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May 6, 2012
Good morning ladies

I was wondering if any would be able to answer this question, I have posted before about my problem now I need some answer please.... I have rectal and vaginal fisluas........ And will be starting remicade again my doctor is saying that the remicade will close them???????? Is this true...... I had remicade before for different reasons..... Every doctor I have talked to about fixing this with surgery keeps saying remicade is what is going to happen.....any any answers would be welcome:sign0085: And one more question: has anyone else had the vaginal one and if so how did you have intercourse? I hurt down there so much from the burning of the stool..... Oh god I hope someone can tell me something I'm going out of my mind.
If the fissures are being caused by the Crohn's itself (which it can during a flare) then getting the Crohn's under control should help. Hope the Remicade works for you. I've never taken it before though but many people have had success with it.

I've had tiny (we're talking less than half and inch long) fissures in the folds of the labia before and they did sting. All I did was keep the area clean and put Neosporin on them. If they were larger and closer to the vaginal opening then I wouldn't even bother with intercourse. All that's going to do is stretch the area and keep the wounds open if not make them bigger so I'd completely avoid it. There are other ways to please another person and yourself so I'd explore those options for now.
Mama & Mac,

Sorry to hear all that you are going through.

The Remicade has worked very well for rectal/vaginal fistulas. If you add 6mp to the mix, it makes it even more potent - but when you take the 2 meds together, it does put you at slight higher risk for lymphoma. So depending on how you feel about taking them together, I would strongly recommend that you start Remicade, with or without the 6MP.

In the meantime, while you wait for the Remicade to kick in, ask your doctor to write you a script for Flagyl/Cipro - which will help very quickly.

I assume the reason why the doctors all say no surgery, is because the tissue surrounding the fistula has to be healthy in order to close it. The anti-biotics and Remicade should do the trick in healing the tissue. So, after a while to give it time to work, I would re-address the surgery if the fistula has not closed on its own by then. The tissue would be more healthy, and if not, then they can do the flap procedure. Just make sure that you fiind a very good, experienced colorectal doctor.

Hopefully, you won't need any surgery, and the meds do the trick for you. Just to send some encouragement your way, other members such as Pasobuff and MyButtHurts, have had rectal vaginal fistulas and were given Remicade. The fistulas disappeared and did not come back in over 2 years.

Hope this helps you some - hang in there!
Thank you so much, just what I needed to hear.
It's nice to know its not only me, and I'm not a freak of
Thank you again
Thanks Tenacity for the tag....

Yes - I had recto-vaginal fistula(s) as well as perianal before going on Reimcade (in fact that is WHY I went on it!)...they closed up completely with no ill effects, and NO surgery within a couple of months of starting the treatment. These were fistulas that I had for 2-3 years before starting the Remicade. I was also on 6MP for about a year with it, then off since...going on 7 YEARS without a reoccurnce of any fistulas...and still on Remicade.

Good luck!
Thanks Tenacity for the tag....

Yes - I had recto-vaginal fistula(s) as well as perianal before going on Reimcade (in fact that is WHY I went on it!)...they closed up completely with no ill effects, and NO surgery within a couple of months of starting the treatment. These were fistulas that I had for 2-3 years before starting the Remicade. I was also on 6MP for about a year with it, then off since...going on 7 YEARS without a reoccurnce of any fistulas...and still on Remicade.

Good luck!

Thank you , thank you you have no idea how much you have just helped me, I have tried everything and nothing has I hope I'm as lucky as you,As I have had these since the beginning of 2007, to feel like a women again and not feel dirty anymore, wow that would be wonderful. Thank you again:mademyday:

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