
Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 1, 2012
My name is Eric. I am 16 years old and have been diagnosed with Crohns for 6 years now. I used to feel that I was the only person I knew with it. Everytime I told somebody I had crohns, they would aways ask me what that was. I am an active participant in baseball, and look to play it at the collegate levels. I feel that crohns has hindered my abilities, along the lines of getting stronger and it forces me to miss a lot of practices. I am currently on Imurane, prednisone (what a joy lol), probiotics, and calcium supplements. This is much better than what I used to be on. I was on 60 mg of prednisone a day, imurane, flagyl, probiotics, pentasa, and other various small types of meds. Having to worry about if I am going to be able to make it to the bathroom at school, without having an accident, is the biggest thing I have to worry about. Kids at school don't seem to understand what people with crohns go through. I have to take anywhere from 2-4 tablets of Imodium each day to make sure I don't have an accident. My parents have been divorced for 5 years, and the stress that comes with duel-residency does not help my condition at all. Now in my junior year I have to balance home life, social life, baseball, school, and my disease. I'm glad that my school just started a meeting group for kids that have crohns, to talk about what they go through, kinda like this site. We are now up to 6 kids, which is a lot more people than I thought had it at my school. Thank you for taking the time to read this, it feels good to get this out to people that understand what I am going through.
Hi Eric and :welcome: to the forum. Is you doc aware that despite the meds you are still taking Imodium because of your symptoms? It is not ideal to be taking this on such a regular basis and really the others meds should be sorting things for you.......

I am glad that the school has a group that you can talk to, I think it can really help to talk to people who has the disease and can totally 'get it' when you are having a bad day. Also pleased that you have decided to join here - there is a lot of really helpful info and support here fro a great bunch of people.

Wishing you call the best.


NB I have also moved your post into it's own thread so more people can come and say 'hi'
Hi Eric,

Just wanted to say that it's AWESOME that you have a group like that in your school. This website is great and you'll find a lot of supportive people and helpful advice, but it's always cool to meet people face-to-face as well. I haven't been on this forum too long, but I think there's a section that's devoted to teenagers, so you might be able to connect with some more of your peers who know exactly what you're dealing with.
Hi Eric and welcome to the forum. I'm pleased that you found your way here.

If you're having trouble with diarrhea still, I suggest taking a look at this thread. If it's interesting to you, discuss the idea with your doctor. It would be much better than taking that much immodium each day (not good).

Again, welcome!
Dear angrybird, yes my doctor is aware that I am on the Imodium, and he says that it is fine that I'm on it, but not to take more than 4 a day. During the past two days I have started to see small improvements, but I'm glad there are improvements at all. Glad that there are people to talk to in case in need help. Thanks to all.
Hello, I'm also 16. And very active is sports, volleyball& softball. I've had Chrons for almost 4 years. Some of my closest friends still dont understand what it is... Only what food I have to stay away from. I never would have thought so many people had it.. Glad you found people I talk to! & welcome:)
Four Imodium a day? I was taking 12-15 before my inital diagnosis!

My son plays baseball for his high school. So I know the time and the physical effort that goes into that! I admire the fact you still push through. That will be an important
part of coping with Crohns.

Good luck!

Hi Eric - my son plays baseball on a competitive travel team. It can be a real struggle sometimes. He is worried that he won't achieve his dream of playing in college but I tell him that there are many examples of athletes who have overcome this illness ... you just may need to try harder and be tougher. Two years ago our high school team had another player who had Crohn's ... he is now playing college ball. Examples like you and him are an inspiration to my son. Thank you and I hope you achieve all your goals.