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Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Dec 31, 2011
I stumbled upon this forum by mistake (or was it?), and decided to join.

I was diagnosed with what is "most likely" Crohn's disease in 4/09.

I initially went to the dr in the first place due to bleeding and mucous that would not go away for about 6 months. I thought I just had a hemorrhoid! Boy, was I wrong!

I got a colonoscopy along with biopsies and the doctors still are not 100% sure, but they believe I have a mild form of Crohn's. I was devastated by the news. I went into a deep depression (I've already had depression problems in the past).

Actually my symptoms were mild for a while, then starting 11/10 I started having more and more flare ups (due to food/stress). I've been taking Apriso for about 6 months and my dr just started me on imuran (hate it).

I am a professional dancer by hobby and my day job is working at a pharmacy. I love helping others. I'm 34 years old and have a wonderful, supportive fiancee. I hope I'll be able to have children...

I'm not sure what else to say...except hello! :)
Hi there and :welcome: How are things for you at the moment symptom wise? From what you have written I take it that you are having issues with the imuran? If so have a look at the treatment section as there wll be info on this where you can see what other people's experiences have been and what can be done to help with any side effects.
Hi and welcome! Our stories are pretty similar. I went to a GI when my only symptom was passing mucus. We assumed it was hemorroids, too, but I had a colonoscopy to leave no room for uncertainty. Like you, I was shocked by the results! Similarly, my GI can't positively say I have Crohn's as biopsies have yet to confirm, but it's pretty obvious that's what I have.

How long have you been on Imuran? Have you seen an improvement? I assume you are suffering from some side effects, since you "hate it". I sure hope you start to feel better soon.
Welcome to the forum rakstar!

Here's a link to the Imuran sub-forum that Angrybird mentioned.

Congratulations on the engagement! When are you getting married? :) Many people on here have been able to carry and deliver children and have discussed it here in this sub-forum. Join in if and when you're interested.

I'm really glad you stumbled on this site and happy you joined us. :hug:
If you hate taking the Imuran, speak about it with your doctor. Before I began taking meds after my last surgery, I told my GI doc I didn't want to take any Corticosteroids (i.e. prednisone) although I understand there are times this is the best med to take depending. I'm severely allergic to poison ivy and poison oak and only prednisone gets rid of it. I liked the fact it got rid of my poison ivy, but I didn't like the side effects. My GI doc said fine and has never discussed putting me on these types of drugs. He had me on Mercaptopurine for the last year and I recently began taking Humira injections. I expected the worse with these injections but no of the bad side effects happened. As for your depression, I don't know much about that. My wife gets depressed at times. I just keep loving her. I don't know what I would do without her. It's great to hear you have a very supportive fiancee.