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Aug 2, 2010
hi i joined this site to find out more about crohns as my 15month old baby girl is waiting to be tested for it.
she has constant diarrahea, bad pain which is is taken codine for but does not help much, also bleeds.
I feel so alone as ive had to fight for here to be refered to gastro.
I just dont know where to start or where to get help and advice from.
Please if anyone would like to give any advice it would be very greatful.
I'm so glad you have found us Amirah, Please don't feel alone there are some wonderful people here. My thoughts are with your family and your baby girl. I am so pleased that you have been referred to a gasto specialist. Welcome xxxxx
Hello Amirah, welcome to the forum. That has to be so hard on you and your daughter. I am sorry she is going through all this. Perhaps you could tell us what country you are from, that way someone in your area could give you an insight where to go for help. I am hoping she is seeing a Pediatric Gastro, as many meds are hard on Adults let alone a child. What tests is he enduring or have endured. Hugs to you and your daughter, let us know where you are.
Hi Amirah and :welcome:

Oh dear, this must be such a difficult, heartbreaking and scary time for you all. Keep fighting for your daughter until you get the answers you need. Jett has given great advice and yes, please seek out a paediatric gastroenterologist. Also keep a diary, writing down eveything that is happening with her - her pain, appetite, bowel motions, mood, any other symptoms and so on. If you want me to expand on each of those I will happily do so.

You have found a wonderful place, with stacks of friendly and knowledgeable people hanging out here. Please keep in touch so we can help you. You are not alone!

Take care, :)
Hi Amirah, welcome!! My little boy was 10 when dxed. I can't imagine a 15 month old having to go through this. Look in the Parents of Kids with IBD subforum under the Support forum. There is a little girl, Maddy, only a few months older than your daughter who has been going through a tough time. Her mother and grandmother are on here and I'm sure they'd be great support for you. Please post in there as well so others might catch your story that might have missed it here. Good luck!!! Take care of that little sweetheart:).

Please take Dusty's advice about writing things down and Chronically Stinky's as well. Arm yourself with info and questions before you talk with the GI!! This cannot be overemphasized!!!!!
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Hello Amirah and welcome to the Crohn's Forum.

I cannot imagine the feelings you must be going through
having a 15 month old child showing symptoms of Crohn's.

We do have a section here for parents of children with Crohn's.

Please please come back to this thread and let us know what the specialist says.

I will be holding your baby girl close in prayer and sending out positive thoughts.

Healing hugs~Nancy
Hello amirah, sorry to hear about what your daughter is going through and what it must be putting you through. It must be so heart wrenching for you. I hope you find some answers here and she gets the help she needs to feel better. You know many adults have trouble getting a clear diagnosis, even when they can speak for themselves. So just know the diagnosis of IBD is not simple, you are doing the right thing by trying to become educated, because it makes a world of difference to be able to ask the right questions of the doctors. Good luck and I hope she feels better soon!