Hi I'm new here and my name is Amanda

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 7, 2011
Hi, My name is Amanda and I am a 28 year old crohns patient. I was diagnosed in 12/2007 shortly after relocating from sunny, warm and expensive California to cold, wet and depressing Oregon. After being incorrectly diagnosed with uc, I found out in 2/2008 that I had Gastroduodenal Crohn's disease. A bad and painful form of crohns. I have been on nearly every crohns medication and many "lets try this it may work" medications. Prednisone about cost me my marriage and sanity, and also brought out a case of Bipolar 1. In 2010 I decided to forgo the western approch to crohns, I dont really care for lets give you medicine that doesnt work for you, oh and by the way it may give you cancer later. My crohns was completely in remission this past year while I was pregnant with my third little girl. However about 2 weeks ago my life took a big shit and now my crohns is so bad... After Vowing 18 months ago I'd never see a GI Doc again, I bit the bullet and made an appointment, I cant really walk around with a bleeding colon :(
Hi and welcome Amanda - glad you had a good run while pregnant - sucks you are having issues now.....

Stop in and take a look around - lots of really good information on the site!
Welcome to the forum Amanda! :D Sorry to hear you're in the middle of a flare but I'm glad you decided to go and see a GI again. I know the medication all sounds horrible but its the best we have right now unfortunately. Hope you find something that works for you soon.
Hi Amanda and welcome! I am sorry your remission had to come to an end, but congratulations on your little girl. I sure hope you and your GI can come up with a new plan of attack that will get you well and keep you well. Is your appointment soon? Good luck and let us know how it goes!
Hey Amanda

So sorry to hear you're not well, hoping the GI gets you sorted soon.

I was great during my two pregnancies too.

Welcome to the forum :) and hope you're feeling better soon :)

Welcome to the forum Amanda! :)
Sorry you aren't doing too well at the moment...
let's hope the GI doc gets you back on track!

Welcoming Hugs~Nancy
Hi Amanda and welcome

flare up's suck.
I had two great pregnancies also and was in remission on pentasa till my baby was 4 months old and like yourself after a move I had a flare, pentasa seemed to be making it worse so had to change. it's been 8 months now, i'm on reducing preds and back on asacolon. It's a slow process but i'm fighting hard knowing that I have had remissions before I'll do it again.

And so will you, good luck.

Gwen xxx
Hello Amanda! I’m sorry you aren’t doing great, but I’m glad you have found us! This is a great place to vent and commiserate (as I’m sure you are already learning). Welcome to the forum!
Hi Amanda and welcome!

I hope you and your doc can come up with a treatment plan to get you feeling better soon. What meds have you tried already? Did you pursue an alternative course of treatment when you gave up on western medicine? We are always eager to learn of other treatments that work!

Good luck - hope you are feeling better soon! - Amy

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