i was dx with HS about 7 months ago...im not nearly as bad as some of the pictures i have seen online of others in this case i can completly understand them wanting to have surgery. i have had this "thing" for over 8 years now it has always been cut and drained in the office if it didnt open on its own. mine is located on the inner thigh/groin area it comes and goes but when its at its worst it hurts so bad even the pain meds dont really help it...i cannot get comfortable to sleep at night even walking hurts at times as every time i move my leg the skin kinda pulls and brings tears to my eyes. i have just met with a new dr which i like very much, he offered to have it removed along with some other "ones" down there that i didnt even know i had. he says they are not deep as it is a skin infections and told me that the biggest one (the most bothersome) will be the size of a quarter if not alittle larger and the others will be about dime size if not smaller. they will be left open to heal from the inside out...i just saw a plastic surgen last week and he said that i will not need a skin graft (thank god) so my question to any of you....has ANYONE ever had this done before???? i have 2 girls ages 3 & 5 they both will be going back to soon the end of august and i would like to have this done ASAP because i have no idea how much this will hurt or how long it will take to heal??? i have to be able to get them ready for and off to school my youngest is only in pre-school she goes for 2 hrs and 45 mins on tuesdays and thursdays. can anyone PLEASE give me some advice on what i should do or anyone whos had this done PLEASE tell me what to expect. dr did say this in no way will heal the disease the infection could come back in the same place or move at anytime. is it worth it or not is what im asking myself now??? i have dealt with this pain for many years now am i really ready to take chunks of my skin out to only have the problem return again??? HELP PLEASE!!!! thanks so much!!:frown::frown::frown: