Hi, my husband was diagnosed last year. Kind of odd, he's 59. He's been very ill this year, a heart attack, pacemaker/defib that went off four times last January, an aortic aneurism that tried to burst, and a Mitral valve in his heart that had to be repaired. Besides all that, he still has severe Crohn's, a hernia the size of a basketball on his abdomen, that feels to him like it's going to burst at any minute, and hurts all day, every day, abscess around his stoma that has been there since last October when they did the Colostomy, five fistulas around his stoma that have never healed. He runs a fever most times, is on two types of antibiotics, and has lost a ton of weight. He's 6 foot, and weighs 158 most days. He has a slight case of congestive heart failure. He was supposed to start on Humera since his heart is a little better, but we found out this week our insurance will not pay for it, he's in the donut hole and we don't have thousands laying around to pay for it. So we don't have any idea at this point what to do. I spend most days trying to get him to eat, which he does very little of. I'm so afraid I will lose him. And I'm very, very tired. I haven't ever found any help. Any suggestions?