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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 18, 2012
After poking around on this website for the past few days, I figured I'd join in and introduce myself.

So... I'm 31 years old, male, and I was just diagnosed with Crohn's yesterday. Can't say I was completely prepared for it. (The diagnosis isn't quite official, as we are waiting for the results of biopsies, but all signs point to the disease.)

At the end of last May, I ended up going to the hospital with intense stomach pains. Previous to this, I was pretty stressed out, and I had been taking more ibuprofen for back pain; all signs pointed to peptic ulcer disease and/or gastritis. I hopped on omeprazole (a proton-pump inhibitor, meant to stop my stomach from pumping acid like crazy) and was good for a little while... after my second visit to the hospital a couple months later, I finally headed to a gastroenterologist and had an endoscopy. Sure enough, I had gastritis, inflammation, and some healing ulcers, but I was feeling better and I was told to continue using the omeprazole and check back in a few months later.

Over the winter holiday, I started having lower GI problems while I was traveling and visiting my wife's family. At the time, I figured it was a separate problem that was perhaps unrelated to my tummy issues. Once we returned home, however, I was back in the hospital for the third time for yet more intense stomach pain. The ER nurses fixed me up with some morphine for the pain and a swig of something that resembled Maalox laced with novocaine (yuck); although I made mention of my recent diarrhea, there wasn't yet a clear connection.

Once I went back to the gastroenterologist for my follow-up appointment a couple days later (how convenient!), she was suspicious and we decided to do a second upper endoscopy. I had that done in mid-January, and the results still showed gastritis and duodenitis, which didn't add up -- I had quit using NSAIDs, which we had assumed was the root of the problem. In addition, my diarrhea hadn't let up either, which was additional cause for concern (and during this time, I was basically living off of a slightly expanded version of the BRAT diet, so it probably wasn't from the food I was eating.) She suggested that I have a blood and a stool test, and I agreed; I got off the omeprazole for a week in order to make sure the tests were accurate, and I waited for the results...

And there were no results. My gastrin levels in the blood were completely normal, there was no infection detected (parasites, C. Diff, etc.), so it was clear that some further investigation was going to be necessary. My gastroenterologist said that we'd have to do a colonoscopy and check for Crohn's, as my stomach problems could possibly be one of the symptoms of the disease.

Cut to yesterday morning: I awoke from my colonoscopy and was informed by my doctor that she suspected mild Crohn's disease. My ileum was moderately inflamed and had ulcers, and I had mild patchy erythema (redness) throughout my colon. In my doped-up state, I thanked the doctor and told her I was happy to have an answer; she prescribed some medications, and I'm going to call to schedule a follow-up soon.

Initially, I was happy to have a definitive answer as to why I wasn't feeling well, but now I'm not so sure. I'll admit, this has been tough to come to terms with, and I've been crying on-and-off all day. I'm sure it's pretty tough on my wife seeing me like this as well. Not fun.

I also know that the medicine that I've been prescribed -- if it works for me -- takes time. Before the colonoscopy I was switched to Dexilant as a PPI (in case the omeprazole was somehow causing my lower GI problems as an unfortunate side-effect), and I've now been prescribed Pentasa (and man, those are pills HUGE) and budesonide to get things under control. I started them yesterday.

Anyways, right now I'm kind of bouncing back and forth between optimism and despair, so I thought I'd share my story. You guys seem to have a pretty solid community going here, so hopefully you'll welcome me. :) Thanks for reading.
Hi JD and welcome to the forum.
You certainly have been hav
ing a really hard time of it.
Most of us feel shocked and unbelieving when first diagnosed with Crohn's but you will get to terms with it in time.
The medications will hopefully put you on the recovery route and lead to a remission.
There is a lot of information available to you on this site take a look around and you will find helpful information.
Sometimes it takes a little time for the meds to kick in and provide the relief you are seeking.
There will be other forum members who will be along shortly with their advice and experiences.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
Hello and welcome to the forum :bigwave: A diagnosis of crohns is never great but with time it can get better. It sound's like the doc has a good treatment plan in mind, the budesonide should bring down the inflammation (this is a med that ideally you only want to be on sort term), then the pentesa is used to keep it from reocurring. I hope this works for you, I have been on it myself and initially the tablets really are quite big and alarmng to look at. I used to try and swallow them down as quickly as possible as I found that as soon as water touched them they would start to break up - yuck! After a while you definetly get the trick with them though.

