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Sep 14, 2010
Hi all.............just thought I'd give you a brief rundown about me.........

I was diagnosed with crohns in March 2001 after over 6 years of gruesome tests and 3 misdiagnosis. Struggled along for 5 further years where I tried prednisolone, pentasa, asacol, azaithioprine, budesonide and mebeverine. None of which worked as I developed fistulae in my rectum and small bowel...........great pain let me tell ya, eventually had bowel resection surgery which left me with an illeostomy, that was 2006. I had the stoma for two years and felt like a new woman, the fistulae healed, I put on weight and had zero symptoms. So........for some ridiculous reason I decided to have the stoma reversed.............well what a bad idea that was!!!! I lasted about 2 years max before I felt terrible again.......all the symptoms are now back with a vengeance, my disease is now active where I had my resection surgery and the weight is dropping off me again!!
So anyway I'm now waiting to try Humira.........need some advice and need cheering up to be honest :-(
Feel as though all I've gone through has been for nothing cos I'm back where I started. Sorry about the negativity just feeling sorry for myself.

I used to come on here in 2005/06 when my disease was really bad and felt this site to be extremely helpful and informative. Looking forward to catching up with old members and meeting some new.

HI Ruth :welcome: I know you feel lost sometimes, frustrated and just plain angry. You have every right and venting here is certainly allowed. No two people have the exact same problem and even tho we share similarities in this disease, one thing for certain, there is no certainty, not in this disease. Surgery is good for some and others, it just wont go away.

Hopefully the Humira will help settle things down, but truly I am surprised they didnt start you Remicade first. What ever helps you your doctor should be able to help keep flares down. Decisions are so hard for ourselves as we think what will work on for one, may work for me. Scary.

Lots of advice and great people here to help you out. I have only had resections but there are many with stomas, and other surguries.. Glad you found us, sorry you had to be here, but welcome aboard!:thumright:

Thanks Pen...............is Remicade Infliximab in the UK? cant remember lol
Over here, or at least in my part of the country, there have been more positive results so far from Humira...........so I asked if I could try that instead.

Hiya Ruth
and welcome back!

so sorry this is happening again for you!
Wishing you loads of success with the Humira, I've asked for it too, but been turned down! gonna keep asking tho til they get fed up with me! I'd prefer humira over remi, hate the thought of infusions in hospital, at least you can self admin humira shots.
we call remicade infliximab over here, yeah
check out the Humira Club thread, lots of success stories.
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi Joan...........yeah thought so..........I'm with you on the infusions via a hospital visit.........would much rather self medicate :)

Hey Ruth...Err glad to hear & sorry to hear your back. Been there when you need somehelp emotionally. Although friends and family are good...there is nothing like the people here. I hope the medications work...Keep posting..Try and stay positive...Sue
Hi Sue :)

I've cheered up a little already after only being on here a short amount of time........knew there was a good reason to come back lol

Hey Ruth I agree with going on Humira first, human protein, I found it to be milder than Inflixamab.. Remicade. Remicaid is mouse protein which I had a severe reaction to. The Humira worked for me but then went double doses and nothing... but that is just me, others are doing amazing.

I have absolutely no fear of needles, I had the syringe and self injected. IV's ...that is a different story. When I get an IV, I tell them you get one try, or find someone who wll, my last time in the hospital ER...7 damn pokes!:eek:

Hope the Humira does wonderous for you! Keep us posted.;)
ouch lol...........thankfully I am ok with ivs or needles.........think my hubby would rather I didnt have needles tho........he goes green at just the mention of them, bless him lol
Welcome back Ruth :)
Don't be sorry for being negative, this disease sucks and it feels good to have a vent! Best of luck with the Humira. I've been reading through the Humira Club thread because if my Methotrexate doesn't work, that and Remicade will be my next step and the results sound so positive. I hope you stick around and definitely keep us updated with your Humira journey :D
Hi Ruth, :bigwave:

Welcome back!!! Sorry to hear about all you are going through. I can't add anything to what already has been said except to say I hope you find some answers and relief very soon.



Dusty. :)
Hey Ruth and Welcome.

Sorry to hear your going through a rough ride. You have every right to feel crappy and negative, we all do at times espec when we are having a flare. I will cross my fingers that the humria works for you.

Sure your come across lots of advice here, I have had resection but no illeostomy.

Sending you lots of get well wishesxxxxx

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