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Mar 7, 2013
Help needed! I am posting this in case someone somewhere can give me a little hop or advice. We have just returned from a long, useful and open IBD appointment. We usually see the consultant but as that appt got cancelled we asked for an IBD nurse one. This was useful as communication is clearer. We established that B is doing better than he was but that there are still issues. We agreed ( or he did - just) to be referred to a psychologist to help with the emotional side of this condition. That was a huge step. Bloods are good, really pleases with ferritin at 58 instead of 8!!

However, B's latest issue is really bugging him. He feels like he needs to go to the toilet nearly all the time with that kind of pressure. His consultant said in March that mesalazine suppositories would help with that and reduce time on the toilet and stop the intermittent yet ongoing bleeding. Being 14 he finds the suppositories really hard to do but he has done about 3 a week for 3 weeks and they help but then symptoms come back. He also feels like he has 'runny' stuff that he needs to get rid of so eg before going to play football he goes to the toilet to ensure this stuff doesn't seep out or make him feel he needs to go. He did have this issue a long time ago but it did settle. He is not eating brilliantly due to allergic mucus we think in his throat. Could the stool issue be because he isn't eating enough t form the stool? Is is just a general symptom?

Please help if you can
Sorry no experience here with that but just wanted to send hugs and support, so glad his labs are looking up. I hope the other issues can be resolved!
We've never really dealt with this either. I do know I've read that some people do feel that sensation of having to go but just can't remember why/what the issue was?? It ?may? have had to do with inflammation in the rectal area - does he have inflammation in his rectum?

Hopefully someone else will come along or you can try searching rectal inflammation or BM pressure??? maybe something will come up.

My daughter has just been given hydrocortisone enema since she's having issues with urgency and school is starting in a week. She's refusing to try it (she's 16...teenagers!) but her doctor says it will help. Perhaps if your son is more cooperative, he could try it?
He has used suppositories but they can be inserted without tubes/ attachments etc so foam etc enemas are no good as we have tried before to use them with no success. We have school starting too...

thanks to you all for your replies
I have leakage often. I recently found out, from an MRI, that i have complex anal fistulae. Not sure, yet, if this is why. I don't have my follow up appt with my doctor until mid Oct.

I'm wondering if the urgency is what some of us discussed in a previous thread about phantom urges. I think the anal muscles stay inflamed or tense and it makes your body feel like it needs to go, even if it doesnt. It even feels like it is higher up than the anus, like there is a big stool that is trying to come out.

Blood could be from hemeroids from too much pushing.

Have him do one initial push when he gets on the toilet but if it is unproductive then to just sit and read. Try to relax and not push at all. This is the fastest way to make it stop. The more you push, the worse it becomes. Previously, it seemed the only way i could make it stop was to take a nap. . .now i realize it was because i kept pushing and pushing and making the area worse.

Good luck.
It sounds like tenesmus mum. We have no experience with it here but I think mlp's lad has suffered with it?? Hopefully she shall be along soon.

Thinking of you,
Dusty. xxx

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