Here's what pisses me off

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One Badass Dude
Aug 3, 2008
"If things get bad, just go to Emergency."


I even have my GP saying this.


Emergency is for, well.. just that: Emergencies. Accidents. Life threatening situations.

This is nuts. Why do I have to get worse in order to get better?
I completely understand. I only went to the er once my symptoms were unbearable for me since all my doctors kept telling me all I had was a bacterial infection.

Honestly though, if you can't see anyone and things get worse, I would go to the er to get the medical attention you need. Crohn's is serious(atleast I believe its more serious than people think)and getting the medical attention you need is going to make a difference.
For me, going to the ER was the only way I actually GOT a diagnosis. They did a barium CT scan and then an emergency colonscopy the next day. I wouldn't abuse the ER, but if you are still needing medical attention and not getting it, it may be the only way.
I know that sucks to hear GoJ, but if it's a choice between feeling like crap and going to the ER, I would choose the ER. Like - I hate taking pills, but the choice is to take them or feel like crap. Sounds like if you don't go, you're being stubborn just for the sake of making a point. I swear I'm not trying to be mean here, but you are getting worse, it seems from your posts. March 2010? You could be dead by then. People can die from Crohn's if it's not treated.
(Sorry - I think I'm getting my period. I'll stop posting for 4 -6 days now...)
The thing is that you can get a blockage you will know that if you are throwing up or in severe pain or you have not gone to the john. It is worth it even if you have to pay it can cost you your lfe. I have heard from an ER Dr.that one day you may be fine and then the next day you might have a blockage. Listen to your body. It is true the ER is for ER's but that situation is. Sorry i sound like i am preaching to you but i am in the same situation and it is agravating. you can block out everyone else in the ER and just think that there are so many others that are in our crohndition.
I hear ya. And it seems like no one in ER even knows anything about Crohn's.
Some big help THAT is. My theory remains about ER: If you don't have a broken
limb, they don't know what to do with you. If I had a dollar for every time I
got sent home because they didn't know what to do with me...:yrolleyes:
I don't have this issue, but if I did and I was bad like last year, I'd crap one of the bloody mounds of stool I have into a glass jar, take it to the counter, and explain "I've had 25 of these come out of me a day for 5 months, I feel like I'm going to die, and that's a big problem"
If somebody decided to do that ^ ^ ^ Benson's idea, I would REEEEEEALLY like to see that on video. Think about it.
Wow That would be so important to show the truth. If you have the guts to do that you may help so many of us. I think the idea of a medical center linked to a university is a good idea. I have had so many drs. act like I should not be in the ER and I was a hypochondriac. 1 doctor actually apologized to me when he got the bloodtest back and realized how sick I really was. If I only had that on tape!!
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For those less adventurous I'd say take colonoscopy print outs, or perhaps some financial paperwork from an EOB.

If I brought in how many tens of thousands the insurance company has helped pay for for my medications (6 months Remicade, 5 Cimzia, many others), I'd have to show them: "Look, you may be out of the loop on what exactly is going on inside me, but apparently my doctor was able to convince an insurance company, of all people, to spend 20 grand on trying to help me, I'm guessing there's a reason for that."
BWS1982 said:
I don't have this issue, but if I did and I was bad like last year, I'd crap one of the bloody mounds of stool I have into a glass jar, take it to the counter, and explain "I've had 25 of these come out of me a day for 5 months, I feel like I'm going to die, and that's a big problem"

i would LOVE to witness this. or do it myself. im usually a calm a cooperative patient (i get compliments from various drs and nurses lol), BUT when i get pushed past a certain point, you better freakin look out.

to me what is so frusterating about this is that many of us have been living with this disease for years and years, so if i say something is wrong its like HELLO?! im not lying. we each know our bodies very well i believe and if we get to the point of speaking up and saying we have a problem, then it should already be urgent to our GI's.
I'm lucky because the ER I go to is up the street and they know me on a first name basis (how sad is that).

They initially did give me the whole "you're lying" look and then I asked them about my blood work the nurse said "you're really sick, we're take care of you sorry".

One of the admitting nurses there has a friend with Crohn's and knows what it can do to you so I get priority whenever she's on shift.
i love the initial "you're lying" look! gosh it pisses me off! i think that's why (like most) i'm so hesitant to go the ER! then they give you the whole barium CT garbage and the complete run around... only to tell you, yep you're really sick! i feel ya, drew!
I met my GI doctor at the ER...luckily he was on call that night..
he wouldn't let me leave the hospital that night,
got me a room and diagnosed me a day later. :)
I have to admit to having decent ER experiences (though I am pretty patient...) I had never actually been to the ER for Crohns until about two years ago at the start of my current flare, but now I've been four times. I just know that I will have to sit quietly and wait for six hours so I come prepared.

Funniest one though was two summers ago. I walk into the triage and the nurse kind of looks at me like, what are you doing here (I'm fairly chipper and friendly to nurses and medical people, even when sick). So I can see she is mentally categorizing me into the slowest triage group (we'll see you in a year...) Then she took my temperature...then she took it again because she didn't believe it. I had a 104.9 temp (and a 140 heart rate). She immediately told one of the other nurses...could you put her on A track (or whatever)...and I got the "we'll put you in a bed NOW". Then apparently when my blood work came back, some of my numbers were off the charts, so much so that the Attending came in to see me just because he couldn't believe that my blood work could be so bad if I was sitting up and chatting and concious. I actually kind of love when that happens....Doctors get a bit funny when you have really ridiculous blood-work (which I frequently do).

Anyway, now I go to the ER of the hospital that my GI doctor and surgeon work at. As soon as I get there, they call my doctor so I never get any bull. Plus, last time I was there (for a blood clot after two weeks of hospitalization due to surgical complications) I got the fun experience of directing them as to what pain killer worked "best" for me...and they didn't even look at me funny.

Also...i will pretty much only go to ERs associated with teaching hopitals (luckily I've always lived in the Northeast or DC where this is eminatly possible). I realize its a bit snobby, but its also just my own personal choice about medical care. :)

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