Hi, New here. This is my story

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Jul 31, 2010
Hi to all my name is Sara and I was diagnosed with crones at 18.I have been struggling with flares and complications for a few years now. It just seems to be getting worse the older I get. (I am 30 now) I am nervous about the way my health is taking a turn for the worse. On top of dealing with crones, I have now developed many secondary medical problems.
With my crones I find myself hospitalized for a week or more about 2-3 times a year. That is not counting numerous doctor visits and tests. I take Humira injections and various vitamins but nothing seems to really work. I have taken so many different medications over the years that there are too many to list. The other conditions that I have are
very high cholesteral (no idea why)
severe anemia (had to get blood transfusions)
Restless Leg Syndrome (yes it is real)
Extreme fatigue
mouth soars

So when I see all this it makes me worried. I am only 30, what is going to happen to me in 20 years? Sometimes I think that there has to be one undiagnosed condition causing all my problems. I have 3 young boys and I want to be as healthy and active for them as I can.
I have lived with my crones and its symptoms for so long it is a part of my daily life. The pain is constant and I have to watch what foods I eat so I dont trigger any flares. For me it is meat, spicy foods, and tomato based sauces. I stay away from these as much as I can. it is so hard to explain to family and friends why I am always so tired and not feeling well. I have never even known anyone with crones besides myself.
I guess I am glad I found this site. I have been wanting to do something to get in touch with people who know what i am going through for years, but I just never got around to it. I am anxious to read other posts and learn about what others with crones experience. Maybe I can learn something new or help someone else out.
Thanks for joining! I am new to the website as well it's hard and frustrating to tell your family and friends your tired or not feeling well. I have to take naps or rest my legs because I get tired alot I have tried to take supplements but doesn't help any. I have been having my legs jerk they say it's a sign of restless leg syndrome. I'm not for sure. I try to get my mind off the crohns I try not to think about it. I hope things get better for you!!! Keep your head held high I'm not good at advice as you can probably tell.
Hey...And darn, When I first glanced at your post I saw you said diagnosed at 18 and it got me excited thinking that you were near my age...then I saw you said 30 and got dissapointed....lol

But apart from that it seems like you have alot on your plate you are dealing with and I hope it gets better. Maybe your crohns will take a break for you so you can get back to normal life.
Hi Sara and welcome!! There is a ton of info on this site about diet and treatments and I'm sure with your experience you'll be able to add a lot more. I hope you stick around to learn and share. Some of our most experienced sufferers on here are having their own problems right now but the support is here for you.

At 30, you're just a spring chicken!! Ethan, you have no idea how close to 30 you are bro. Trust me:).
Hi Sara and :welcome:

I'm so glad you found us 'cause it sure sounds like you are struggling to get on top of things. Most of the symptoms you are describing sound like Crohns. There is a Humira Club on here -


Are you seeing the one GI and have you had a thorough reassessment rather than a treat the symptoms as they arise type thing?

There are many people on here that suffer with or have had the same problems as you so please don't feel alone with this.

I hope you you stick around so we can get to know you better and lend you some support and a helping hand.

Take care,
Sorry you are feeling poorly. Glad you found this forum. Lots of experience and support here. For myself, I go back and forth on whether or not specific foods bring on a flare. Certain foods can certainly exacerbate a flare, but in my record keeping so far, it seems my flares are more triggered by changes in routine-- unexpected deadline at work, travel, not enough rest time or "me" time. With three little ones, most people without Crohn's are tired all the time! As a mom I always 'pushed' myself for my daughter, but had to learn (repeatedly!) that if I didn't take care of me, there was no way I could effectively take care of her. I hope you have some family or play group support to give you a little break now and then.

Hi Sara and welcome. I am also new here. I suffered from restless leg syndrome for months with uncontolled jerking and general fatigue. I was told that this is another symptom of Crohn's by my GI who recommended 500mg of Magnesium daily. I found that it helps immensely and I have managed to at least combat one of the many symptoms of this horrible disease.

Sending you positive vibes.
Hi Sara
and welcome
where are you?

glad you found us, it must be hard with 3 little uns!
have you tried the low residue diet? I think this would work for you, it gives your bowels a rest, it's basically white foods, nothing coloured! white bread, white rice, chicken, turkey, white fish, potatoes and white cheese, no meat, no tomatoes! throw in the odd banana for an energy boost too! It works!
I have mouth ulcers too, all part of being a Crohnie I'm afraid!
enjoy the forum, lots of laughs here and friends too, any questions, just shoot!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hello and welcome Sara! Sorry to hear you're having a rough time of it...i'm afraid i'm not much good with the advice but I can offer hugs! :hug:

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