Hey awesome forum :)

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 8, 2010
hey awesome forum :)

hi everyone, what an awesome place to finally join, i was dx in june 2010,
starting in may/june 2009 i started having outbreaks in my legs of erythema nodosum which got dx in november, of unknown causes and at the time not known of relation to crohns, so i got put prednisone to control the legs and that was it until june this year, had a massive flare in my legs and for the first time terrible bowel movements and fever and so on, luckily i saw my regular doc who had seen it once before (the erythema as a part of crohns), 2 days later saw a gastro and the next week got a colonoscopy, so much to take in in the space of a few weeks, straight away after the colonoscopy was told it was crohns pan colitis, which sent me into a bit of a spin, but ive had such wonderful support from my partner, and alot from just reading you experiences on here!!!
so now after a few follow up visits with the gastro, im on a fair bit of pred and pentasa, a few side effects so far, but at the same time im happy its helping control things! so i dont know what the road ahead holds at the moment, but so many people so far have helped me keep my chin up :)
ha ha as a note, no pun intended in my name "bogalo" its my sweet surname :D
Glad you explained the surname mistyped it at first as BOGLO:blush:

So glad you've found us!

Welcome to the forum xxxx:D
Kia ora Bogalo
Welcome to the forum. It's great to have another kiwi on here. You are right about the support here it's great and there is a lot of useful information. Great you got such a quick turnaround with visits to GP and then specialist.:sheep::sheep::welcome::sheep::sheep:
Hi Bogalo and :welcome:

I'm glad to see you found your way here! Kudos to your GP for being switched on, YAY! This certainly is a friendly and informative place and I hope you feel at home here. I look forward to seeing you around and please keep us posted on how you are travelling.

Welcome aboard!

Take care, :)

PS. Go easy on the sheep Aura or you'll give the Kiwi's a bad reputation! :ylol2::ylol2::ylol2:
ha ha go the sheep! yeah ive got super nice gp, and forgot to mention the lovely medical cover i have at my work which certainly help speed things up going private, not quite full cover, but dang i dont know where i would be without it!
Hi bogalo
and welcome

It's great that you have such a fab GP, not many on here have that!
glad you found us, lots of friends here, and good luck with the meds! We have a love/hate relationship with Pred!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
hi astra, yeah after reading alot i seem extremely lucky that my docs have caught onto things in a relatively short period compared to some others on this forum! my meds are kinda interesting at the mo, the pred was alot starting on 60mg, 35mg now, i know its really helping me, but being restless at night and bloated alot kinda sux, or would the bloating be from the pentasa? im not sure, got a review with my gastro guy in 3 weeks so i guess he will tell me whats what!
thank you so much for the welcome!!!
Hiya bogalo

I've been on Pentasa for 5 years and haven't noticed any bloating with it!
might be the Pred, I felt blown up with it! also the night times are the worst with Pred, insomnia is a killer! I used to get up at 5.30am to take mine then go back to bed, I found the earlier I took it, the earlier the wizzy feeling would stop, around midnight.
good luck!!
Hi Bogalo, glad you joined us!! My son is on Asocol which I have learned is just another form of Pentasa and he has had no side effects from it. Hope you stick around!!
hi dexy, thankyou for the welcome! its good to hear not too many effects from the pentasa!
thanks as well astra, i might try the getting up earlier and having my pred trick!!!
:sheep: oops I meant :banana: :roflanim:

We celebrate our sheep here. It the closest smile to anything NZ or kiwi like. For some reason, and I don't know why (te he he) sheep are mentioned at most weddings I attend by the bestman.

Bogalo I get a lot of bloating, generally because I have eated solid food. The more spicy or nice it is the more bloating I get. Generally about 6mths preggy look. If I eat low residue food I get less bloating and a more boring diet. I don't get bloating when I eat high fat junk food either - but I cant live on that:wink:
hey aura, the bloating thing is pretty funny on me since im normally a pretty slim guy, so apart from being uncomfortable having a big round tummy is pretty strange! looks like i might have to start experimenting with the boring diet thing!! thank you for the advice!
hi Zalanicht, thanks for the welcome!!!! man apart from New Zealand B.C is my most favourite place!!! so cant wait to go back, hope its as nice as ever over there! yeah im learning that pred is a very interesting monster to deal with, but all the advice on here for better or worse is helping me understand and deal with it!
Hi there, and :welcome:

As to the bloating - I had it really bad with my last flare, and tried all sorts of different eating plans/patterns with little success. But my bloating has been a lot less lately - I think it's a combination of the meds getting my inflammation under control and that I started doing basic yoga multiple times a week (just a DVD - don't have money for a class!). A blander diet would probably be good right now to give your system a bit of a break, but if it doesn't help your bloating much hang in there - you might just need some time for the meds to get the inflammation under control. Yoga probably wouldn't hurt, either :smile:
thanks inkystinky! hmmm maybe i could try the cool yoga training thing on my partners wii :)
im pretty reluctant about the blander diet, but it looks like i dont have much choice!!!!
hmmm maybe i could try the cool yoga training thing on my partners wii :)

Neat-O! I want a Wii... not in the budget right now, though.

im pretty reluctant about the blander diet, but it looks like i dont have much choice!!!!

Every Crohnie's a bit different about food - you'll have to figure out what works for you. For me when my meds are working I can eat nearly anything (except raw apples - instant cramps, it's really weird). But while you're flaring a blander diet is easier on your system. Earlier this year veggies were a major cause of my bloating, so you might want to watch for that.
yeah the Wii is pretty fun when i get a chance and or the energy to play!
i guess with the food i might start writing a diary to track things, it looks like a lot of people find that helpfull?! he he no worries bout the vege, i have what i need but not the greatest fan anyway, so ill listen to you on that 1 :)

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