Definetly have a good look look around the forum as there is a lot of helpful info here. Please keep us updated on how you are getting on :)
A big warm welcome from me too :) I'm sure we can all relate to the mixed emotions a Crohns diagnosis brings after you've spent a while undiagnosed. There's the relief at finally knowing what's wrong and getting a treatment plan, but also having to get your head round having a chronic illness.
Have a good cry. It's better not to bottle it up. But I'd encourage you and your wife to have a good look round the forum. You'll get a good feel for the coping strategies that other Crohnies have found best and of course, we're here to listen and support in any way we can.
Hope the meds kick in soon and get you on the right track.
JFTM - your story sounds remarkably like mine (and many others on this forum). There is no doubting that Crohn's is an unpleasant condition with a wide range of problems often unique to each of us - but once you find your right treatment, life does eventually settle down and things can get back to an even keel.

I too don't tolerate Omeprazole - makes my tongue very sore, red, with small blisters(!). Switching to another PPI sorted that out (Lansoprazole in my case).

I've never taken a tablet form of Pentasa - I have always had, IMHO, the easier to take granular form. If it's a particular problem, get your doctor to change you over.

Budesonide - or - Prednisilone/Prednisone usually works well at getting your symptoms under control rapidly, offering some much wanted rapid relief.

I'd back everyone up here and cry as much as you want! Get all the pent up angst, worry and stress out.

I wish you all the best! Tony.
First off, thanks everyone! Your support means a lot. I'm still shaky but I think I can pull this off. :)

Secondly, I'll probably come back with some questions after I have a follow-up appointment with my GI doc. How to get to the point of remission, how to maintain it once I'm there through diet, etc. etc. etc. The board seems to have a LOT of info, it's just overwhelming at first. I know that much of the information here is probably super helpful, but because Crohn's is so different for every individual, it's hard for me to tell what advice is going to work for me, or what personal experiences I should be relating to. Right now, a lot of it is just making me upset and worried, but I'm sure that will pass with time (especially if I manage to get this under control).

Hopefully soon I'll be able to offer just as much support to others as you guys have given to me. I appreciate it. :)

I know exactly how you feel. While this site gives me comfort knowing everyone is so supportive and I have everyone to talk to, it also makes me very nervous seeing how differently it affects everyone. I've been sick for 3 months and finally being told its more than likely Crohns. Havent had my followup after the colonoscopy/endoscopy yet. Hope to this week. The waiting period is stressful beyond belief. Trying to stay positive about it but have my moments of weakness and cry. I know I will get through this and so will you. We both will find our strength with the more knowledge we gain. Hang in there. Hope you start feeling better soon.

I know exactly how you feel. While this site gives me comfort knowing everyone is so supportive and I have everyone to talk to, it also makes me very nervous seeing how differently it affects everyone. I've been sick for 3 months and finally being told its more than likely Crohns. Havent had my followup after the colonoscopy/endoscopy yet. Hope to this week. The waiting period is stressful beyond belief. Trying to stay positive about it but have my moments of weakness and cry. I know I will get through this and so will you. We both will find our strength with the more knowledge we gain. Hang in there. Hope you start feeling better soon.

Yep, that sums it up pretty much. I just read your other posts and I think I'm very much in the same boat -- like you, I wonder about whether or not I can have things like salsa or beer ever again, and up until very recently I hadn't even entertained the thought that Crohn's could be a possibility. I'm pretty tightly wound sometimes, so I actually assumed my issues were IBS. (I even went so far as to find a therapist a few weeks ago, thinking that it was stress/anxiety that was causing or exacerbating my digestive issues. Now that it looks like the culprit is Crohn's disease, she's going to have a LOT more work to do... hahahaha)

Anyways, lots of people here who are veterans of the board have been really kind and supportive, but it's extra nice to hear from another newbie who's in a very similar situation. Pretty sweet. :) You hang in there too pal. And get on your follow-up appointment -- I'm gonna call my gastro doc tomorrow and see if I can schedule something as well. Please keep me/us posted and I'll try to do the same.

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