
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 1, 2010
Starting to think I may be the Lt. Dan of CD. My Mom has it and almost died from CD in the 80's. Luckily since they removed her colon and most of her small intestine she's been ok with just an occasional flare. Dad passed from Colon Cancer mid 90's. Grandma and Great Grandma always had to be near a bathroom as my mom puts it. My mom's twin has CD as well as her brother.

Because of my family history I've had routine colonoscopies. Last one was last year but touched off a bout of D that I called the GI about. He said I picked up a virus. Eventually went away but my stools were never the same after that.

Last month contracted some type of stomache virus and my GI thinks it may have unmasked CD. I'm being treated for Post Infectious IBS with Align and I am doing the SCD which has reduced the D to one or two times a day which is awesome. Lost 20lb and there's been quite a bit of blood that I thought was 'roids but just noticed a little that was actually in the blob of stool in the bowl this morning and started thinking about all the years I haven't been able to eat popcorn or high fiber items without the same thing happening. However, I've never had the severe crippling pain like my Mom and alot of people on this forum have had so I never concidered CD.

My weight has stabalized and I'm only going one, maybe two times a day if I stick to the diet. I'm fortunate in that my office is about 3 steps from the bathroom. I'm unfortunate in that noboby really wants to talk about it. My wife told me to go get a nice salad. lol!

So here I am. I know most of you have had a really hard time with this disease and I'm extremely impressed by how brave you all are. I don't really deserve to even be on this forum because I'm not diagnosed and my symptoms are so mild. CD has always been my worst nightmare. My mom's ate into her vagina, clogged her bladder, and they had to take out so much of her instestines the Dr's said if it comes back surgery wouldn't be an option. Now that was in the 80's, but I was in high school and remember visiting her in the hospital and she was so sick she didn't know who I was. Scary stuff that I never wanted to go through.

Reading all of your stories really makes me feel like a pansy and I'm really not worthy to be posting here, but since the pm said they'd like it if we post something here it is.

I look forward to hanging out for awhile, unless this really is PI IBS then I'll need to find another forum lol! But I'm not holding my breath.
:welcome: You are certainly welcome here!! So glad you did join us! We learn from each other, and family is important and so is support from here! Anyone with a family member or friend who has any form or trying to get diagnosed with IBD is most welcome! This is a debilitating disease and very hereditary for some.

I have CD, my sister had Crohns colitis and bleeds, my older brother UC and my younger sister Gerd and thyroid and IBS.. my 49 yr old uncle died of intestinal cancer, my grandmother had Gastroenitis, and my mother...nothing, healthy as a horse at 75! My younger brother has something to but he wont get tested and I know that it is a mistake.

Being tested takes a long time for some, took me a year, others first shot. Had my appendix out and 2 resections so if you can get a diagnosis soon , treating it before it gets worse. Glad you found us!!!!
Welcome TMos,

You certainly are not a Pansy. Your problems are very real and I imagine there is also a bit of fear of the unknown mixed in there. I'm new to this forum but there is support and lots and lots of good information. Keep a positive attitude, it really helps. Good luck.
hi Tmos, and welcome to the forum! of course you are entitled to be here - please don't even worry about that for a second. you're suffering - you're worried you might have IBD - you more than qualify to be a part of our family!

even if it turns out to be IBS, and you feel you need more experienced support with that than you find here, you can always remain a part of this forum as well as any other :)

it's good to read that you've got things pretty much under control just now, and i know what you mean about having nobody to talk to about these issues. IBD/bowels are still a taboo conversation piece away from places like our forum, or support groups.... people either just don't want to hear, or they don't understand.

looking forward to seeing you around :)
Tmos, welcome. Just want to say that if your feeling like a pansy then I guess the rest of us are too. Even if you don't have CD you still belong here if for anything else, your mom. Being a family member of someone that has CD also makes you a sufferer of CD by having to watch your mom live with it. You have to be her biggest support person because we all need as much support as possible and some don't get it at all.
You just pull up a chair, relax and have some fun here. When you need advice or answer just fire away. We are here for each other and really, all of us have felt like we're being pansies at one time or another w/CD.
Good luck
Welcome Tmos, You're not a pansy, Crohn's sucks!! I try to keep a positive altitude, and at the moment eat later in the day, the pain starts within 4 hours of eating. Tomorrow I find out what the Dr. has decided to do to help me. I pray it works. Good luck and hope you find what you're looking for here, I have!!
Hi TMos, welcome!! I don't have CD, my son does. I couldn't feel more welcome on here!! Any question you have, someone will have experience. Many long time sufferers on here who know ibd inside and out. With your family history, I don't see how anyone could positively rule out ibd so please stick around no matter what the docs say!!
Hi TMos,firstly your not a pansey,don't be too hard on yourself, its a worrying time for you. I alway's talk about it even if nobody wants to listen, ignorance is not alway's bliss.You have every right to be in this forum and hope that you get all the support and understanding that we all get from it.you can also learn to recognise things that are going on. so keep in touch. lol peakey1553
crohns 2008 diagnosed age 55
Hi TMos and :welcome:

Oh boy if you don't reckon you should be on here with what you've got then I should be :eek:utahere: 'cause I don't have IBD, IBS or I anything!!! :ylol2:

Seriously though this is a great place for support and info and you don't need a diagnosis to be here but with a family history like that well...............

You will be a most welcome addition to the forum and I hope you stick around so we can all learn from each other. Please keep us posted on how are doing and welcome aboard!!!

All the best, :)
Hi TMos
and welcome

You are so welcome here with us, and you're not a pansy, you're ill with something, this isn't normal what's happening, hope you get some answers soon.
I was labelled with IBS for 15 years! In my personal opinion, you do not bleed or lose weight with IBS!
persist and insist, get a second opinion if you have to, but don't be fobbed off, be assertive and scream for that dx!
glad you found us, lots of friends here for you
lotsa luv
Joan xxx

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