too many sweets; that can cause you a little distress in the belly. Keep your spirits up!

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